
The Celestial Forge - Traveler Edition

The Celestial Forge is a godly creation made who knows how long ago and one of the most powerful things in the multiverse. It has chosen its new host but has decided to give them a twist they are not on there world and they will have to travel to others to find his way back. Will he succeed? Why don't you find out

wizardoggo · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

CH.4 That is very foreboding. Not my problem

The fortress of the rangers was incredible in both ways. It was intimidating from a outside perspective but also impressive once you saw what its inside was like it was filled with life grass humans and just normal human interaction. It warmed my heart since I hadn't seen anything like this in the time I had been in this world just normal human civilians.

Off course I wasn't able to explore everything because of the rangers trying to subtly escort me to there main area. The rank 5 rangers the newbies of the rangers here, once we arrived they gave me a "room" which it really wasn't it was just there cozy library and yes they put me here because there was other rangers here. Paranoia for the win.

But continuing on since I was now in a monster hunter organizations library I got to reading because I was still horrifically ignorant and do you wanna know what I found.... That's right I found the Spanish those dastardly gold buggers. Apparently there skeletons became alive again and became monsters looking for prized gold. The reason they came to America and died for they were weak against silver and blunt weapons because they were skeletons. They were categorized as undead conquistadors.

Another depressing thing I found out was that the undead existed here. They did not know if it was a curse or plague they were to be never fought with in close combat because they could give people the curse? plague? whatever.

After that was Wendigos you already know about them and apparently you should never engage them in close combat. Who would've thought oh and there blood infected people. Yeah that made me panic on the inside a little but nothing appeared different yet. I chalked it up to being categorized as a mental hazard as such was canceled out by 'Mental Resistance III' or 'Ageless II' either one could've stopped its effects which one I did not know.

Which in itself was concerning considering the already multiple intelligence boosting effects of my perks but I could research that in the future when I was not about to meet a probably very dangerous and probably in some way magical badass Texan ranger guy.

Continuing on I went on to research the multitude of training manuals and beast manuals they had which was incredibly useful because I found something about a creature I killed on my journey and it was called, by these rangers at least, a night haunt it had no form and lured its prey from bright places like campfires light candles etc, and then killed them and ate there soul.

Very creepy but it allowed me to figure out that the weird as fuck alien looking creature I killed was actually a night haunt. Who would've thought magic could kill one that's interesting to know and I should probably tell these rangers about that which I did eventually at least.

Anyway after an hour and 25 minutes a tough looking man came in looking fancy as hell with his cool ranger outfit he scanned the room ignoring the few people in this library standing up and saluting him and when he spotted me he narrowed his eyes and glided towards me, not literally of course, once behind me he coughed.

I turned around and he gruffly said "Follow me" and just turned around and walked out of the library very bad first impression of him at least for me but I followed anyway. Once out of the library he escorted ,me through 5 more wall sections the people in the last 3 were only rangers from what I saw which was an interesting tid bit.

But finally we got to the center of this fine fortress and when we passed through the final wall section I nearly shit myself. I could sense overwhelming power all the way down below underground. It was trapped but it was alive it was constantly fighting constantly trying to escape. Now that would've been fine if this was a normal evil entity trapped by badass human but the problem was that it reeked of WAR and unfortunately I deduced that it was the Horsemen of War. Shit went to 0 to 100 real fucking quick.

But I remained calm and resolutely followed my escorted straight to the big boss himself and yes it was a he. Once we arrived in front of his office the man stopped and turned to me and said "Good luck fucker" and walked of, he really was a bitch for good reason but still, anyway I knocked loudly on the door and I heard a loud voice declare "Come in"

And so I did and that was where I first met on of the "Timeless" now some backstory on the timeless or "Protectors" if you see them that way, but they were people very strong people who has been chosen to become the worlds protectors some of them were stronger than others one was definitely the strongest and most problematic but they were normally people who protected humanity as best they could being more than human immortals every time they died they came back and ready for more they were basically captain America but immortal and really skilled and really powerful and they murdered people. Oh and no one could hear there names.

So yeah there you go. I walked in the office and noticed immediately that the man in front of me was dangerous like if we had a fight right now I would have to retreat with probably very debilitating injuries I'm built with equipment in mind sure I could hold myself greatly against normal humans but this guy wasn't normal he radiated well death.

But before I could continue to worry about the man in front of me he scoffed and said "Damm they were right you do stink of magic. I know they cant see it themselves but you really do have it huh that does explain why you look like an absolute fucking fae cunt but at least you ain't one they got a specific look and aura about them that you don't have plus if ya did then you wouldn't have even been able to get into my office without screaming in pain."

The man scratched his chin and looked up thinking and showing me that he did not give 2 shits about me even though he just vocalized I had magic but before I could open my mouth he looked back down and gruffly said "Well you gonna explain what one of you magi fuckers are doing here you from the Council from the old world? to finally help us against the monsters cause if you are that would've been appreciated a long fucking time ago."

The man sighed after his tangent and sinked into his chair showing me that he was stressed for some reason, I know he was doing it on purpose because he could definitely act like stone cold fucker he felt like it at least, but once again he opened his mouth

"I know you ain't from there your to normal looking those arrogant fucks make sure to look like insane idiots high of there horses and make sure to give you a mental disease while there at it but anyway would you like to help me cause I know you know about what were dealing with you sure feel like it at least and I know I'm never wrong oh and could I hire you to do any of your magic shit to make some defenses and blessed bullets and items if you don't wanna be hired at least we really need it."

The man finally stopped and waved his hand at me telling me to speak finally. "Well I am here because I seem to have found myself away from my conclave who were recently attacked and weakened I am here to secure aid and wealth while helping the nearby organization in there mission I also can do some blessings for you if you can give me some equipment for my journey and some knowledge of the situation in this area and others if you have it oh and I am planning on heading to Georgia to set up a business to build specialized equipment and as well as my own organization for mages in America."

While telling the man his eye brows continued to rise until I ended my speech after that he got up smiled and put out his hand and said "Its mighty fine to meet ya mate I cant wait to see what kind of shit you get up to I'll make sure to get you what you want but you gotta bless what I got first alright mate."

I nodded and shook his hand "I agree with your proposal I am Nicholas it was nice to meet you I hope our partnership goes well you can find me in your library contact me when you want the blessings done."

He nodded and his smile got bigger "I'll make sure to do that my friend I am ' ' it was very nice to meet you." I once again nodded and got up to leave the room pondering why his name was not heard I know he said it but I could not here it but I know he said it why how? is it a title a magical one? maybe a curse or perhaps his true name cannot be said because of its power?

While I pondered about my meeting with a literal legend I could see (with magic) the man was now emotionless sitting still staring into place while rubbing his fingers probably thinking about the meeting he had just had with me but unfortunately I could see it no more once I left this section.

But oh well I now had a contract which hopefully would turn out fine and get me some much needed proper equipment and knowledge well knowledge that was not in the library I was now going to but what I did know was that things were looking up for me at the moment at least.

As our still somewhat ignorant protagonist walked of to be a nerd he would remember the words he just said and regret them knowing that it was the most stupidest thing he could've said at the time. He would never no what hit him quite literally I may add.