
The Boy That Everyone Knows

(Complete) It is a story of a guy named Miko. He experienced different story of his life, But each story wasn't his story. He was charmed by different 'episodes' that he encountered as he forgot who he was... Everyone in each story recognized him except for himself... Join Miko as he search for himself of who he really is...

Acetoacetate0308 · Horror
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6 Chs

Friendship and fame

It's graduation season and time to face another chapter of their lives. Khun, New and Jen were waiting in their favorite spot , at the back of the stadium where broken benches and other equipment located.

Most of the students already went away to celebrate. "What took them so long?" Khun asked as he was drenched in sweat.

They were sitting under the heat of the sun when a young girl happens to passed by. She approached Jen, "Hi there P'Jen" she gave a flower to Jen. Shy, the girl bowed as she avoids eye contact.

"Ohoi , Nong thank you na" Jen said. She rubbed the girl's head. The girl smiled and left them.

Jen, a lovely girl in their school and considered as 'one of the boys'. People adored her for being athletic and academically smart.

Her friends were Khun which also known as the class's clown, New the class's president.

"Ai Sun!" New was pissed as a guy walks proudly with flowers, stuff toys and stickers all over his shirt.

He was wearing a sunglasses. Sun is the most handsome among them.

The group is known as BART from ' Band artist' thanks to New's Uncle who is now a senator. They work as a part time artist to different shows and series. "Where's Miko?" Jen asked.

Sweating and dried lips, "I thought he was with you guys ?!" Sun respond. In a distance, a guy wearing a black jacket with a pale skin with dark under eyes came to them.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!" Khun shouted. "I bought this Matcha, it was on sale in near shop" Miko displayed his green cold Milk tea on his hand.

Everyone looked at Miko with frowning faces.

Jen launched herself out and slap Miko on the back of his head. "Why only for yourself? Look at us , we are soaked in sweat!" Jen sarcastically smiled. Miko just giggled a bit as he took a sip of his Matcha.

After they waited for each other, they went to a club for a drink that Khun's Aunt owns. The boys are from a wealthy family.

Jen on the other hand is an average among them and yet she doesn't like freebies from her classy friends. They ordered some drinks and some foods to celebrate.

They spent 4 hours in the club laughing while drinking. They talked about their strict Teacher and their epic disciplinary action.

When Jen noticed her watch she said that it was getting late so she went home being accompanied by Miko. Khun , New and Sun were left drunk in the club.

Khun looked at his friends as he took of his 'having fun face' and sighed. He grabbed his glass of wine and chugged it out with big gulps.

New and Sun looked at him as if they already knew what was going on.

"I know that face" New said. Sun sip on his glass then pat Khun's shoulder. "It's ok bro, the same for us" he said. Khun looked at them, looking so down. "I guess , no one won her heart then."

He pours each glass with wine then he raised his glass. "To the three failures!" New and Sun also raised their glasses. They chugged at the same time, finishing it all up till the very last drop on their beer bottle.

"Do you think Jen has a secret love for Miko?" Randomly thought of New.

Khun waved his hand , disagreeing. "That's impossible because Miko and Jen are distant relatives" the two of them looked at Khun confused. Sun asked "how come?"

he gazed at him with his heavy eyes, feeling dizzy. "Because Miko told me when we were studying in my room."

Sun suddenly butt in "Then, Jen probably lesbian." They look at him as if Sun really gave them the answer.

"What makes you say that?" New curiously asked. "Because she can't see my handsome face." He suddenly kicked Sun and cursed at him.

The three of them laughed and laughed as they drunk. It's already middle of the night, When they finally decided to head home. Khun went for a walk and he did not asked for service nor him to be dropped off by his friends, he wanted to recollect his thoughts because he was too drunk and could not think properly.

In a cold windy night , he was so drawn to think that 'what if Jen finally opens up her heart?

To whom and why?' He felt a sharp piercing his chest as tears fall slowly down on his cheeks.

Three days after, Khun invited Miko in his place so he can divert his attention.

