
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Gold Bracelet For Kirana

"Don't bother me anymore!" cried Raphael.

Kirana was silent, ignoring the sentence. Raphael left his room. He chose to sit on the back porch of his house, while enjoying the quiet night.

Instantly his mind began to think about the figure named Kirana. He is increasingly curious, who exactly is Kirana who is always associated with his wife.

"I have to call Teo."

He took his cell phone and dialed Teo's number he had just found. The man on the other side immediately received a call from him.

"Hello, Theo."

"Yes sir."

"Have you found any information about that woman?"

"Not yet, sir. I'm looking for information from someone. It is said that a person named Kirana once worked in a cafe. I'll look for information there. I'll let you know once I get the information," said Teo.

"Good. Continue."

Raphael hung up the phone. He seemed a little relieved by the news Teo gave. He was increasingly curious as to what kind of figure they thought was Kirana.

"I'm sure, Teo will succeed," said Rafael.

He took a sip of the drink in front of him. After that, he returned to his room, because he also felt tired. He met Sopia's grandmother in the living room. The old woman called out to her, it seemed she wanted to have a serious talk with Rafael.

Rafael then sat next to his grandmother. He is the favorite grandson of Sofia's grandmother. He is the only one who will inherit the Haditama Group company.

"Rafael, grandma is old. Who else will inherit all the wealth of the Haditama family besides you. So, Grandma really wants to see you have children before Grandma dies," said Sopia's grandmother.

Rafael was touched by those words.

"Grandma, don't talk like that. I promise to give you grandchildren. I'm sure grandmother will also live longer, "said Rafael.

"Hopefully. So, don't take too long. Does your wife have no signs of pregnancy yet?"

Raphael paused, then shook his head. He couldn't possibly explain everything that really happened between him and his wife.

He didn't want Sopia's grandmother to think anything bad about them. However, he still tried to convince his grandmother that they would have offspring.

"Don't worry Grandma, everything will be fine. We are trying to have a child. Please help us pray, Grandma."

Rafael embraced his grandmother's body. He really loves his grandmother. His closeness to Sopi's grandmother is greater than that of his parents.

"Grandma will be praying for you. Oh yeah, you can like Keysa already?"

Raphael was taken aback by the question. but he didn't want to disappoint his grandmother. He had to lie to her to please her.

"She's a great woman, Grandma. I like it," said Raphael.


"Yes, Grandma." Raphael cracked a smile. He was really happy to see the happiness on the old woman's face.

"Grandma's choice was never wrong. Please take care of him . Grandma wants to see you guys happy. Never let him down."

"Sure, Grandma."

After that, Rafael said goodbye to his grandmother, then went into his room. There, he did not find his wife in the room. He heard a voice in the bathroom. He knew that his wife was taking a bath.

Suddenly his eyes fell on Kirana's cellphone which was on the bed. He was curious, then looked at the phone.

"Bracelet? Does he want this bracelet?" mumbled Raphael.

He saw the price of the bracelet was quite expensive. He thought, Kirana would not be able to afford it. Then he sent a picture of the bracelet to Teo. She wanted him to take care of everything.

Not wanting to be caught by Kirana, he immediately put the phone in its original place. Then he lay down on the bed. He seemed very tired.

A few moments later, Kirana came out of the bathroom. Rafael just looked at the woman, looking very seductive after bathing. However, Rafael, could only be silent, did not say anything.


The next day, Rafael went to work as usual. He left early, because he brought his own car.

All the way to the office, Rafael kept thinking about his wife. His curiosity grew, and he was very enthusiastic to find out who Kirana really was.

"Why do I feel like something is being hidden from me. Did he really trick me?" mumbled Raphael. "But is it true? How could that happen," he said.

With difficulty, Rafael erased Kirana's image from his brain. But all seems in vain. Because that figure adorns his brain more and more. From his smile, his laugh, also his adorable behavior. It's hard for Rafael to get out of his mind.

He held his head that was not dizzy while ruffling his hair that did not itch. Hope the woman's shadow goes away. Unfortunately, it still didn't work.

Arriving at the office, he rushed to the elevator. Arriving in the room, still not missing either.

"What if Kirana does exist? What will differentiate Kirana and Keysa later? Oh, this whole thing is driving me crazy. It's very annoying," said Rafael.

A few moments later, Kirana entered her room. Raphael immediately turned to the woman. He tried to pay close attention to her.

"Today at 10, you will have a meeting with the shareholders. Here are the files that I have prepared," Kirana said as she handed the file to Rafael. A beautiful smile appeared on Kirana's face, making Rafael's heart tremble.


Those were the only words that came out of Raphael's lips. Then Kirana returned to her desk. From time to time, Raphael looked at her curiously.

However, the more he became curious. The more makes Rafael interested in Kirana. Makes him confused and worried. He tried to deny the feeling that was getting more and more comfortable.

"Why do I feel this. Is this liking? No, this is not going to happen," said Rafael dismissing it.

A few minutes later, he looked at his cell phone. His phone vibrated, an incoming call from Teo. He immediately accepted the call.

"I'm going to the office this afternoon, sir."

"Okay, I'm waiting to hear from you."

"Yes sir."

Raphael then hung up the phone. Meanwhile, Kirana had been watching him silently.

"What happened to today? Why do I feel weird? It's really weird," said Kirana. He also tried to get rid of all the feelings that kept him in doubt. "I can't fall in love, no!" he brushed it off.

In the afternoon, work hours are over. He rushed home early. But when he arrived at the lobby, the receptionist called Kirana. Then the woman approached Kirana.

"What is it?" asked Kirana, curious.

"There's a package for you, ma'am."

"Oh. Package? I don't think I ever ordered anything. Was there a sender?"

"Nothing, ma'am."

The woman gave the box to Kirana. Then Kirana had no reason to refuse. He accepted it, and left in front of the woman.

sHe was curious about the contents of the package. Her then opened it in the car before her left his office. Kirana stared at the contents of the package.

"This is the bracelet I really wanted. Who bought it? What's Raphael?" she muttered.

There was no one he could guess other than Rafael. Because it was the man who dared to buy things at high prices.

"If it was Rafael, why didn't he tell me. Is he the kind of person who likes to give surprises?" he muttered again. "He's sweet, though nonchalant," he continued, smiling. He immediately put on the gold bracelet. He looked at it, and it looked very beautiful in his hand.

After that, he started the car. And left his office feeling happy. Meanwhile, Rafael looks happy because his wife has received his gift.

"Hope he likes it," said Rafael, smiling.

Suddenly Teo came into his room. Incidentally he had just finished his assignment, and intended to go home. However, he had to undo his intentions for a while, because he had to talk to Teo.

"Did you get any information about that woman?" asked Raphael.

"Yes, there are some things I want to say, sir."

"Say, what is it?"
