
The Celestial Forge - Traveler Edition

The Celestial Forge is a godly creation made who knows how long ago and one of the most powerful things in the multiverse. It has chosen its new host but has decided to give them a twist they are not on there world and they will have to travel to others to find his way back. Will he succeed? Why don't you find out

wizardoggo · Book&Literature
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Explanation/ Perk list

The celestial forge is like a lite Jumpchain it normally doesn't have world jumping but mine will because I think it wont let me get bored. Anyway the how to the celestial forge is that the user writes say 100-500 words and gets 100CP rolls on the celestial forge for a category then rolls in that category and if the one that was picked was 100CP you would get it cant say no (You can) if it was above 100CP it would roll again or you could save it really its the authors choice. I'm gonna put all my perks and items and stuff in here.

Name: Nicholas

All Magic Affinity (In Another World With My Smartphone) (400CP)

Like what it implies, you have an Affinity with all types of magic, including all types of Null magic. This means that you have the (possibly unique) ability to use all types of magic in the world, needing only to know the chant needed to activate it and a general idea of what the magic is supposed to do. For example by knowing that the Gate spell requires the chant of gate and that it is a spell that opens a portal to a place you have already been you would be capable of casting that spell. You carry this ability to quickly learn and master all forms of magic to future worlds and systems.

Leaving that aside your magic is tremendously potent and you have a monstrous amount of magical energy, enough that you could chain cast extremely powerful spells affecting incredible numbers of people without even noticing fatigue, much less actually suffering from such. In fact unless and until someone tells you that magical fatigue is supposed to be a thing after casting a lot of magic you probably won't even realize there's supposed to be a limit on how much magic a person can use.

SCIENCE! (Fallout 4) (600CP)

The secrets of SCIENCE are laid bare before you! You now have the knowledge to build incredibly advanced machinery, given enough time and resources; teleportation devices, working cryogenics chambers, sentient AI, machines capable of cloning or creating living beings, even lasers that are blue instead of red! You can also make pre-war things like Fusion Cores or Laser Rifles easily enough.

Ageless II (Essential Body Modification Supplement) (100CP)

You do not age or otherwise degenerate over time in the normal manner, You will never die of old age and will maintain peak performance and health with no degeneration forever. You may choose to halt or resume your visible aging at any time.

Mental Resistance III (Essential Body Modification Supplement) (200CP)

Your mind and will are strong.

I: You are very difficult to intimidate and have a high resistance to mental fatigue (such as from extended warfare or study) and can generally delay dealing with mental trauma until any immediate crisis is dealt with. Also, you do not get bored with tasks easily and can study or practice abilities for extended periods without penalty or need for a break.

II: Immunity to the items in tier I plus a high degree of resistance to memetic hazards, insanity, mind control, and other factors that would impact how your mind works.

III: Complete immunity to the items in tiers I and II.

First Thinker (Ben 10 0.1) (600CP)

Now we're getting somewhere. Among your particular species, you're a revolutionary one-of-a-kind mind that calling you a genius would be severely downplaying your potential impact on the universe. You are a paragon of knowledge and technology among your kind, to the point when they say 'on the shoulders of giants' you are very much that giant. A human at this level could advance the technology level of Earth by a dozen levels in less a few years, while a Galvan with this level would be one of the few minds Azmuth would call an equal. Whatever the case, you know how to innovate and advance technology light years ahead of the norm, elevating your species potentially millennia ahead of where they are now. Things like faster than light travel, laser weapons, completed starships and techno-organic constructs? For many, those things are groundbreaking and new. For you, they're only the tip of what you can accomplish.

Innovation-Inator (Phineas and Ferb) (200CP)

When you have an idea, you just want to run with it, and now you can. Just by coming up with an idea for a device, you'll start to get impressions for how to go about building it, what parts you'll need, and what sort of esoteric principles it will function on. You'll still have to do the actual building, and taking shortcuts around pieces you don't have the parts for could lead to problems later, but eh, you'll bounce back if it blows up in your face.-

Big Bada-Boom (Azeroth) (100CP)

You may not make the prettiest of engineering gizmos, but boy do you know how to make them go BOOM! You can make big bombs or little bombs or big bombs IN little bombs capable of taking out an entire skyscraper. You are an expert at bomb crafting, able to make bombs the size of a marble that would make even Deathwing flinch. This also extends to defusing bombs if, for some reason, you don't want a boom, but that's just crazy talk.

-Inertia of Self II (Essential Body Modification Supplement) (200CP)

You are protected against effects that would affect your mind and existence.

I: You are immune to any effect that would affect your memories. If someone turns back time, alters reality, or attempts to directly alter your memories, you retain both the 'original' and 'new' memories, instinctively knowing which set is which. Other than your two sets of memories, this perk does nothing to tell you who changed things or even what they specifically changed if it isn't otherwise obvious.

II: You are immune to any effect that would alter or outright destroy your body or existence. This protection extends to conceptual, temporal, and reality warping effects that work either directly or indirectly to destroy or alter you. This would prevent a time traveler from killing you as a baby or causing an accident that would leave present-you paralyzed. It would not protect you from a fireball created through temporal manipulation or having a time traveler frame you for a crime that lands you in prison.

MacGyver (Andromeda) (100CP)

You are a natural at fixing and jury rigging things. As long as you have the parts and tools you can fix nearly anything. You also have the capability to build emergency equipment that can help to save your life and the lives of others, but these tend to be one offs given the time crunch you are usually under.

