
The Celestial Forge - Traveler Edition

The Celestial Forge is a godly creation made who knows how long ago and one of the most powerful things in the multiverse. It has chosen its new host but has decided to give them a twist they are not on there world and they will have to travel to others to find his way back. Will he succeed? Why don't you find out

wizardoggo · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

CH.5 Huh that may be a problem?

To say blessing bullets were easy would be a lie. It was incredibly easy all I had to do was enchant the bullet making machines and then tie the enchantment to the latent magic from the area and considering the fortress was already in an area of latent mana it was easy and even easier considering the literal apocalyptic being down below which was concerning but yeah this enchantment would disappear after a while if the mana source disappeared (Its the apocalyptic threat giving out the latent mana).

Anyway after getting some literal Christian priests who had actual faith powers, which gave me a lot to think about, they may have actually started silently worshiping me considering what I did was nearly impossible for all of the nearby priests and because they use there magic through god and their belief in him. That would definitely pop up o be a problem in the future but that is my future self's problem.

Continuing on after that I was given what I wanted. Firstly I was given actual proper sturdy and durable ranger clothes for my journey and I was also given 2 fine looking Belgian Pinfires and 1 Harper Ferry's model both came with 150 bullets for each the bullets were divided between the 2 revolvers though. Now I obviously was going to improve on the weapons soon but since I still had some time left, since they were gathering my requested information, I went out into the streets and charmed a man with a banjo to give it to me.

I then showed of my skills, firstly putting my hat on the ground to get some money, and started jamming now me being the ultimate in everything means I am the figurative "best" at everything like playing the banjo which in itself is a previous instrument I used to play but I played a previous favorite of mine. Bluegrass banjo-country music and with some magic effects I was golden more and more people came on by listening to me absolutely rip the banjo.

It got so good some people started dancing with there partners or even other people unfortunately the music only goes on for so long and I saw a ranger with a secure leather briefcase in his hand tapping his feat to the beat, he was the guy that was gonna give me my info, so once it ended I gave a slow graceful bow and everyone started cheering and throwing me money. Just as planned.

Anyway after gaining a couple thousand dollars and talking to everyone thanking them for giving it to me etc. I walked up to ranger man 56 and he handed me the briefcase and gave me a "Good luck on your journey mage make sure to help as much as you can. Were relying on you." And the guy just walked of coolly like dam am I really that anti social looking or evil looking all he said was one thing.

And so I walked of into the wastes heading to Georgia ready to complete my task of going to Georgia? All I knew was that I should be at Georgia for a reason. But yeah anyway once out of view of the fortress I started using [Manipulate metal] on my new gats you see being a literal genius who can and will build spaceships this guns were incredibly inadequate for one such as myself (Didn't use it against big beasty guy because setting up traps were a lot more beneficial than a better gun) and because of that I just turned my Harper Ferry into a Martin 336 and my 2 Belgian Pinfires into 2 Colt 1860s I off course got rid of all of their flaws and made them better in every way.

And if your wondering why I didn't make a Malorian Arms 3516 pistol (Cyberpunk Johnny Silverhand gun if you didn't know) well that was because its a literal gun from the future [Manipulate Metal] is good sure but not that good.

Anyway once I finished gucciing up I decided that walking through the land to get to Georgia to see if I did attract weird mythological demons or whatever was a inefficient plan as such I used a very useful spell [Command Elemental] which is basically making a elemental horse well of nearby material and the nearby material was earth so I got a cool looking elemental horse.

And so I chilled and started planning while on my new horse buddy I finally got bombarded by my new perks I had been wondering when they would appear.


Mega Bomb | Guru (Chrono Trigger) (1200CP)

Mega Bomb (600CP)

Magic and Technology are both capable of some pretty fantastic things. So why not put them together, and see what happens? You now understand the secret to integrating magic seamlessly into your mechanical devices, enabling you to create devices like bombs powered with fire magic or medkits that use healing magic. While initially your devices will be one-shots that rely on a magical charge you have to deliver, in time, you'll learn how to make much more advanced fusions, such machines that run on magical power sources, or automated spellcasting devices. In the end, the only limit is your skill with machinery and magic.

Guru (600CP)

Back in the glory days of Zeal, Guru was a title reserved only for the most skilled and knowledgeable of their mages and scientists. You might not be there yet, but when I'm done with you, you'll be well on your way to deserving the title. Magic is akin to a science to you, letting you delve into the secrets of sorcery the same way a physicist would unlock the secrets of the atom. This also includes learning how to apply magical knowledge like an engineer does the sciences, letting you come up with breathtaking magical wonders. The Blackbird, the Mammon Machine, the Ocean Palace - who knows what you'll add to that list of legends.

Shaper (Age Of Wonders II) (100CP)

Stone is a tough servant, resisting most ways to work it by unskilled hands. Under your touch, however, it molds itself eagerly, as if it were unable to wait to become the new shapes you wish for it. You are a gifted artisan with the natural materials of the world, and can build fortifications, buildings, and other creations out of wood, stone, sand, and any other such materials with great ease. Indeed, under your touch the materials you work with seem to become greater, somehow - sand and clay toughen to match granite when building a wall, and a carved wooden blade seems to hold its edge like fine steel once you're finished with it.

Infusion (JoJo) (400CP)

Besides infusing your body with Ripple, you can now direct the flow of energy at will. This will lead to a variety of effects, such as using Ripple to mend an ally's wounds. As well, you can infuse Ripple into objects. This improves existing qualities and makes them deadly to the undead and living alike.


And god dam these were some very good perks, and by good perks I'm referencing Mega Bomb | Guru (Chrono Trigger), that also synced with my other bomb quirks which was concerning in the way that I was starting to be attracted to the thought of making things explode which in itself sounded appealing. But I'll have a mental crisis later right now I was on my new horse pal earthy very cool.

And so our uncaring adventurer rode of into the west ready to make his mark on the world and eventually finally figure out that he was not the most based man in the world or even the protagonist that title was already taken by one man being driven by the beings of the wall beyond trapped but still fighting trying to save as much as they could.

#Sorry this took so long I've gotten some new games so I've been grinding through them like an addict but thankfully I've got a week of holiday so I should be able to get 2 more chapters out hopefully#