
The Celestial Forge - Traveler Edition

The Celestial Forge is a godly creation made who knows how long ago and one of the most powerful things in the multiverse. It has chosen its new host but has decided to give them a twist they are not on there world and they will have to travel to others to find his way back. Will he succeed? Why don't you find out

wizardoggo · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

CH.6 I like my music cool

While our intrepid adventurer rode his literal magical horse messing with transmitting sounds he had in his mind into sound towards Georgia a old gritty man was dealing with a problem. The bayou's were filled with swamp that was a fact. But that swamp was quite literally swamped with monsters as such Deaf Smith found it his duty to help deal with the utter clusterfuck the American Hunters Organization was currently dealing with it wasn't as bad as Texas but the boys here were underfunded, undermanned and did not have the required skill set for dealing with this big of a problem.

The leader of the AHO was a very capable person and another " " something of which he would have to report when he wrote his report and sent it back to the fortress the boss would be happy to know some of his brethren survived or still lived.

Thoughts like that could be questioned later right now he had to deal with the fae who unfortunately were one of the old world kind which meant a bad time. Like right now one of the AHO grunts just fell over dead bleeding out of his eyes. Thankfully he came prepared but it was a close situation it was a living memetic hazard so he would have to either eye ball it or deal with the backlash. He sighed and grabbed one of his blessed silver crosses something that always came in handy especially against fae bastards.

He breathed in and stood up from his tree and turned and saw it. It was a constantly shifting green plant being something that had for the past year had pushed back the AHO and made the bayou more dangerous than it already was something that had to be fixed soon after this. He grunted and ignored its glaring cacophony of lights and threw his edged silver cross straight into its face. It screamed and fell over dead.

His eyes widened and he ducked under his wooden cover once more and it took the brunt of the magical explosion that had just erupted from the dead fae's body as such he turned back once again noting the grunts that had come with him and had once again ignored his very valuable advice had died. He sighed understanding he would have to report that to " " who would not be happy the bayou needed all the men they had they were already undermanned.

He shook his head and finally turned back to the fae's body and once again his eyes widened he rolled backwards throwing 2 silver crosses in the army's direction. From the fae's body erupted a giant army of green earthlings. Tree beings in a somewhat humanoid shape. They took his weapons without much effort and started running after him.

Deaf just ran away throwing his many fire grenades filled with silver behind him. He would have to alert the AHO that they had a army they had to prepare and deal with. Well at least he could see what the AHO's boss could do he knew his " " was badass considering the massacres he could casually dish out but this " " he had not seen in action yet he was sure it would be a sight to behold.

Now while this old vet dealt with that let us get back to the protagonist. "Finally!" he had done it he could now project sounds from his own head, don't worry he wont use it for evil trust me, like the music he knew... he wondered could he perhaps enhance it to empower allies and make it easy to hear but not loud enough to hear people a thought Nicholas would have for later because he had come across a worrying scene.

In front of him was a large fortified compound surrounded by large thick trees and the swamp known to the bayou. The compound was being assaulted by wood elf tree kins and they were slowly wining against them because fire was good against wood. Who knew. But that was filed for late because Nicholas had an idea a very funny idea one that would coincide with the new abilities he had just created.

While our very trolly protagonist prepared his first ever real life troll we go back to Deaf Smith. Who was currently in another bad situation being surrounded by earthlings with no fire grenades was always a sad situation but Deaf Smith was not a Texas Ranger for nothing and so he dodged and weaved shooting the green tree fuckers back to were they came the dirt. But he was only human and as such he was slowlier and lowlier getting more and more exhausted his body gained more and more scars and bruises the earthlings claws and large hammer like fists doing damage on his old human body.

But then he heard it the start of a man singing and some kind of musical instrument in the background. But then in front of him appeared a stout woman with ginger hair and a long metal stick with a circle at its top she wore a strange mainly blue uniform but what shocked him the most was the red machine she rode in upon.

<Author here this is where I got the idea from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS9PSk7Kkro I recommend listening to this while reading probably wont be on sync but you'll get an idea of what is happening>

She drove straight into the horde and the red machine crushed many in its path and then it stopped and the earthlings roared and charged straight towards the woman and Deaf Smith got ready tp help as much as he could. But to his shock she ran straight into the horde knocking everything in her way to the ground and swiftly breaking them with her metal pole?

She swung turned flipped and moved inhumanly to the still strange music he heard of which had made him gain his drive back and many others he saw and so they started charging back against the green hoard. The battle had turned into a truly chaotic state but then it appeared a metal machine flying in the air with fast flapping wings it dove towards them and its guns started firing... strange yellow bullets? whatever they were they ripped through the earthlings like the pieces of shi# they were.

And then it flew away and the strange blue uniformed woman frowned and blitzed through the remaining earthlings in chase of the metal machine what ever had just happened would forever be engrained in the mind of Deaf Smith. And then he heard the hoofs of a very heavy horse and the aethereal laughter of something not human as such he turned weapons straight and was stunned it was a human? no it had the shape of one but he wasn't? no he was... he was he was there he took attention he took the worlds attention the very earth followed him like a lost puppy the wind was silence listening to his godly aethereal laugh sound across the swamp.

And then he turned to Deaf himself and snorted and said "Nice to see another Texan here you know its a weird coincidence since I just had dealt with them like a day ago your boss is a very weird guy like why can't he say his name very impolite." the man was not still, his horse, if you could call it one, slowly walked forwards carrying its creator as carefully and comfortably as possible he continued to complain loudly saying something about "That part of the song is always the best part....." and how "He couldn't believe he got the inhuman French monster to actually look perfect" as well as "His monkeys were wonderful and they flew quite well...".

While the man slowly exited Deaf's view, and everyone who had survived, view he reinforced the idea of how he would definitely remember this day for the rest of his life for how weird but helpful the strangers were and how one man was so unhuman but somehow still a perfect? human looked and felt like he was above everything and everyone.

This was the day Erastus "Deaf" Smith first met the legendary "Forger of the Stars" who he would go on to encounter again and make sure to question about his origins no matter how trustful he seemed from a glance no matter how easy he looked he was not the same as him he was above and he had fate's to deny.