
The Celestial Forge - Traveler Edition

The Celestial Forge is a godly creation made who knows how long ago and one of the most powerful things in the multiverse. It has chosen its new host but has decided to give them a twist they are not on there world and they will have to travel to others to find his way back. Will he succeed? Why don't you find out

wizardoggo · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

CH.1 The Celestial Forge

I was just finishing university when I got hit by a car. Cool I know I spent years of my life to become an engineer just to die right after I finished it it truly was peak trolling. Not for me of course I was depressed but then of course I realized that I just died how was I feeling or speaking.

The answer to that was that I was now located in space like a really beautiful part of space and in front of me was a weird humanoid being made out of stars it had a hammer in its hand and was banging away at a ball of swirling light.

Eventually it stopped and the ball expanded quickly but before it could do what ever it was about to do the being through it incredibly far away and then it exploded. And that was when I realized that was a universe and the being in front of me just casually created it.

This was my first and only meeting with The Celestial Forge, after it finished its appraisal of the new universe it turned to me and held out its hand. I don't know why I did it it at the time felt so normal and that I had to do it, and so I wrapped my whole hand around one of the beings finger tips and after a tense second everything exploded in light.

And information came running into my head giving me the worst migraine I had ever experienced and then I understood everything why, when and what I had just gained I had become the inheritor of the Celestial Forge one of the most or most powerful things ever to exist and I had become its inheritor after just dying.

Wonderful, continuing on I had now found myself on a large plain of desert in the middle of no where the only thing I knew was that I HAD to go East for what reason I did not know all I knew was that if I wanted to continue my travels I had to go there.

But before I could start my adventure the Forge fired up and what a sight it was thousands no millions of stars glowed and before I knew it I had acquired my first Forge Perk now for context I was able to get these because of it being my first they are like starting bonuses to help me survive because apparently I was in a dangerous world.

All Magic Affinity (In Another World With My Smartphone) (400CP)


Like what it implies, you have an Affinity with all types of magic, including all types of Null magic. This means that you have the (possibly unique) ability to use all types of magic in the world, needing only to know the chant needed to activate it and a general idea of what the magic is supposed to do. For example by knowing that the Gate spell requires the chant of gate and that it is a spell that opens a portal to a place you have already been you would be capable of casting that spell. You carry this ability to quickly learn and master all forms of magic to future worlds and systems.

Leaving that aside your magic is tremendously potent and you have a monstrous amount of magical energy, enough that you could chain cast extremely powerful spells affecting incredible numbers of people without even noticing fatigue, much less actually suffering from such. In fact unless and until someone tells you that magical fatigue is supposed to be a thing after casting a lot of magic you probably won't even realize there's supposed to be a limit on how much magic a person can use.


SCIENCE! (Fallout 4) (600CP)


The secrets of SCIENCE are laid bare before you! You now have the knowledge to build incredibly advanced machinery, given enough time and resources; teleportation devices, working cryogenics chambers, sentient AI, machines capable of cloning or creating living beings, even lasers that are blue instead of red! You can also make pre-war things like Fusion Cores or Laser Rifles easily enough.


Ageless II (Essential Body Modification Supplement) (100CP)


You do not age or otherwise degenerate over time in the normal manner, You will never die of old age and will maintain peak performance and health with no degeneration forever. You may choose to halt or resume your visible aging at any time.


Mental Resistance III (Essential Body Modification Supplement) (200CP)


Your mind and will are strong.

I: You are very difficult to intimidate and have a high resistance to mental fatigue (such as from extended warfare or study) and can generally delay dealing with mental trauma until any immediate crisis is dealt with. Also, you do not get bored with tasks easily and can study or practice abilities for extended periods without penalty or need for a break.

II: Immunity to the items in tier I plus a high degree of resistance to memetic hazards, insanity, mind control, and other factors that would impact how your mind works.

III: Complete immunity to the items in tiers I and II.


And that was it sadly, now if your wondering why it was sad then let me tell you that the world that I appeared in was dangerous like I said before, and by dangerous I mean very dangerous and I was in the middle off nowhere and there was howling/screaming in the distance then I heard stomping you see that was when I decided to run.

Now let me start explaining what was chasing me well I found out later that they are called wendigos yes those kind of wendigos just the more eldritch virus version because of humans do such immoral things they turn into literal eldritch horrors that aren't supposed to exist they are superhuman now if your wondering how I was able to escape well it was some quick thinking and because of Ageless and mental resistance.

Ageless made me have "peak performance" which meant infinite stamina that off course didn't mean I was faster than the horde but ill get to that later because of mental resistance I was able to keep calm and think which without it I would've panicked and died defiantly but being able to think calmly made me notice a very convenient dilapidated house in the distance and that's when I enacted my plan I new how to use basic magic from my new perk All Magic affinity and one spell was freezing the floor even though I was even in the desert and so I immediately did and while it caught the ones at the front off guard they eventually learnt that they could just use there claws to get across it or slide across it.

But the good thing about it was that it bought me time sure it wasn't a lot but it allowed me to get to the house run in and use the big ass lock on it to close the door then I did the same with the windows then with that over I did a quick basic defense and durability enchantment on the floors, door, windows and roof everything I thought the wendigos could get through.

And once I was finished with that I took a look around and noticed the dirty map stuck on the wall it was a map of the united states but the problem was that its date was a map of 1845 which meant this was an old abandoned shack that was a couple hundred years old. Once I finished analyzing the map I noticed I felt a pulse of, something when I looked at the state of Georgia specifically a specific spot on the coast which gave me an idea of where to go.

But I quickly sopped thinking about that and got to looking for weapons and coincidentally I found one old looking cowboy revolver which had 34 rounds and that was it there was also a cross but that seemed useless at the time.

With the gun I turned back to the door just in time to see its middle get cracked and through the crack I could see one of the wendigos, so I shot it in the eye and it fell over dead apparently a bullet to the brain was very lethal who would've thought.

The problem was that once it fell over dead its brethren went silent, and then started screaming louder and in anger which was a problem because they became a lot stronger when properly angry and when they eat there brother which they did in front off me.

I took the time to kill 2 more of them and finally casted a detect spell and noticed a problem the future the wendigos were not supposed to exist they were anathema to reality and it would've been literally impossible to detect them if they did not corrupt reality while they were alive so they were like a distortion on my map.

But continuing on this let me know that now there was 3 of them left thankfully, but there was a problem you know how I mentioned they get stronger by eating there own kind (They could do more) well now there was 3 incredibly horrible eldritch beings corrupting the parts of reality I was located in but thankfully they went mad and stared attacking each other.

Coincidentally they crashed through my enchanted walls it was a 1v1v1v1 and I was not joining in I quickly casted slow on all of them and then ran away while they fought it out I ran east while the sounds of them fighting echoed across the area until everything went silent and I heard a very deep, ominous and eldritch howl echo out this made me run faster because I had a hunch it would be after me.

After a while It got dark and I decided that running was still a better idea and eventually I came across a ghost town once again a old pioneer one but thankfully it was still big enough for me to come up with a plan to destroy the eldritch abomination coming after me.

And once I thought that I gained more perks. Perks that would help me immensely and so I smiled not understanding the danger I was in what reality I was in or what even I was doing but by my own will I would come out on top hopefully.