-Izuru Kamakura (Danganronpa) (600CP)

Just like the one they called Izuru Kamukura, you have a great deal of potential when it comes to Ultimate abilities. With time and training, you're capable of picking up new Ultimate abilities with months of light effort, gaining a level of proficiency which most people couldn't achieve with a lifetime of work. Whilst Izuru Kamukura soon became bored with humanity after mastering every talent known to man, you will not lose your empathy in the process unless you want to for whatever reason.

Increased learning speed and retain empathy. Feels weird here.

Ultimate skills are pretty strong, an ultimate artist could paint paintings that look like photographs, an ultimate romance novel writer could write stories so influential they shift societal beauty norms, having an ultimate skill is an amazing thing, forget multiple like Kamakura did

Who was your instructor? (100CP)

Your combat training has allowed the ability to fight and perform acts of gunplay that aren't strictly possible. Trying to escape an enemy but need to shoot at it or something else to stop it? You can now run backwards, shoot, reload, and be aware of your surroundings without skipping a beat or fumbling.

Highly Dangerous (100)

Given you're supposed to be a super spy you've to have the latest in training. You're at peak human levels in this world which is superhuman by any other standards. You're faster than the eye can see, able to punch people across rooms, stealthier than a ninja, and much more due to training. Your mind is incredible as well given what you know. Since SHIELD is an international top secret espionage organization you know everything there is to ever know about its vast subjects. CQC, tactics, stealth, hacking, and every subject ever included is now known by you and you are pretty much the master of it all.

The Great Enchanter (Bartimaeus Sequence) (300CP)

Staff of Gladstone, Amulet of Samarkand, Ring of Solomonthis world sure has a lot of artifacts, heh? Well, now you can make even more! You become unbelievably talented at binding Djinn into items to give them mystical powers. Summon a djinni and stitch it into a rug to make a flying carpet? Easypeasy. Detonation Sticks, Convulsion spheres and flux bombs, all a day's work. You still need the parts, but they seem almost eager to flow into the right shape under your expert hands.

Innovator (Final Fantasy XIV) (200CP)

You'll never make a name for yourself if you can't innovate - and sometimes, innovation requires you to take risks and make mistakes, even ones which might be catastrophic. It takes effort to gain experience, and it takes courage to put in effort - but you've also got a bit of beginner's luck whenever you start trying to produce something new. You're far more likely to succeed - and consequently far less likely to fail if you go in completely blind, but more importantly than that, you're not likely to come up with a completely useless product in the end.

Rationing (Mad Max) (100CP)

When you don't have much, it's important to be careful with what you've got. You're very good at saving supplies, ensuring that anything you find of use stays found and that it doesn't get wasted by accident. You'll get every last drop of fuel from a can, and never drop some plastic tubing just because you can't think of a use at the moment.

Mega Bomb | Guru (Chrono Trigger) (1200CP)

Mega Bomb (600CP)

Magic and Technology are both capable of some pretty fantastic things. So why not put them together, and see what happens? You now understand the secret to integrating magic seamlessly into your mechanical devices, enabling you to create devices like bombs powered with fire magic or medkits that use healing magic. While initially your devices will be one-shots that rely on a magical charge you have to deliver, in time, you'll learn how to make much more advanced fusions, such machines that run on magical power sources, or automated spellcasting devices. In the end, the only limit is your skill with machinery and magic.

Guru (600CP)

Back in the glory days of Zeal, Guru was a title reserved only for the most skilled and knowledgeable of their mages and scientists. You might not be there yet, but when I'm done with you, you'll be well on your way to deserving the title. Magic is akin to a science to you, letting you delve into the secrets of sorcery the same way a physicist would unlock the secrets of the atom. This also includes learning how to apply magical knowledge like an engineer does the sciences, letting you come up with breathtaking magical wonders. The Blackbird, the Mammon Machine, the Ocean Palace - who knows what you'll add to that list of legends.

Shaper (Age Of Wonders II) (100CP)

Stone is a tough servant, resisting most ways to work it by unskilled hands. Under your touch, however, it molds itself eagerly, as if it were unable to wait to become the new shapes you wish for it. You are a gifted artisan with the natural materials of the world, and can build fortifications, buildings, and other creations out of wood, stone, sand, and any other such materials with great ease. Indeed, under your touch the materials you work with seem to become greater, somehow - sand and clay toughen to match granite when building a wall, and a carved wooden blade seems to hold its edge like fine steel once you're finished with it.

Infusion (JoJo) (400CP)

Besides infusing your body with Ripple, you can now direct the flow of energy at will. This will lead to a variety of effects, such as using Ripple to mend an ally's wounds. As well, you can infuse Ripple into objects. This improves existing qualities and makes them deadly to the undead and living alike.



Magic Cooking Pot (The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild - SB) (100CP)

A simple iron pan, that can magically light a fire underneath itself when set up. Even when off of a fire, it will heat items placed in it to the desired temperature. All meals and elixirs cooked on it will receive a boost in quality, and can provide a variety of beneficial effects, depending on the ingredients used. Magically provides a comfortable temperature nearby when in use.

One-Stop Crafting Station (Starbound) (200CP)

A single large workbench that can reconfigure its surface and toolset to handle all of your crafting needs. As long as you provide the ingredients and recipes / blueprints, you can use this crafting station to construct anything you want. Note that while you could use this to help you build all the pieces of a starship or skyscraper, you'd still have to put all those pieces together yourself.