
The Celestial Forge - Traveler Edition

The Celestial Forge is a godly creation made who knows how long ago and one of the most powerful things in the multiverse. It has chosen its new host but has decided to give them a twist they are not on there world and they will have to travel to others to find his way back. Will he succeed? Why don't you find out

wizardoggo · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Ch.3 Americans are weird and insane. Not me though

I walked and walked, and walked and continued walking and more walking until I saw it my saviours. Well at the time I thought they were they helped sure but they just brought me more work and chaos. Continuing on I saw them 3 people in cowboy dressing they had large hats and coats and a lot of equipment.

Currently they were hiding behind a multitude of rocks, who were they hiding from you ask well let me tell you, they looked like humans but they had primitive clothing had spears and bows and one of them was even wearing a skull of a deer or crocodile combined with a skull on there staff thing. They looked like role-players maybe historical ones.

But then I noticed something. Something that finally gave me the sucker punch in the face I needed to realise that I was not on a modern earth I was on hell earth. Or at least that was what it felt like in those days. They had skinned a man and opened him up his entrails where pulled out and eaten he looked like one of those cowboy people so it seemed like a teammate who had unfortunately been killed.

Now I'm not a murderhobo, most of the time, but this was the first human encounter I had in this new world and I did not like it one bit so I pulled out my revolver loaded a explosive bullet and fired right at the shaman fucker who had the mans liver in his mouth. His head exploded alerting everyone to my presence, thankfully the explosive bullet did its job and disorientated the barbarians allowing me and the cowboy fellas to start shooting at them.

One by one they went down, no human being should be like that none. Anyway after that fiasco I strolled up to the cowboy fellas, I of course set up a protection spell before just in case, and said "hi". They looked at me shocked until one man with red hair and a scruffy beard pulled of his hat and put it on his chest replied back to me.

"Hello good sir thank you mighty for helping us with those cultist injins, they have been prowling around here for to long we were sent to deal with them but had some complications along the way... So kind sir what would your name be?"

I looked back at the man noticing that he had called them cultist injins which was worrying, because it meant I was in a very bad world and that this world was definitely in the 1800s which was depressing. But I ignored that and focused on the man in front of me.

"I am Nicholas nice to meet ya. So would you happen to have any directions to the nearest town or city I have gotten lost in these deserts unfortunately."

The man looked at me with narrowed eyes

"Nice to meet you Nicholas I am Morgan, this is Alex and Joe we would love to show you to the nearest town. We just came from there in fact so it wouldn't bother us at all we will first have to deal with our deceased comrade first, just wait for a bit."

I nodded at the other men, Alex and Joe, and they just stood still hands still firmly holding there revolvers

"That would be fine Morgan all I want is to be back in a nice clean civilized place to relax."

Alex snorted at that and Joe gave him a sharp look. Morgan nodded at me in acceptance and led Alex and Joe to there friend talking to each other with sharp hand motions, some kind of secret language I supposed but I ignored that in favoring my pondering of what kind of world I was truly in.

After an hour the gang was ready to go of back to a town called Frontier very appropriate in my opinion on the way I wrangled some information off them they told me that they were apart of the Texas Rangers and dealt with the EXTREME dangers of the frontier lands and lands of Texas the underlining tension when they said that and the encounter with the cultist Indians told me that they also dealt with the supernatural and from there appearance actions and experience I found out that they were new to it very new.

Now this information gave me more context to this world it was a masquerade/open eldritch evil magic earth world and humans had created "secrete" organizations to deal with these threats and apparently Texas was absolutely filled with them it was literally evil magic creature central. And as I would learn in the future it was a lot more than that, it held one of the 4.

Anyway with my ULTIMATE friend skill I was able to get them actually not treat me like a constant threat because for some reason I scared the absolute shit out of them it was like activating fight or flight instincts from what I saw.

But continuing on we finally arrived at the frontier which as I suspected was not actually a town but a base/castle. The frontier was a absolute beast it was the most fortified thing I has seen in my life it's clean stone walls were 10F tall and that wall was surrounded by 2 shorter ring walls 8F and 6F in height and each was absolutely stacked with soldiers and cannons this place also was special, what a surprise, it dampened my magic which was actually worrying since it was my main weapon.

Now apparently it did a lot more than that, but to say the least the gang I was with expected me to loose my skin and reveal myself to be a weird magic monster fae and once I didn't they started to frantically sign to there friends on top of the wall in front of us trying to not be spotted by me of course but they weren't very good at hiding what they were doing.

But I ignored that and appreciated the presence of actual normal humans and the sign that human adaptability and endurance was still going strong, even in this world. And so I stepped into the belly of the beast coincidentally getting my new perks.


The Great Enchanter (Bartimaeus Sequence) (300CP)

Staff of Gladstone, Amulet of Samarkand, Ring of Solomonthis world sure has a lot of artifacts, heh? Well, now you can make even more! You become unbelievably talented at binding Djinn into items to give them mystical powers. Summon a djinni and stitch it into a rug to make a flying carpet? Easypeasy. Detonation Sticks, Convulsion spheres and flux bombs, all a day's work. You still need the parts, but they seem almost eager to flow into the right shape under your expert hands.

Innovator (Final Fantasy XIV) (200CP)

You'll never make a name for yourself if you can't innovate - and sometimes, innovation requires you to take risks and make mistakes, even ones which might be catastrophic. It takes effort to gain experience, and it takes courage to put in effort - but you've also got a bit of beginner's luck whenever you start trying to produce something new. You're far more likely to succeed - and consequently far less likely to fail if you go in completely blind, but more importantly than that, you're not likely to come up with a completely useless product in the end.

Magic Cooking Pot (The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild - SB) (100CP)

A simple iron pan, that can magically light a fire underneath itself when set up. Even when off of a fire, it will heat items placed in it to the desired temperature. All meals and elixirs cooked on it will receive a boost in quality, and can provide a variety of beneficial effects, depending on the ingredients used. Magically provides a comfortable temperature nearby when in use.

One-Stop Crafting Station (Starbound) (200CP)

A single large workbench that can reconfigure its surface and toolset to handle all of your crafting needs. As long as you provide the ingredients and recipes / blueprints, you can use this crafting station to construct anything you want. Note that while you could use this to help you build all the pieces of a starship or skyscraper, you'd still have to put all those pieces together yourself.

Rationing (Mad Max) (100CP)

When you don't have much, it's important to be careful with what you've got. You're very good at saving supplies, ensuring that anything you find of use stays found and that it doesn't get wasted by accident. You'll get every last drop of fuel from a can, and never drop some plastic tubing just because you can't think of a use at the moment.
