
The Champion of The Creator book 1: The beginning

Welcome to my world

BlazePro · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: The Start of the Blood

Charlie was walking home with the daughter and mother, the daughter walked next to Charlie and asked "what is your name" Charlie didn't respond then she said " quiet type ay, well I'll say my name first my name is…" Charlie calmly said "My name is Charlie" the daughter said in response " Oh, ok Charlie my name is Abigail and I just wanted to thank you again for stopping that robber, but I just wanted to ask how did you stop the robber in the alley with no problem at all" Charlie stood there in silence thinking on what to say then he found the words " I guess was made that way" Abigail giggled and said "ok Mr. special". Then in a couple moments, there finally was the hot, and baron waste land, fields as dry as a desert, and cows as skinny as a stick he looked around with sadness and pity, Charlie asked "what happened here" Abigail responded "ever since the new king was crowned, he's been diverting all kingdom resources to concerning all his so called enemies that we were never at war with in the first place, but he's the king and we got to do what he says" the three of them go to the nearly broken down farm house and rest. Then on the next day a cool morning, the birds are chirping, the cows mooing, and the chickens clucking it was a peaceful morning, Abigail woke up to the unusual morning she walked to the porch and her tired eye's opened to the site of green and healthy grass, cows, and chickens, but the most surprising thing is Charlie planting vegetables in the once dry and dead crop fields. Abigail ran up to Charlie and asked "Charlie, (stutter), (stutter), how did you do this" Charlie responded "I guess I was made that way" Abigail smiled and hugged Charlie, Charlie hugged back and smiled. Then a new friendship was born Abigail and Charlie did everything together, and as the years went by friendship turned into love, two months until the day of the wedding Charlie thought and thought, then decided that he could not keep his secret anymore, Charlie told Abigail that he was the creator of everything, at first Abigail didn't believe Charlie until Charlie showed Abigail his power and Abigail new that Charlie is telling the truth and that she was going to be married to the creator of everything. Abigail was in shock and Charlie told her "Abigail, if you don't want to be with me anymore, I understand, but always know I will always lo…" Abigail kissed Charlie and said " Charlie even if you are the creator of everything I will still love you because you will always be the guy who help me and my mother without thinking twice, the guy who I spent days with, and you will be the guy who I get married to and love with every fiber of my body, till death do we part.". On the day of the wedding Charlie was nervous Abigail's mother comforted Charlie and said, "it's ok to be nervous Charlie especial on this special day" Charlie responded, "I know it's just I'm nervous because today is the biggest day of my life because I'm unsure what can happen after today" and before the mother could speak the bell rang and Charlie was sent his way. Then as Charlie walked up to the platform the flower carrier walked through the path throwing flowers left and right and behind her the beautiful future wife in her white dress, Abigail walked up the stairs on to the platform, the priest started to read his book, while Charlie and Abigail look at each other. Then just before the I do's, A sudden strike of lightning stroke near the wedding site and from that lightning came the creator god Zeus as soon as he appeared everyone kneeled except Charlie. Then Zeus started to walk up to Charlie, Abigail stood up and said "I don't know why you're here Zeus but you will not ruin me and Charlie's wedding" Zeus responded "Ruin this wedding, why would I ruin my masters wedding" everyone was in shock, then Charlie said "Zeus it has been a while since we have met, what brings you here" Zeus responds "it would be a dishonor to miss my masters wedding" so Zeus sat down and the wedding continued, the priest said "do you Abigail Rodriguez take Charlie as your husband" Abigail responds "I do" then the priest said "and you Charlie take Abigail as you lovely wife" Charlie says "I do" then the priest declares them husband and wife, then they kiss and everyone cheers in celebration. Then 3 years later the Spouses soon became mother and father, then the start of a new bloodline was born, a beautiful boy and girl with no idea what they are.