
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Still Ignorant, But Caring

"Come on, hurry up, what are you daydreaming about?" shouted Rafael

Kirana immediately put on an annoyed face when she heard a scream like that. She quickened her pace. This time Rafael was waiting for him, they walked together.

He didn't want to look unfamiliar in front of Sopi's grandmother. He always tries to maintain his attitude towards Kirana when he is in front of Sopi's grandmother.

"Why wait for me?" asked Kirana.

"So what? I should be grateful that I was willing to wait for you. Do not protest. Hurry up," said Raphael. He immediately grabbed Kirana's hand, then she took it.

Rafael's attitude made Kirana a little awkward. This is the first time Raphael is holding him. I don't know what Rafael's goal is to do something as sweet as that, Kirana doesn't know and can't guess.

Arriving at the house. It turned out that Sopi's grandmother had not slept. The woman was still watching television in the living room. Seeing them coming, Sofia's grandmother immediately smiled.

"Grandma is happy to see you guys this close. Grandma remembers when you were young when your grandpa always looked after grandma. Exactly like you guys now," said Sopia's grandmother.

The two then stopped near Sofia's grandmother. Then Kirana immediately hugged Sopia's grandmother. He had considered Sopia's grandmother like her own grandmother.

"I'm sure, Grandpa must have really loved Grandma. that's right?" asked Kirana.

"You're right dear. He was the best and most romantic man in Grandma's life. In fact, her image was always in Grandma's mind even though she was gone. Grandma always misses him," said Sopia's grandmother.

"So sweet. Grandma is lucky. It's rare to find a man like that nowadays," said Kirana. She looked at Rafael, and smiled faintly at Rafael. He said that on purpose, because his sentence contained satire to Rafael.

"It's rare. But Grandma hopes, Rafael can follow his grandfather. Grandma can see, there are many similarities between Rafael and his grandfather. Moreover, now Rafael is one of the donors at the Melati Orphanage. Did you ever get there?" asked Sofia's grandmother.

"All right, Grandma. Raphael invited me."

"Oh. fine."

After a long silence and listening, Rafael then took his wife into the room. He kissed his grandmother before he left.

Arriving in his room, Rafael then looked at Kirana who was on his bed. That gaze, always made Kirana uncomfortable. sHe had also tried not to feel it when Rafael looked at her.

The look in Rafael's eyes is very tempting, so Kirana is not that easy to avoid the gaze.

"You should rest. I see you are tired. I don't want you to get sick. Remember, I don't like taking care of sick people. Just bother me later," said Rafael sarcastically

Kirana's heart seemed to stop after hearing that. Those words sounded very evil to Kirana's ears. sHe didn't want to stay still. The woman immediately reacted. Her felt that Raphael had gone too far.

"Don't worry, you won't be bothered. If I get sick later, I will go to the hospital. So you won't be bothered at all. You don't need to take care of me in the hospital," Kirana said, annoyed.

sHe won't be silent anymore. sHe will continue to fight Rafael if he feels his words are too harsh.

Now Kirana's gaze shone sharply at Rafael. So that makes the man in front of him feel challenged. Kirana is still waiting for a response from Rafael, she is ready to argue with her husband.

"Up to you!" said Raphael. "Anyway, I would never care if you got sick because of your own doing. Now, go to sleep. Tomorrow you go back to work. You'll have a lot of work tomorrow."

Rafael immediately left the place. He chose to leave the room. While Kirana just silently watched the man's back pass from in front of him. He was still annoyed and fed up with Rafael's indifferent attitude, as well as his always scathing words to him.

"Irritating!" growled Kirana cursed softly. "How long will he feel handsome, cool and powerful. Indeed, he thought, he could go around with me. Just watch, later you will need my help," he continued.

He lay down on the bed. He dropped his phone on his bed. For a moment he thought back to his grandmother who had passed away. He was sad again, and shed tears.

Raphael's words really hurt his feelings. He realized that he deserved that kind of attitude from Rafael, but those harsh words actually gave him deep pain. And made him remember his grandmother's cares forever.Because he rarely gets such rude actions from his family.

"Grandma, papa, mama. I miss you guys. I miss you so much," she whispered.

While outside the room, Rafael contemplated his words earlier. Although he felt his words were normal, but he saw Kirana's eyes immediately filled with tears.

For a moment he thought and contemplated again. He felt guilty for having said such a rude thing to his wife.

"Is she crying?" mumbled Raphael. "Am I bad? Sadistic? Rough?" he muttered.

He took a deep breath. Trying to calm himself down. He didn't want to blame himself for his behavior. However, his instincts continued to think about his attitude towards Kirana earlier.

"Maybe I overreacted, I should apologize to her. It's dangerous if her gets angry and complains to grandma. I will die, I might be removed from the beneficiary list. Oh, I can't. This can't be happening," Raphael muttered.

He got up and walked into his room again. He intends to mend Kirana's heart, which was hurt by his harsh words.


Raphael opened the door. Knowing her husband entered her room, Kirana immediately closed her eyes. She pretended to be asleep, so as not to argue with her husband again.

Rafael came closer, swinging his legs towards the bed where Kirana was. He felt guilty seeing her fast asleep. The innocent face was asleep, and Rafael just looked at the face sadly.

After that, he sat beside his wife. He wanted to kiss her forehead, but he didn't want to.

"I'm sorry. I'm too much. Don't report me to grandma," said Rafael.

Kirana actually heard the words her husband just said. Inwardly, she felt very happy.

"Apparently he was very afraid that I was angry," Kirana mumbled, in her heart. He kept his eyes closed because Rafael was still looking at him.

Rafael continued to stare at the woman. Without intending to leave that place. There was no answer whatsoever from Kirana.

A few seconds later, Rafael was still beside his wife, he was still silent. He was at a loss for words. He scanned his wife's body from head to toe, unexpected desire began to arise. He recalled that first night that nearly succeeded. He wanted to do it again tonight.

"Why would I ask that? Isn't it my duty to get it. She had to fulfill my wish, but she was still menstruating. How about this?" Raphael muttered. He looked confused. Is he still flirting with his wife or let go of his desire.

He began to lay down next to Kirana's body. He smelled the woman's hair. The perfume he used made his passion go crazy.

"Is he really sleeping?" mumbled Raphael. "Ah, maybe just pretending to sleep," he said to himself.

He then continued his naughty act. He landed his lips on Kirana's neck, which was white and soft and fragrant. It started to make Kirana's body move slowly, she smiled and felt that she had won.

It didn't stop there, Rafael continued his hand on Kirana's back while raining on her back which was still covered in clothes. He didn't care, because he was sure that Kirana wanted him too.

"I want to do it. Isn't he tempted, why doesn't he respond?" asked Raphael, to himself.

He did not want to give up, he continued to provide touch and enjoyment in the forbidden area of ​​Kirana. However, Kirana still did not respond. He was really holding back his urge. He didn't want to give Rafael a chance to do his thing.

"Hold on, I have to be able to endure it. I can't do it. I can't get pregnant, I'm not the bride. I'm someone else," Kirana muttered.

However, Rafael continued to make Kirana give up and tried to turn the woman's body. But his hopes were in vain. Because Kirana continues to struggle not to be tempted.

"Give it up, I got it tonight," said Rafael, quietly.

He also managed to turn Kirana's body. He immediately landed his lips on Kirana's lips and enjoyed it wildly. He didn't waste that opportunity. Kirana did not move at all.

"Give up! I want my rights!"