They played video games on Play station 2. Miko saw that Khun doesn't look lively as he normally do.

Miko saw that the trash bin is filled with tissue papers. He noticed a few photos of Jen in his desk were saggy.

"Am I not loveable?" Khun asked out of the blue, as he hit the buttons on his joy stick.

Shocked, Miko stood up and touch Khun's head. "Whatever it is, we are here for you and we are ready to back you up."

Miko knew that New, Sun and Khun has feelings for Jen. While rubbing Khun's head and comforting him. "Do you want a motivation?" He asked.

Khun looks at him as his eyes begins to appear big. "here's a thing" Miko gave his phone.

He wondered why Miko gave his phone to him. "What am I gonna do with this?" He asked. Miko grabbed his phone back and open up his messages.

He show to Khun his text mates. Khun was astonished by what he saw.

"Sun…New…Jen and me?" There were no other text mates other than them. "see? This is how I love you guys" Miko teased him by flirting.

After they laugh from their goofiness "why are you showing this to me?" Khun asked out of curiosity.

"Don't you want to read this messages?" Without hesitation , Khun grabbed Miko's Phone and looked at their conversation with Sun and New.

"well… your rivals are not giving up yet." Tempting, Miko grabbed a tennis ball then threw it against the wall. He played while Khun was busy reading.

"so all this time, you were helping them?" He asked.

"Yes! You see here friend, when it comes to love… there are no such thing as 'friends' but only rivals" Khun paused for a while , thinking what his friends ,Sun and New, were doing at his back.

Random thoughts coming in and out.

"NO!...No, it can't be right! Right?" Miko looked at him with a shrug face.

"I just give advices and choices." Suddenly , Khun stood up and threw Miko's phone at him. Good thing, he caught it.

"No, I won't" He firmly said. Miko got curious and stare at him as if he was waiting for another respond. "Friendship is friendship." Convincingly motivated. Miko clapped for his firm belief.

"So, what's your next move?" Miko asked. "I will never give up! and I will pursue Jen in my way." Khun went back to his senses.

Not long, a notification occur in their phones. Their next shooting for a movie project will happen for about 7 days.

The location and the scene to be shoot were given. Khun looked at it and said "I'll start tomorrow" Miko looked at him as he raise his eye brow. For 7 days , Khun planned to win Jen's heart.

He stalked her in social media, Observed her likings during get together and visiting her place.

When the day of movie production , Khun vigilant to his surroundings.

Apparently, He was assigned with New to share the same dressing room. They were being fixed by their respective hair dresser and make up artist. Khun was being calm and yet observant.

While being comb ,New's phone rang. He answered the call. "Hello Mik…" Curiously peeked, his head was pull back by his hair dresser.

At that moment , Khun assumed what's going on. After a few minutes of fixing. Khun pretended to read his script while secretly looking at New.

He saw that he dialed a different number. New saw that Khun was staring at him for quite some time now.

"You've been staring at me for a while now.

Are you inlove with me?" New teased him around as he pose in very seductive way. "No!" Khun cursed at him. "who was on the phone?" Innocently asked.

"Oh it was Miko, he just gave me a very inspiring speech." New said as he wipe his eyes , acting as if he really did cry.

Khun laughed at him but at the back of his mind, he knew that he was lying.

A guy entered their room, "Your scene is next, please stand by" After a few shots and hours of acting, night already fall.

Everyone was exhausted but Khun noticed New as if he was being suspicious.

He followed him at the alley, He saw New and Jen talking in a secluded area. New gave Jen a bouquet of white lily flowers. In Khun's eyes , Jen was happy in those flowers.

He assumed that white lily flowers are her favorites.

Khun left them together in pain and yet satisfied that Jen is happy.

Miko saw what Khun did. He approached his lonely and broken hearted friend. "you saw it too huh" Khun leaned on a wall.

Miko smiled, He grabbed his phone on his pocket then revealed his conversation.

"so do you still want to fight on your own?" Miko asked.

