
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Next Move

Ji-Hye gripped her sword tightly as she faced Marcy, the Champion of Sirenar. His attacks were powerful, each swing of his blade sending shockwaves through the arena. Hyun-Ki moved alongside her, looking for an opening while Ji-Hye absorbed the brunt of Marcy's assaults.

"Go, Ki!" Ji-Hye shouted, parrying Marcy's heavy strikes. She blocked one attack, but the impact was so strong that she felt it through her entire body, nearly knocking her off her feet.

Hyun-Ki darted around, attempting to flank Marcy. He lunged forward, aiming for a gap in the Champion's armor, but Marcy reacted fast, bringing his shield up to deflect the blow. He countered with a broad sweep of his sword, forcing Hyun-Ki to back away to avoid being hit.

Marcy's shield was like a wall, blocking every attack that came his way. He laughed, his voice filled with arrogance. "You think you can best me? Keep trying!" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with confidence.

Nia, positioned a short distance away, cast support spells to aid her team. She summoned gusts of wind to disrupt Marcy's balance, but he stood firm, his feet anchored to the ground. After Nia's attack ended, he advanced toward Ji-Hye.

Ji-Hye gritted her teeth, bracing herself as Marcy's sword came down with unyielding power. She blocked, but the force drove her back a few steps. Hyun-Ki rejoined, attacking from the side, but Marcy's shield intercepted each swing with ease.

Marcy retaliated with a powerful sweep, sending both Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki staggering. He struck with brute strength, each blow shaking the ground. Nia cast another spell, creating a wall of rocks to slow him down, but Marcy shattered it with a single swing, scattering debris everywhere.

Ji-Hye took advantage of the chaos, lunging at Marcy, but he caught her wrist, forcing her to drop her sword. He kicked her in the stomach, knocking her to the ground. Hyun-Ki rushed at him, trying to gain the upper hand, but Marcy was too strong. He swung his sword in a wide arc, sending Hyun-Ki flying back into the dirt.

Nia used a protective spell, surrounding Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki with a shimmering barrier to give them a moment's respite. But Marcy's relentless power cracked the barrier with a single strike, shattering it. Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki regrouped, standing side by side, their expressions determined.

"We need to change our approach," Hyun-Ki said, breathing heavily. "We can't keep taking hits like this."

Ji-Hye nodded, her eyes on Marcy. "We need to find a way to outmaneuver him. He has too much power." They knew they had to be strategic, using speed and coordination to overcome the Champion's overwhelming strength. It would take teamwork and quick thinking to turn the tide in their favor.

Soul, hidden in the trees, saw the moment to act. He gave a quick signal to Nia, a subtle hand gesture that told her to use the smoke spell. Nia caught his cue, gathering her mana and focusing on a point around Marcy. Swirling mist began to rise, enveloping the area where the Champion stood.

The smoke grew thicker, hiding Marcy from sight. Watchers around the arena tried to adjust their magical lenses to see through the smoke, but Nia's spell was too dense for them to see through.

Soul slipped into the smoke, his movements silent and smooth. The swirling mist made the perfect cover, allowing him to move undetected. He knew Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki would use this opportunity to regroup and change their tactics.

Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki followed Soul into the smoke, their silhouettes barely visible in the thick fog. They kept low to the ground, cautious of Marcy's presence. The Champion's heavy breathing was the only clue to his location, a steady rhythm within the swirling chaos.

Nia, who had cast the smoke spell, joined them, using her magic to maintain the cover. The group knew they had a brief window to catch Marcy off guard and turn the tide of the battle in their favor. They moved quietly, their footsteps muffled by the smoke, careful not to give away their positions.

"The healer finally shows up," Marcy said, smirking as he heard the footsteps in the smoke. "Welcome. Care to tell me your name, now?"

"Soul," he replied, his voice flat and emotionless.

"Soul? That's a weird name."

"Hmm." was Soul's only response.

"Don't try to act so high and mighty, Champion." said Ji-Hye. "Watchers can't see us right now."

Inside the dense smoke, Soul moved in slowly, his eyes focused on Marcy, the Champion of Sirenar. Marcy was reeling from the earlier battle, his body showing signs of wear and tear. Cuts and abrasions marred his skin, blood trickling down his arms and torso. It was the perfect moment for Soul to strike.

He extended his hand toward Marcy, guiding the blood from those wounds into an orb. The dark red strands of blood twisted and coiled, forming a pulsating vortex in the air.

Marcy's eyes widened with shock as he felt his strength ebbing away. His knees buckled, and he tried to steady himself with his sword, but his grip faltered. "What... what are you doing?" he stammered, his voice barely audible above the dense smoke. "You are… a blood magic user?"

Soul kept silent, his expression unchanging.

