
The Celestial Forge - Traveler Edition

The Celestial Forge is a godly creation made who knows how long ago and one of the most powerful things in the multiverse. It has chosen its new host but has decided to give them a twist they are not on there world and they will have to travel to others to find his way back. Will he succeed? Why don't you find out

wizardoggo · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

CH.2 Oh Shit. OH SHIT

First Thinker (Ben 10 0.1) (600CP)


Now we're getting somewhere. Among your particular species, you're a revolutionary one-of-a-kind mind that calling you a genius would be severely downplaying your potential impact on the universe. You are a paragon of knowledge and technology among your kind, to the point when they say 'on the shoulders of giants' you are very much that giant. A human at this level could advance the technology level of Earth by a dozen levels in less a few years, while a Galvan with this level would be one of the few minds Azmuth would call an equal. Whatever the case, you know how to innovate and advance technology light years ahead of the norm, elevating your species potentially millennia ahead of where they are now. Things like faster than light travel, laser weapons, completed starships and techno-organic constructs? For many, those things are groundbreaking and new. For you, they're only the tip of what you can accomplish.


Innovation-Inator (Phineas and Ferb) (200CP)


When you have an idea, you just want to run with it, and now you can. Just by coming up with an idea for a device, you'll start to get impressions for how to go about building it, what parts you'll need, and what sort of esoteric principles it will function on. You'll still have to do the actual building, and taking shortcuts around pieces you don't have the parts for could lead to problems later, but eh, you'll bounce back if it blows up in your face.


Big Bada-Boom (Azeroth) (100CP)


You may not make the prettiest of engineering gizmos, but boy do you know how to make them go BOOM! You can make big bombs or little bombs or big bombs IN little bombs capable of taking out an entire skyscraper. You are an expert at bomb crafting, able to make bombs the size of a marble that would make even Deathwing flinch. This also extends to defusing bombs if, for some reason, you don't want a boom, but that's just crazy talk.


-Inertia of Self II (Essential Body Modification Supplement) (200CP)


You are protected against effects that would affect your mind and existence.

I: You are immune to any effect that would affect your memories. If someone turns back time, alters reality, or attempts to directly alter your memories, you retain both the 'original' and 'new' memories, instinctively knowing which set is which. Other than your two sets of memories, this perk does nothing to tell you who changed things or even what they specifically changed if it isn't otherwise obvious.

II: You are immune to any effect that would alter or outright destroy your body or existence. This protection extends to conceptual, temporal, and reality warping effects that work either directly or indirectly to destroy or alter you. This would prevent a time traveler from killing you as a baby or causing an accident that would leave present-you paralyzed. It would not protect you from a fireball created through temporal manipulation or having a time traveler frame you for a crime that lands you in prison.


MacGyver (Andromeda) (100CP)


You are a natural at fixing and jury rigging things. As long as you have the parts and tools you can fix nearly anything. You also have the capability to build emergency equipment that can help to save your life and the lives of others, but these tend to be one offs given the time crunch you are usually under.


-Izuru Kamakura (Danganronpa) (600CP)


Just like the one they called Izuru Kamukura, you have a great deal of potential when it comes to Ultimate abilities. With time and training, you're capable of picking up new Ultimate abilities with months of light effort, gaining a level of proficiency which most people couldn't achieve with a lifetime of work. Whilst Izuru Kamukura soon became bored with humanity after mastering every talent known to man, you will not lose your empathy in the process unless you want to for whatever reason.

Increased learning speed and retain empathy. Feels weird here.

Ultimate skills are pretty strong, an ultimate artist could paint paintings that look like photographs, an ultimate romance novel writer could write stories so influential they shift societal beauty norms, having an ultimate skill is an amazing thing, forget multiple like Kamakura did


With all these new perks I expanded, to say the least I understood that I had been plenty stupid I could have easily killed all those wendigos with my magic but unfortunately I had let one of them grow into an extremally dangerous eldritch being which was now after me thankfully I could now use my magic to a full degree I estimated I had at least about 1 day to prepare for the battle which would allow me to become equipped sufficiently enough that I had a chance to survive, probably.

With the current resources I had in the town and my new perks I was able to create some better bullets and upgrade my revolver as well as creating some very good explosives I off course created some basic medicinal tools and while better than anything anyone could create In the modern world (Knowledge wise) It was still very bad since all I could use was materials in this town, and it was a ghost town so there was barely anything left in it.

But It would definitely help in the coming battle but after finishing with my physical preparations I got down to using my magic abilities which I used to set up magic traps, defenses runes all that kind of stuff so I could slow down the monster or injure it in some way and with all my new perks I was able to set up a impressive kill zone which would probably be helpful. (It would just not as much because of me not understanding what I was dealing with)

And thankfully the Celestial Forge activated once again it lighting up in my soul and giving me 2 perks that would be the best I had gained so far discounting the body mod perks and magic one mostly because they gave me experience and that was helpful.