Khun pushed away Miko's phone "Yes , thank you for your concern but I think I can still handle this." Sound determined but Miko knew that his friend is in pain.

"wanna grab an ice cream?" Miko reached out to him. He responded a nod.

They went outside the site and in a grocery store, they saw at a glass window, Jen was talking to an old man wearing a suit.

They looked like debating , Khun would like to meddle but Miko interrupted him. "Wait , let's watch for a while." Khun back off a little bit as they wait.

The ice cream melts in their mouth so is their conversation. Jen threw the bouquet against the old man then she ran away sobbing. "Go on follow her."

Miko said. As soon as Khun left, Miko crossed his arms and smiled in sinister way. He then approached the old man.

Khun arrived at the park where he last saw Jen running. He searched in the playgrounds. He searched from swings, slides, small houses and even bushes. As he was about to leave , he heard a sniffing sound.

He followed the sound and then he saw Jen hiding behind a tree. He sat near her , concerned at Jen's feelings.

"are you ok?" he asked softly. Jen looked at him with teary eyes and runny nose. She saw Khun, She hugged him immediately and cry on his shoulder.

At that moment Khun felt as if he was so important. His heart beated fast and his cheeks flushed. He felt the warmth of her hug. "Tell me what happened?" hoping for Jen to open up.

She told him that her father was trying to reconcile with her but she doesn't like to live with the mistress. Khun comforted her by just listening to her rants.

Hours of overflowing emotion have paased…

"thank you Khun, I feel like a huge part of me was lifted. By the way can I ask you one thing?" she smile at Khun warmly.

Both of them are sitting under the tree in the middle of the night as the stars were lining and as the moon beams. Khun thought that it was a pleasing night.

"Sure, anything"

"well, I'm kind a shy but… what do you think about P'Sher. I mean he was so nice and so cool…" Jen keeps on talking and talking about her crush from one of the production team.

Khun's ecstasy fell apart. He came back from reality that Jen will never love him more than friends.

Saturday morning , the day after Khun's dream shattered.

After hearing those words from Jen , He contacted Miko immediately. They meet in Khun's room. "Why did you call me?" He asked.

He told Miko about that night when Jen ran away. He told him what he felt that time when she hugged him. Miko was just listening to his feelings but in the back of his mind, He knew that Khun is becoming more and more obsessed with Jen.

"Then why don't we , have a meeting?" he proposed. "What meeting?" he said. Miko called Sun and New to Khun's House to start the meeting. "What are you planning?" he asked.

"Let's wait for everyone shall we?" Miko smiled as he waited for the others. Khun on the other hand was feeling a bit uneasy.

In the middle of the afternoon Sun and New arrived. Everyone looking at Miko suspiciously.

"Why did you call us?" Sun asked. "You all probably know by now that I helped you in getting Jen's attention, right?" Miko sat on a chair with his legs crossed and arms laid on the side. "let's make it fair.

How about…

Miko was tapping his head with his index finger. …you use this materials in pursuing Jen's heart on your own? It's time to get united as friends right? This will be my last help for you all"

The boys looked at each other in confusion. Miko gave them each a small box. "Inside the box will help you depending on how you use it.

I'll be out of the country for business purposes of my parents so everything will be up to you guys. good luck" Miko left Khun's House leaving the three in wonder.

New was really curious what was inside the box and so he was the first one to open it. He saw a black card. "What's this?" He turns the card and saw a promo ticket of the club where they used to hang out.

"What am I gonna do with this card?" He scratched his head thinking of possibilities how a black card be put to use.

Sun saw what New got so he make a haste to open his.

"SHIAA!" He pushed the box out of his thigh. The two boys looked at Sun in surprised. "What's the matter?" New asked.

Sun pointed out the box that is on the floor. He looks terrified as if he saw a ghost. Khun stood up to pick it up, soon as he hold the box, a blue plastic peek through.