Marcy's breath became shallow and erratic as he tried to comprehend his grim reality. "Oh, gods. Oh, Sirenar's mercy. A blood magic user!" He struggled to push himself up, but his body failed him, collapsing back onto his knees. "No. No! Please, stop!"

Soul's gaze remained cold and fixed on the blood orb. He didn't respond to Marcy's pleas; his intent was clear.

Marcy's voice grew more desperate, laced with fear. He clawed at the ground, trying to pull himself away, but his limbs were too weak. "No, please don't kill me! I give up," he begged, his voice rising with panic. "Please, no!"

But Soul continued to draw more blood, the vortex above him growing larger with every passing second.

"Sirenar, help me!" Marcy cried, his voice cracking. He looked around, seeking help from anyone who might listen. "No! Let me go! Ji-Hye, stop him! I give up, I yield!"

The sound of Marcy's voice grew fainter. His body grew weaker with each drop of blood that left him. But Soul didn't waver.

"H-hey, man. That's... ya know, enough. Leave him alone," Hyun-Ki said, "he yielded."

"Why did you show your power?" Nia asked, her eyes flashing with anger. "You're going to get 'us' into so much trouble!"

Marcy, crawling on the ground, was still trying to push himself up, but his strength was fading. "Gods, please. Void spawn! He's a void spawn! Slay him where he stands!" he yelled, his voice filled with fear. "No!"

"Leave him alone, Soul," Ji-Hye moved closer, trying to calm him down. "We've won. You're taking things too far –"

Soul's expression remained cold as he closed his palms, the blood orb suddenly ceasing its motion. Marcy's body went limp, his head dropping to the dirt, and his eyes glazing over. The last breath left his mouth, and he was dead. The wounds on Marcy's body were gaped open due to the magic's intensity.

The blood orb hovering above began to lose its form, slowly entering through Soul's eyes as if it were being absorbed. The energy was so strong that it caused Soul's body to levitate off the ground for a few seconds. His eyes flared a deep red, and his hair shifted to crimson.

Then, just as quickly, everything returned to normal. Soul's feet touched the ground, his hair and eyes reverting to their usual color.

"We've won…"

As Soul put his knee to the ground, a burst of energy rippled out from him, a shockwave that sent dust and leaves went off into the air. The force of the blast caused Hyun-Ki and Ji-Hye to stagger back, their eyes wide with shock. Even Nia, who had seen her fair share of strange magic, couldn't help but take a step back as the energy surged outward, a chaotic force that seemed to come from the depths of Soul's very soul.

The surrounding trees swayed violently, their branches whipping in the sudden gale created by the energy burst. The ground itself shook, fissures forming and snaking outward in jagged patterns. The Watchers positioned around the arena flickered, struggling to maintain their view through the thickening smoke and the residual energy distorting the air.

"Agh…" Soul stood up, flicking the mud off his pants. "That felt weird."

"You just offed a fucking champion, you twat!" Ji-Hye shouted, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him close. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You fucking dick!"

"We've signed papers. It's not my fault he died here." Soul replied calmly.

Ji-Hye's hands tightened on his shirt. "You… you…" she stammered, struggling to find the words. She released her grip, taking a step back and glaring at him. "I can't even... I can't – he fucking kills a champion and acts like nothing happened."

Her chest heaved with frustration, and she turned away, trying to calm herself. Soul watched her as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred.

The smoke dissipated, fading into the crisp morning air. The Watchers adjusted their lenses, focusing on the four figures emerging from the haze. It was clear now – there had been a decisive victor.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the referee announced, slowly walking toward them. His voice echoed through the arena, carrying the weight of the moment. "The second team have won! The champion of Sirenar is... is dead!"

Ji-Hye, Hyun-Ki, and Nia stood side by side, they were relieved, but exhausted. Ji-Hye's hand still rested on her injured shoulder, her eyes on the referee. Hyun-Ki leaned on his sword, breathing heavily. Nia shut her eyes, thinking what would come next after this.

Soul remained apart from them with a dull face. He knew that the champion's death was a necessary step toward his ultimate goal.

"Everyone, please exit the arena," the referee continued, gesturing toward the exits. "Please move calmly and avoid any further disturbances."

The Watchers remained fixed on Soul and his team, their lenses tracking every move, every expression.

Ji-Hye looked at Soul. "You just killed a champion," she said quietly, her voice carrying a warning. "This won't go unnoticed."

Soul simply shrugged, his expression neutral. "We signed the papers," he replied. "It happened, he died. End of the story."

Hyun-Ki stepped closer to Ji-Hye, with worry in his eyes. "What now, sister?" he asked, keeping his voice low. "Are we in trouble?"

Ji-Hye didn't answer right away. She knew they were in a precarious position. Killing a champion, even in a sanctioned match, could have serious repercussions. But for now, they had to get out of the arena and back to safety.

"Let's go," Ji-Hye said calmly. "They'll take us to Volikan. We need to regroup and figure out our next move there."