
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Rafael Starts Suspecting Kirana

"What is your relationship with the girl named Kirana?"


Kirana was immediately surprised to receive such a question. Because her is Kirana, not Keysa. sHe was confused about what to answer now. Rafael also wonders why she always hears the name Kirana which is always associated with his wife.

Kirana was silent, she was thinking of the right answer. sHe glanced at Rafael who was also glancing at her.

"Sorry, she has nothing to do with the girl you are talking about," said Rafael snatching the question before Kirana spoke. "She is Keysa Dwipangga, the heir to Dwipangga Corporation. So, of course she doesn't know the person named Kirana," he continued.

The journalist had not given up at all. Rafael looked around the office. He saw Fino in his car. From there, he realized that all this was the work of that man.

"How dare he look for trouble with me, just look. I'll teach him a lesson," Rafael muttered.

The direction of his gaze was still fixed on the car outside his office. Meanwhile reporters continued to bombard him with lots of silly questions.

Kirana could only remain silent, even though she was nervous about the reporters' questions.

"Is this marriage of yours an arranged marriage?" asked one of the reporters.

Rafael immediately reacted to the question.

"Shut your mouth. Don't insult our family with that nonsense question. Don't you know that our family is the most respected and richest family in this country. How could we do such a thing, think before asking," said Rafael.

He looked annoyed and emotional with the reporters' questions. Because he was fed up, he gave one more chance to ask. Someone immediately raised his hand.


The man stepped forward and asked his question.

"According to information, Mrs. Keysa is currently receiving treatment abroad. How can it be in front of us now?"

Kirana looked down. He was very scared. He tried to be calm, and would not show a worried face.

"Calm down, calm down. Kirana," Kirana muttered in her heart. sHe tried to calm herself first.

Because Kirana was silent, then Rafael answered his question. Although he also never knew that Keysa was abroad. However, he still gave a reasonable answer.

"A few days ago he did go abroad. But yesterday he came back. These days, what is difficult is traveling everywhere in a short time. We are a rich family, we have a private jet that we can use however we want," said Rafael. He looked seriously at the reporter. "Is my answer enough to satisfy you?"

The reporter nodded and smiled. Apparently, Rafael managed to give an answer that made the journalists believe. Even so, he remains curious about his wife. He intended to talk about it later in his room.

After that, the press conference ended. Rafael and Kirana left the lobby for the elevator. He was really fed up with dealing with media crews who were constantly looking for news about his family. This bored Raphael.


He opened the door to his room. Kirana was following behind him. The two of them are now in the room.

Rafael immediately turned and looked at Kirana who was staring at him innocently. The woman had been silent since then, not making a sound.

"Why do so many people associate you with someone named Kirana? Isn't that a strange thing? Do you really not know him?" said Raphael.

Kirana immediately spoke up. sHe didn't want Rafael to suspect her if her just kept quiet.

"I also don't understand why they accuse me of being Kirana. In fact, I've never even heard of that name," Kirana replied casually. sHe didn't want to show a suspicious expression. "Don't you believe me?" she asked.

"I'm just surprised. That's all."

"That's fair. But I have told the truth. You believe it or not, it's up to you."

"Okay, forget it. Please finish your work."

Rafael then left in front of Kirana, he stepped to his desk. And checked all the reports on his desk. He occasionally pays attention to Kirana at his desk, he still suspects that Kirana is hiding something from him.

"I have to find out who Kirana really is. Are they really similar, so many people think that my wife is Kirana, "Raphael muttered. "I need Teo's help with this," he continued.

A few moments later, Teo came to Rafael's room. The man immediately asked Kirana to buy clothes. Teo drove his car leisurely. Then invite Kirana to talk.

"How's the job, ma'am? Is there any problem?" asked Theo.

"For now there is none, Mr. Teo."

"I'm grateful. Anyway if there's anything. Ask me everything."

"Definitely Mr. Teo.Just calm down."

Not long after, they arrived at a famous clothing store in the capital. The clothes here are very famous foreign brands.

"Please, ma'am," said Teo, opening the door for Kirana.

"Thank you, Mr Theo. If only my husband could be this sweet. Is he really fierce and curt, Pak Teo?"

While stepping beside Kirana, Teo answered the question that Kirana had just asked.

"Actually he has a special side, ma'am. He really cares about people, but he doesn't like showing it in front of people. Maybe he's still awkward with you, Mom. That's why he doesn't show his sweet attitude. But I'm sure, one day he will show it to you, "said Teo.

Kira just smiled. Then walked into the shop. He was astonished to see the clothes that were very expensive. Then he accidentally asked Teo.

"Why are the clothes here so expensive?"

"Because it's a well-known brand, ma'am. You just say what brand you want."

"Choose what you think is right for me. I don't really understand the brand," explained Kirana.

The answer surprised Theo. Then mumbled. "How come Mrs. Keysa doesn't know a famous brand. Isn't he a very rich woman."

He didn't want to talk too much. Then he chose clothes that were very luxurious and matched Kirana. Moments later, he got 10 pieces of clothing which were very expensive. After paying all the bills, they went straight back to his office again.

In the afternoon, Kirana and Rafael went home together. Arriving at the house, Kirana got out of her car. Too excited, he slipped. His shoe was broken, and he sprained his leg. He felt pain.

"Aww! It hurts so bad," said Kirana.

Rafael just looked at the woman who was holding her leg in pain. "Don't worry about it," said Rafael.

He immediately got out of his car. He had to help the woman. Because he was afraid that Sopi's grandmother would see that he had abandoned his wife. Of course it will be a problem for Rafael.

"Be careful next time," said Rafael coldly. "Why do you have to hurry, slowly you can," he was annoyed.

Raphael immediately led the woman to her room. He saw his maid, then asked them to take Kirana to her room.

He rushed away from the place. He was really worried about what happened to his wife. Even though he never loved Kirana, he still cared about her.

Arriving at the mini market, he immediately looked for the thing he was looking for. He looked for massage oil and finally found it. Not wanting to waste time, he immediately paid for it and left the place.

He walked into his room to meet Kirana. He saw that the woman was still holding her aching leg accompanied by the maids. After he came, the maid left.

"Give me your leg. I'll massage it," said Rafael.

Kirana moved her feet closer to Rafael. The man took out the oil he had just bought.

"It has to be massaged. Otherwise, you won't be able to walk tomorrow," said Rafael.

Kirana did not comment anything. He just nodded and smiled. Rafael's hand began to massage gently.

"Aww, it hurts," said Kirana.

"Just hold on. Who told you to walk on your own? This is the result," annoyed Rafael. Instead of being loved, he actually scolded his wife.

Kirana shouted after Rafael's hands started massaging hard. He was in pain, he tried to hold it in for the sake of healing.

"Aww, slow down," Kirana pleaded.

"Can not. It's been very slow. You spoiled."

"But it hurts you know!"

"I do not care. Just bite the pillow, it's noisy!"

Kirana could only scream as loud as she could to endure the pain in her leg. Raphael was annoyed at the screams. He forced Kirana to bite his pillow. A few moments later, the massage was over.

"Tomorrow's getting better, so you let your legs rest. You don't have to walk a lot. It will swell up later, understand?"

"Yes. Understand."

Rafael got up and intended to leave his room. But he stopped when Kirana called him.

"Thank you," Kirana said quietly.

Raphael turned and smirked.

"Don't bother me anymore!"