Khun bursts out of laughter , he then gave the box to New. "How is that helpful" Sun said as he gets frustrated. "HE GAVE YOU A STAMINA BOOSTER PILLS!! 5555" New was holding his guts as he teases Sun with Men's Stamina booster pills.

Khun distance himself from the two boys. He went to the kitchen to take some foods and drinks for his friends but he also intended to secretly open the box.

Fearing of what might Miko gave him.

He carefully opens the box with caution to prevent his friends from hearing the noise.

As he slowly opens the box , out of nowhere Sun shows up and took the box from Khun. New immediately block Khun from getting the box.

"I can't be the only one here to have a lewd item from Miko." He grabbed the item out of the box, Khun and New suddenly stop as their eyes were focusing at the item. "What's this?" Sun gave the item to Khun.

He then read the written label below "It's said that it is a N..Neu-roleptic? Analgesic? Neuroleptic analgesic?!" the boys find it weird.

A long silent came over them as their minds flew from this materials that they received.

A month after, the boys and Jen went out for a drink. Jen introduced to everyone her boyfriend P' Sher.

However , Sher wasn't there with them to meet personally. The boys still showed courtesy and respect of Jen's decision despite the feeling of envy against Sher.

For the whole month, they were too busy thinking of how Miko's items will be useful.

"I'll be in the comfort room but I'll be back!" Jen stood up and went to the women's. as soon she left, the boys felt hurt.

"ah~" Sun cursed in the air then grabbed a pill in his pocket. "WAI! WAIT! WAIT!" the two boys tried to stop Sun from taking the pills.

"Is that?!...IS THAT MIKO'S PILLS!?" New said. "so what? There's so many fish in the sea plus it's better this way."

Sun took the pills then gulped a beer. The bitter taste of the beer filled his face. "you know what? You are right. NOW GIVE ME THOSE PILLS!" New also took the pills he also gulped a bitter taste of beer.

Khun , feeling worst among them, decided to take the drug to himself. They saw him but before he can do so they stopped him immediately.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Concerned, Sun slowly pushed away Khun's drug from his mouth. "you know, It'll be hard for us to carry you." New calmly comforted to Khun.

"You miss understood, this is a type of anesthesia, and I don't want to feel this pain anymore." Khun grasped his chest as it tightens.

He lowered his head, and his eyes were watery. "a-a-ah, enough of this drama." Sun reached his hand to Khun with a pill on his hand.

Khun then took it and just like the other boys, he drank a bitter beer.

Suddenly , Khun is determined "If I can't erase this pain sensation then she should be numb atleast for a day just like how she doesn't feel anything for us.

" Khun whispered. So he poured out the drug in to Jen's cup. The two boys didn't saw it because they were busy looking for a nice girl to lay on tonight.

"I'm so sorry na , there's a long queue on the women's bathroom." Jen sat a lady like on their table. She saw a few shot glass empty, "Ohoi, you guys already started ah"

"don't worry , we will celebrate your relationship. My treat!" New raised his arm then sign for the waiter. Few minutes, the waiter went back and gave them bottle of fine fresh and heavily alcoholic beverages.

New gave his card to the waiter, they got their drinks for free. Premium and yet free.

They drunk all night to celebrate Jen's happy relationship and they didn't even bother to talk about their own personal feelings.

Even Khun who felt worst and yet he drunk it up as if there's no tomorrow.

Time passed by, Jen and New passed out. Khun and Sun tried to woke them up but only New got sober a little bit.

Because of this, they rent a room of a nearby hotel to stay in. Sun and Khun carried the heavy sleeping beauty to her room.

New on the other hand was the one that carried their things. They drop first, their things to a separate room where all of the boys will be staying. Jen will be on a separate room. They dropped Jen on her bed then left her alone.

The boys went to shower one by one, when they were a bit sober , they sensed that Jen hasn't been moving. There were no sign of Jen sobering up or even a noise coming from her room. Alarmed by this situation, they accessed her room.

It was a bit blur in their eyes because of the alcohol content. But an assurance gave them ease and that Jen's position was different from the time they left her.