Who was your instructor? (100CP)


Your combat training has allowed the ability to fight and perform acts of gunplay that aren't strictly possible. Trying to escape an enemy but need to shoot at it or something else to stop it? You can now run backwards, shoot, reload, and be aware of your surroundings without skipping a beat or fumbling.


Highly Dangerous (100)


Given you're supposed to be a super spy you've to have the latest in training. You're at peak human levels in this world which is superhuman by any other standards. You're faster than the eye can see, able to punch people across rooms, stealthier than a ninja, and much more due to training. Your mind is incredible as well given what you know. Since SHIELD is an international top secret espionage organization you know everything there is to ever know about its vast subjects. CQC, tactics, stealth, hacking, and every subject ever included is now known by you and you are pretty much the master of it all.


As you can see the perks I had got were something I incredibly needed I was now a superhuman (Shield agent spy superhuman) which meant if my plan failed I would be able to 100% guaranteed run away faster than the monster, probably.

But with the information and experience I had gained from both of these perks I learnt that not creating an escape plan if I failed was a very stupid idea and so I spent an hour creating a way to escape multiple ones of course but I'm sure they wouldn't be needed. Oh how wrong I was.

After finishing a 6th escape route I heard it the thumping of the beast I could hear it running straight towards me it made loud drum sounds rhythmic and loud. And so I got into position and prepared and then I saw it, it was 9F tall its skull mask was leaking black liquid that corrupted the ground it landed on spreading like a virus or "FILTH".

You see once again at the time I did not understand that the wendigos were unnatural eldritch beings when I had gained my perks I had made it one of the highest ranking ideas of what they were but I didn't have any concrete proof but right there and then I got it.

The beast literally warped its surroundings giving everything a disgusting black layer and the sand it touched turned into a weird biological virus that spread on land. And once it got to the edge of my magic kill zone field it started corrupting that to thankfully with me seeing that it could corrupt land I decided to reinforce my traps which is the only reason why they weren't all destroyed.

Once the beast set its hoofs on my traps it exploded forward straight into a concentration of silver and fire runes the fire barely did anything the silver though did damage. Quite a lot of damage and then it continued to run towards me, its eldritch blood corrupting the land it touched, and it of course triggered more traps I had laid.

Fire, Ice, Gas, force, gravity, silver, gold, lava everything exploded onto it actually burning it, Its skin even started to fall off and its face (mask) had cracks in it which was promising. But the action it took next was what introduced some problems it eat up some corrupted sand and then jumped towards me avoiding every land trap I had.

Now I at the time could not set up air traps but I did have bombs which I used, I threw on of my weaker ones first to stop it from reaching me while I did that I went towards escape route 6 to lead it through another kill zone. But the bomb was stopped by the corrupted sand it has eaten and spitted out.

So I ran Into escape route 6 and the beast followed. The first trap it encountered was actually a sand puppet which I created without knowing about its corruption. It flowed around the beast trapping it long enough for me to direct my prepared spells into already injured areas, visually at least.

I made sure to mainly use silver based spells because it had made the most obvious amount of damage against the beast, and it continued to show its worth against the beast they drilled into its flesh and face making it scream out in pain. The beast went crazy it destroyed my puppet and went right over my slowing traps.

Recognizing that I should very much not get hit by a reality warping virus being I used leap which as you can recognize pushed me up onto a saloons roof the roof then collapsed as well as the building because of the beast rampaging inside of it.

I quickly went to escape route 4 and once again the beast followed and once again was peppered with silver spells, I then tried to lead it through escape route 3 but by now it had learnt it lesson and didn't follow, it decided to take drastic measures, the beast howled releasing a pulse of negation energy which destroyed all of my traps and plans, which was very inconvenient.

Thankfully It looked tired from what it just did so I decided to throw my remaining bombs at it which would hopefully either kill it or debilitate it. It did a good job but the beast still had some life going through it and a surprise for me.

It leapt at me through my bombs smoke, I quickly got a shot at its mask (face) which went through it killing it but it crushed my legs which was incredibly painful if not for my magic I would've died like the idiot I was.

And the were was another problem the blood of the beast started getting onto my clothes and then before my eyes it ceased to exist like literally one second later it ceased to exist any damage it did to the town was repaired the virus thing it had created all had just disappeared like someone pressing return on Excel all the problems just ceased to exist.

That though was a problem for later the problem I had now was that I was still in the absolute middle of nowhere and I still had to go east who knows what I would encounter on the way. Hopefully not more wendigos is what I thought at the time unfortunately I would encounter worse and it involved the most horrible practice of all politics.