
The Champion of The Creator book 1: The beginning

Welcome to my world

BlazePro · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: The Creator

Once Upon a time, before the dawn of time, there was a being with eminence power he existed in total darkness until he felt a eternal loneliness and said "let there be light "then suddenly light burst is out of nowhere and there came the first sun and stars that shined bright in the never-ending void of space. The being stared at the bright gloom emanating from the sun almost at tears of joy, however he wasn't satisfied so then he created 20 humanoid lifeforms with God-like power and called them Gods and sent them off to create life, but one of the Gods (soon to be the strongest creator God Zeus) asked "what do we create" The creator (as he called himself) responded "You tell me" then with a snap of a finger he created one of the many millions of universes that the 20 gods would chose to live in and create life. Then as he sent them off, the being thought repeatedly there could be more, so he set off making more gods and universes and repeating the same thing over and over again for 10 Eons until he was satisfied with the results and went back to his first creations and went through all the planets of every God down to the last atom and out of the hundreds of thousands of planets over half of them couldn't sustain life. Later, the line he got to the last planet was one created by Zeus. This planet had minor gods who will keep balance to the world when it is necessary and microorganisms that evolve slowly and communicate with one another to form family's, packs, and groups. Out of all the planets the creator has seen this one was his favorite because of the little details that make this world so interesting, but there was something missing "a name" so the creator asked Zeus "what is the name of such a fine planet" Zeus smiled with a grin and remembered what the creator said to him all those years ago and said with pride "You tell me" the creator was flattered and honored. He thought for a while and kept on thinking until he found the perfect name "Earth" Zeus smiled with this name knowing it was a suitable name for this planet then the creator disappeared into the nothingness of space. 1 Billion years have passed since the creator visited earth and informed of new beings called humans who have evolved and grown in numbers, however when he was informed of this he was eager to experience life on earth in person, but the thought of the dangers that would come with going, he took 61 million years to decide and decided to go he teleported to earth and saw intelligent life there so he looked at the biology of these intelligent beings and then generated a young adult male human in the great city Olympus and see's the beautiful golden palace made in Zeus's name, only the king and royal family can live there, The creator gave himself Charlie as a name and ragged clothing. Then he saw people walking and wanted to try it for the first time, at first he tripped again and again, but eventually he got it, he started to walk towards the city and when he got to the main street to the noble men houses, a noble men stopped next to him on his horse and told Charlie to shine his shoe, but when Charlie said no to the noble men got out knocked Charlie to the ground and said "excuse me peasant" Charlie experienced pain for the first time he was exited but angry Charlie got up and said "you heard me" the noble men reached for his whip and swung, but Charlie grabbed it and pulled it out of the noble men's hand right before the whip hit Charlies body. Then the noble men had fear in his eye and tried running for his horse but Charlie as the creator of the creator of this planet made the horse run away right before the noble men could get on, the noble men tripped and landed In front of a nearby wall he was pinned as Charlie walked towards him, he begged and begged for Charlie to let him go, but then Charlie looked into all the evil acts the noble men had done and when Charlie got to the noble men he said "you don't deserve to be spared" Charlie put his hand in front of the noble men's face and burned off his skin until his bone turned to ash and his atoms were incinerated. Then as the noble mans screams subsided and only a pile of ash was left of him, Charlie's set off to explore more of the city and left the smoldering ashes of the man there to burn. Charlie got farther into the trade street where there was good smelling food, ripe vegetables and fruit, but the most popular thing was robbing, a man sneaked behind a woman and stole her money pouch, Charlie saw this and ran after the thief catching him at a dead end, the man pulled out his knife threatening to kill Charlie if he came any closer, Charlie was amused then came closer, the thief lunged forward to kill Charlie, but Charlie dodged him leading the man to crash into stacked pieces of wood knocking him out, then the guards who were looking for the thief (with the woman and her daughter) heard the crash and went towards it to see the thief buried in wood and Charlie standing behind him holding the pouch. Then Charlie walked towards the woman and her daughter giving them the pouch and at the same time the guards went and arrested the thief, then the woman thanked Charlie as he was leaving the scene. The daughter pleaded with her mother to take Charlie in to show him our gratitude, her mother agreed and told her daughter to run after Charlie and then she ran to Charlie and offered Charlie to stay at their home, Charlie had never encountered a woman of such beauty he nervously accepted.