The boys went home and left the hotel after. , thinking they might disturbed her. They all decided that they will just chatted her regarding this.

The next morning Khun woke up from the bed feeling a bit of nauseous, he felt the pain on his head. He looked at his phone and it seems like no one messaged him.

He went down to the kitchen to eat when all of a sudden , someone was ringing the bell. Annoyed , he rubbed his head as he felt like it was throbbing.

He opened the door then he saw an inspector. "sir come with us please, we had a lead that you were involved to a crime." Confused , Khun was gazing upon the inspector but his attention wasn't there.

"Sir , I would like you to come for investigation purposes." Slowly processing from his mind , Khun asked "About what crime officer?"

"The death of a 21 year old woman named Jennalyn Kamgakaw." Khun was surprised by it. He immediately informed the investigator to wait for him.

After the morning news by the investigator, they headed to the office for an interview. Khun saw that Sun and New was there. "what happened?" Khun whispered.

The two boys just shrug their shoulders. When the time comes , they were ask in a private room. They investigated from Sher , the boyfriend of Jen, to the waiter that served them from the bar and even the staff from the hotel they rented in. The last one was the three of them.

Sun, New and Khun happened to have the same alibi. They were drunk, drop her in a room , secured her safety then left her from the hotel.

They couldn't believe what happened to their bestfriend. Everyone of them pleaded to see their bestfriend's body but the family refused.

The investigator showed them some of the proof that lead to them. They retrieved a pill from the hotel , Sun happened to recognized it but he denied.

He denied that he used it to her friend. They also retrieved from the bar a broken piece of paper that happens to be on their table where they sat on.

New did not deny it instead they used it to celebrate Jen's relationship with P' Sher.

Lastly , they also have a result from the autopsy of the body. It has a drug content.

Khun denied it but the two boys recognized the drug. They said that they were familiar with the drug because of Miko. Miko was outside the country so the boys assumed that it wasn't Miko.

Despite of this, they still find a way to contact and inquired of Miko regarding the drug. Miko did not deny the drug but based from their researched.

Miko is the least to be suspected. The leading ones are the three boys.

After the investigation , the three of them was scheduled for a trial. The boys didn't know what to do as if someone really set them up.

They went viral in social media and even in the internet regarding the death of a girl. New contacted his Uncle regarding this because it was getting out of hand.

Khun and Sun were under New's uncle protection. When the time of hearing arrived, they saw an old man wearing a suit. Khun remembered this old man to be Jen's father.

As the hearing progressed, they found out that she was drugged and raped.

She died of an internal bleeding but because she was drugged. She were unconscious and didn't feel any pain. From the measure of her internal wounds, it seems to be more than one person.

Without a clearer picture, the trials were with hold. People who supports Jen hated them.

They were called as rapist and they were shouting for Justice. Few years have passed with wealth and influence of New's Uncle, the people seems to forget this incident.

There are still few people who shouted "Justice for Jen!" and yet the boys' career were still on aired. They were casted to different series, main character of some movies and became the main hosts of a famous show.

Khun developed anxiety and depression because of the movement calling out 'Justice for Jen'. Khun decided to recollect himself and meet up with Sun and New.

After settling their thoughts and their feelings, they publicly apologized.

What really happened was , the time they went to drop Jen in her room , they felt the heat and so they went to her together.

A poor helpless body of Jen could not do anything but to tear down.

When they went for a shower, their heat already settled but the body of Jen already loss so many of blood.

They could not see it because it was a bit blury in their eyes.

Up to this day, their career are still going. They help people in need so people slowly forget what truly happened to Jen who innocently died not because of their lust but because of their love that turned in to obsession.

The trials were moved each time it was scheduled till the case was irrelevant. That was the time when Khun and his friend got the courage to apologize publicly.

~ END of chapter

TRIGGER WARNING; it contains negativity so please be advised that this is just fantasy of the author and does not reflect in real life.

Please read slowly with coherence and enjoy.

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