
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Rafael Claims Rights As Husband

"Give up! I want my rights!" Rafael whispered as his hand gave a gentle massage on the sensitive area.

Kirana could not dodge anymore. sHe seemed to be locked in Rafael's tight embrace. Even though it was the first time in his life, he still felt amused when Rafael's hand put a more intense touch on the area.

Only the sound of heavy breathing came from Kirana's mouth. That's what sounded in Raphael's ears. It was a quiet night, because everyone was asleep. He didn't want to give up making Kirana give up and respond to his actions.

However, all of Rafael's hopes had to be dashed. Kirana's hand seems to give a push to Rafael's body. Made the man realize that Kirana didn't want his actions.

"I can't, sorry," Kirana said after releasing herself from Rafael's arms.

Rafael was very disappointed, he let go of his embrace and distanced himself from Kirana. He immediately got up from there and sat on the edge of the bed.

Kirana looks sad because she can't do her duty as a wife. Although he is also curious about Rafael's treatment, he still remembers his status as a substitute bride. So he couldn't give his chastity to Rafael.

"Sorry," Kirana regretted, quietly.

"What are you sorry for? I know you don't want me. Is not it?"

"Not really, but..."

"Why? You still like your ex-boyfriend. Is he the reason you refused my wish. Don't you know, that all families want a grandson from us. Or do you not care about that?"

"Please don't talk like that. Don't corner me like this. I'm not like that," protested Kirana. He really couldn't accept the accusation.

Rafael, who was already upset and disappointed with the failure for the umpteenth time, made him get up from his seat.

"Where are you going?" asked Kira.

"None of your business!"

"But ..."

"Sleep, I have business outside."

Rafael then took his car keys. Then he left Kirana alone in his room. When he got to his car, he immediately called Mr. Teo. She wanted to meet the man.

"I'll be waiting at the bar. Usual place. Quick!"

"Okay, I'll be there now."

Rafael hung up the phone unilaterally. He was fed up with Kirana's attitude of always rejecting him. However, he looked back.

"Is it true that she is menstruating?" he muttered.

He raced his car quickly towards the bar. He wanted to vent his disappointment by getting drunk there.

"Does he really not want me?" Raphael asked himself.

He still continues to think negatively about his wife. Disappointment and hatred made his mind even more crazy.

Moments later, he arrived at his destination bar. He immediately got out of his car and stepped into the bar. The sound of DJ music made his head shake. He immediately approached Teo who was waiting on the bench in front of the bartender.

"One beer," said Rafael. The bartender immediately handed me the beer. Rafael immediately gulped half a bottle.

Teo who saw this, immediately knew that his boss was in a complicated mind. He immediately questioned his curiosity.

"What's the matter, sir?"

"My wife."


"I can't tell. Anyway, he's really annoying. Do you feel that my marriage to him is just a ritual? But he and I never really felt two to be my wife."

Rafael told Teo. Hearing this, Teo understands what really happened between Rafael and Kirana.

"What can I do for you?" asked Theo.

"I feel there is something strange with my wife. From people who always call her Kirana. Then his wallet which had no money at all, no atm card or credit card. All very strange. What do you think?"

Teo and Rafael felt something strange about it. His wife is a woman who comes from the richest family in Indonesia. They think, if there is no money, at least they have an atm or credit card.

"Do I need to investigate?" asked Theo.

"According to me. Looks like you need to do that. I'm curious. Please let me know right away."

"OK. I will do my job. Incidentally tomorrow, Mrs. Keysa and I will go to buy decent clothes for her to work. I'll find out about it tomorrow," said Teo.

"Good. I'm waiting to hear from you."

Raphael smirked. Then he asked Teo to toast.


The sound of the two bottles colliding. Rafael immediately gulped down his beer. Then he asked for another bottle. It seems that 1 bottle is not enough for Rafael. Then the bartender gave another one.


From a distance, someone saw them. Then the man came over to Raphael. The man was with three of his men.

"Finally we meet here. I'll beat you up," Fino threatened.

"Don't mess with me," said Rafael.

Finn chuckled. Then his right hand went straight to Rafael's face. And made Rafael fall on the floor. Teo did not stay silent, he immediately replied and made Fino bounce.

"Don't look for trouble here. Go you guys," said Teo.

Fino didn't care about that. Then he asked his men to attack Teo. However, the security guard at the bar immediately broke up the fight.

After that, Teo took Rafael home. Because he didn't want to make Rafael too drunk. Moreover, the man only drives his own car. Rafael couldn't argue with that. Teo continued to follow Rafael's car until he arrived at his house. Then Teo went on his way.


In the morning, Rafael's ears have to be disturbed by the sound of the hair drying machine. He opened his eyes and saw where the voice came from.

"It turned out to be him. Why is he so annoying!" complained Raphael.

After his eyes opened wide, he saw Kirana who was drying her hair, she was certainly shocked to see this moment.

He did not want to show himself who began to praise the beauty of his wife. He then rushed to the bathroom, because he had two hours left before leaving for the office.

"Did I disturb your sleep?" Kirana asked, guiltlessly.

"Don't you feel guilty?" Raphael snapped.

"Yes, sorry. I didn't…"

"Stop talking so much, dress appropriately," said Rafael. It seems that his irritation from last night is still continuing. "Don't embarrass me in front of the media. Thighs," Rafael said, then he stepped into the bathroom.

Kirana was really annoyed to get such a quick answer from Rafael. sHe even tried to be cute. But in fact Rafael has not been able to show a sweet attitude to him, except in front of his grandmother.

However, Rafael's attitude actually made Kirana even more excited to show her prowess in front of Haditama's big family. He wouldn't let them continue to insult him. Although, only briefly in the family. But she was determined to do his best before her left that place.

"If you give up on me. I will repay you. See you later," Kirana said with a smile. She was in front of the mirror and very pretty.

Thirty minutes later, they were on their way to the office. In the middle of the trip, Kirana felt that her husband this time was a little awkward. They happened to be in the same car.

He could see from her unsettled demeanor when she saw him earlier. Then Rafael said, "Don't talk too much, just answer what's asked. Let me answer all their questions. Understood, right?"

"Yes. I know."

"Good. Be obedient."

They arrived at his office. The reporters were already in the lobby waiting for them. The news about them is indeed an extraordinary meal to be spread in the public. However, not everyone liked the family. There are many rivals and people who want to destroy Haditama Group.

"Come on, come with me," said Rafael. This time he took Kirana's hand and took care of the woman. Because the media crew gathered in front of his office lobby.

Several security guards had blocked the media crew who couldn't wait to ask them questions. There are many things that hinder the marriage of the eldest son of the Haditama family. It attracted the attention of many people to find out about them.

"You guys have been patiently waiting for us. So now, please ask us questions," said Rafael with great authority.

Beside him was Kirana who was holding Rafael's hand. Her flawless appearance made everyone turn to her.

The dress she was wearing was very classy. Looks like a rich man's wife in general. Kirana just smiled, didn't want to talk much as requested. Raphael.

They were already prepared to wait for some questions that the reporters would ask. Rafael had been very wary, hoping Kirana wouldn't give too many answers.

All the reporters had raised their hands. They were very enthusiastic about asking them questions. Finally Rafael appointed one of the people to ask the first question.

"We heard a lot of information about you, ma'am. What is your relationship with the girl named Kirana?"

