
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Nothing Could Go Wrong

The journey to Volikan was tense. The transport carriage moved slowly along the stone-paved roads, with Soul and the others sitting in uncomfortable silence. The sun had set by the time they reached the town, casting long shadows across the cobbled streets. As they entered Volikan, they noticed the hostility right away.

The townspeople watched them, their faces reflecting curiosity and resentment. Though no one shouted or cursed, the anger in their eyes was evident. Conversations hushed as the carriage rolled through the narrow streets. Some people turned their backs, refusing to look at them. Others glared from windows, their faces barely visible in the dim light.

"They... don't seem too happy about us being here," Hyun-Ki remarked, peering out the small window of the cart.

"It's because we killed the Champion of Sirenar," Ji-Hye replied, keeping her voice low. "Nobody takes that lightly. It's not every day someone kills a god's champion."

Nia nodded with frustration. "I get it, but we signed the papers. They knew what they were getting into when they agreed to fight. Yet they look at us like we just desecrated something sacred."

Ji-Hye shrugged. "In their eyes, we did. Killing a god's champion is like spitting on their beliefs. It's not just a battle; it's a challenge to their faith."

The carriage made its way through the narrow cobblestone streets of Volikan. The streets were full with activity despite the hour, but as the carriage passed, the townspeople seemed to pause, casting dark glances in their direction. Some folded their arms, others shook their heads, and a few whispered among themselves. The ride felt longer with the weight of so many unfriendly eyes upon them.

"Where are we going?" asked Nia. "When are we getting our medals?"

"They're taking us to the mansion," Ji-Hye answered. "The Elder of this city will give us our medals. But remember, we just killed the fucking Champion of Sirenar. He had never lost a single sword fight since he was blessed. Never."

Hyun-Ki sighed heavily. "Then how do we explain that Soul, a D-class student, managed to kill him?"

"We won't," Ji-Hye said, keeping her voice low but firm. "There was smoke, so no one saw what happened inside. If anyone asks, we say we attacked Marcy together, kept him off-balance, and 'accidentally' killed him. We didn't mean for it to happen. Understand? The smoke obscured our views, blah blah."

Nia and Hyun-Ki nodded.

"Okay," said Hyun-Ki. "But what if someone presses us for more details? We can't afford to slip up."

"We stick to the story," Ji-Hye insisted. "The Watchers didn't capture anything because of the smoke, so we have plausible deniability. Just keep it simple, and don't give anyone a reason to suspect otherwise."

The carriage continued to roll through the town, the mood inside tense. They knew they had to be careful with their words and actions, especially in a city that likely revered the fallen champion. The streets were quiet now, with only a few people watching as the carriage passed by.

"Let's just get our medals and leave," Nia said, looking out the window. "I don't like the way they're staring at us."

"Agreed," Ji-Hye replied. "We'll collect what's owed to us and then get out of this city as quickly as possible."

"Why did you do it, Soul?" Hyun-Ki cut in. "Before the tournament, you asked if it was okay to kill someone in the match. Is that why you joined our team? To kill that guy? I thought you joined because I asked for help, not for your own gain! You used us! Why?"

Soul didn't answer. He just sat there, eyes closed, avoiding Hyun-Ki's gaze.

"Seriously, man, you can't just stay silent," Hyun-Ki insisted, the anger growing in his words. "You killed someone. The Champion. People don't just do that in a fight like this. What was your deal? What did he do to deserve that?"

Soul remained impassive, his expression unchanged. He shifted in his seat, readjusting his posture.

"I'm sorry." lied Soul with a cold voice. "But I needed my revenge. I hope you all can forgive me."

"Revenge?" Hyun-Ki raised an eyebrow. "What did that man do to you? He is – was probably the most merciful human being in this world."

"I won't go into details. But know that he wasn't always this merciful before he was blessed." he said with a dull face.

Hyun-Ki fell silent, so did Nia and Ji-Hye.

'This should shut their traps for some time.'

"I –" Nia hesitated. "I heard from Ms.Ran that you were thrown in a cell when you were younger. Is that true?"


"Is the Champion of Sirenar connected to you being locked away? And why were you imprisoned in the first place?"

"Let's stop talking about me." He said and shut his eyes. "We should celebrate our victory."

"Yeah – 'victory' if you can call it." muttered Hyun-Ki, crossing his arms. "We just killed a champion of a god. It's – messed up. We should mourn, not celebrate."

"We are here." yelled the coachman. "Let's get off, people. The Elder awaits you."

The carriage came to a halt, and Ji-Hye was the first to step out.

The grounds surrounding the mansion were carefully maintained, with neatly trimmed hedges and an array of blooming flowers. A fountain at the front, featuring a sculpted statue of Sirenar with flowing water, added a sense of serenity to the grandeur. The mansion's high arched windows, interspersed with decorative wrought iron, reflected the street lamps' light, giving the entire building a golden color.

The group moved towards the entrance of the mansion, where two guards stood watch with dwarven-made axes. They opened the large wooden doors, allowing the team to enter.

"Welcome," said a tall, regal-looking woman as they stepped inside. "The Elder is expecting you. Please, follow me."

"So," Nia said, quickening her steps to catch up with Ji-Hye. "What will happen next? Marcy is dead. Will Sirenar choose another champion, ma'am?"

"Not for a long time, no," Ji-Hye replied, keeping her voice low. "It takes time for a god to gather enough power to create a new champion. The prayers, the rituals – everything that was invested in Marcy is gone. Sirenar has to start from scratch, build up his strength again. It could take years, even decades, before he chooses a new champion."

Nia nodded, her face pensive. "So – what's next for us, then?"

Ji-Hye shrugged slightly. "Gods don't react kindly to losing their champions. Expect some pushback, whether it's from Sirenar himself or his followers. We'll need to stay on our toes."

"Great… great."

The group climbed a spiral staircase, then walked down a long, wide corridor with high ceilings and a luxurious blue carpet covering the floorboards. At the end of the corridor, a set of grand double doors towered them, with some gold accents in the both corners of it.

"Okay," Hyun-Ki said, puffing out his cheeks. "We're going to take our medals and get out."

"Yeah," Nia replied. "We take them and we're gone."

"Yup," Hyun-Ki added. "I mean, what could go wrong? Nothing -- nothing could go wrong."