
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

It Shall Be Yours

Soul and Hyun-Ki sprinted back to the battlefield. As they broke through the trees, they saw Nia standing, though she was holding her wounded leg and wincing with every step. Ji-Hye, meanwhile, was locked in combat with the Champion of Sirenar, Marcy. It was clear that Ji-Hye was struggling to keep up with Marcy's relentless attacks.

Hyun-Ki and Soul quickly assessed the situation. The two support healers for Marcy's team were standing a short distance away, casting spells to bolster their team and heal any wounds. Marcy was aggressively preventing anyone from reaching them.

"Focus on the supports," Hyun-Ki said, pointing toward the healers.

"Hmm." Soul nodded, and they both rushed forward to take out the healers before they could do more damage.

Marcy moved swiftly to block their path, his sword clashing against Hyun-Ki's with a loud clang. Soul tried to flank him, but he spun around, keeping them both at bay with his skilled swordplay. It was clear that getting past him would require more than brute force.

Nia, watching from the sidelines, knew they needed an advantage. She gathered her strength and cast an earth spell, causing the ground beneath Soul to tremble and shift. The earth rose in a sudden burst, lifting Soul into the air, sending him flying over Marcy's head.

The sudden elevation gave Soul the height he needed. As he soared through the air, he saw the support healers below, their focus still on Marcy and Ji-Hye. With a big leap, he came crashing down behind them, catching them by surprise.

Soul wasted no time, swinging his blade at the closest healer. The element of surprise gave him the upper hand, allowing him to strike. The healer staggered back, unable to defend against the sudden assault.

"That was a sneaky one." Marcy said, running toward Soul. "You even caught me by surprise."

"I am your opponent!" Ji-Hye got in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. "Not him!"

Soul dispatched the last support healer, his blade finding its mark and sending the healer crumpling to the ground. The Watchers, positioned among the trees like silent observers, were recording every move.

Marcy lunged at Ji-Hye, with an out of the blue warm smile. It was as if he was having a blast fighting with strong opponents. Ji-Hye parried, but Marcy was a force of nature, his attacks brutal and relentless. He swung with such force that he struck Ji-Hye's hand, causing her to drop her sword, leaving her vulnerable.

Hyun-Ki, seeing Ji-Hye in danger, rushed to her aid. But Marcy, with a single powerful motion, shoved Hyun-Ki to the ground. The impact was hard, knocking the wind out of him. Before Hyun-Ki could react, Marcy's blade slashed across his stomach, leaving a deep wound.

Marcy raised his sword, preparing to deliver a fatal blow to Hyun-Ki. But Ji-Hye, wounded and weaponless, threw herself between them, blocking Marcy's attack with her body. The blade cut deep into her shoulder, but she absorbed the force, saving Hyun-Ki from certain death.

"Nia!" Soul yelled as he saw Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki struggling.

Nia, thinking fast, cast a smoke spell that quickly enveloped the two, creating a gray shroud that obscured them from view. The smoke was thick, a dense cloud that rose quickly and spread out, blocking the Watchers' line of sight. It was just the cover Soul needed.

Taking advantage of the concealment, Soul dashed into the smoke, focusing his energy to guide his blood magic toward Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki. The Watchers couldn't see what was happening within the smoke, allowing him to use his forbidden magic without drawing attention. He visualized the blood flowing back into their bodies, mending their wounds from the inside out.

The process required concentration and care. As he worked his magic, the smoke swirled around him, shrouding the three in an almost surreal haze. Slowly but surely, Ji-Hye's shoulder and Hyun-Ki's stomach began to heal. The blood that had seeped into their clothes and onto the ground reversed course, trickling back into their bodies as the wounds closed.

With their strength returning, Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki stood up, feeling the renewed energy flowing through their veins. As the smoke began to clear, they stepped out, weapons in hand, ready to rejoin the fight. Marcy, who had assumed they were incapacitated, was taken aback by their resilience. He watched in disbelief as Ji-Hye retrieved her sword, her movements regaining confidence as the pain in her shoulder faded away.

"You've got a one-of-a-kind healer, Ji-Hye," Marcy said, nodding in acknowledgment. "I respect that. What's your name, silver-haired warrior?"

Soul didn't respond. He slipped back into the shadows, his presence fading into the background.

"He doesn't like to talk," Hyun-Ki replied with a chuckle. "Don't take it personally, sir."

"Yeah, I can see that. Did I scare him?" Marcy teased.

"Less talk, more fighting.'" Ji-Hye said. "Our battle is far from over."

"Always the serious one..." Marcy replied, a slight smirk on his lips.

Soul slipped through the shadows and approached Nia from behind, his footsteps barely making a sound.

"Hey," he whispered, keeping his voice low. "Can you use that smoke spell again?"

Nia nearly jumped, startled by his sudden presence. "Huh?" She turned to him, her expression surprised. "Yeah, I can. It's a low-level spell. Doesn't require much mana."

"Good," he said. "When I signal you, use it on Marcy."

"Okay... sure," she replied, still a little shaken by his sudden appearance. But she nodded, ready to cast the spell when the time came.

The Champion of Nierman, Goddess of Lust, sat watching the fight with a sultry expression. Her "chair" was a man on all fours, and he seemed to be enjoying his unique role. The atmosphere around her was decadent, with a golden chalice in her hand, filled with dark red wine.

She licked her lips slowly, savoring the taste of her drink, and chuckled softly. "A blood magic user, huh?" she said, her eyes fixed on the fight. "How interesting."

A woman standing behind her, reclining on a luxurious divan, had a man on the ground licking her feet clean. Another man knelt beside her, meticulously cleaning her armpits with his glowing red tongue.

"Uh-oh," the reclining woman said, a sly smile crossing her lips. "Did you find another victim?"

"This one is interesting," the Champion replied with amusement. She had no intention of revealing that Soul was a blood magic user, but her interest was undeniable. "This should be permanent. Permanently mine. Mine only."

Her eyes remained on the arena, watching Soul's every move, her thoughts already plotting how she could capture his loyalty and ensure he would never escape her grasp. The aura around her seemed to grow warmer, as if her intense desire could be felt by those nearby.

The man whose torso served as her seat began to feel a dampness spreading, the subtle heat and moisture unmistakable as the Champion of Nierman's arousal grew. She shifted slightly, her sultry expression deepening into something more intense, her thoughts clearly focused on the silver-haired warrior she'd seen in the arena.

The Watchers captured the action on the battlefield, displaying the fierce clashes between Hyun-Ki, Nia, Ji-Hye, and their opponents. But the Champion's attention was fixated on Soul, who stood behind a tree, his expression as emotionless as ever. He waited, calculating, his eyes scanning the area for the perfect moment to strike.

The Champion took another sip of wine from her golden chalice, her eyes widening with interest as she observed Soul's every move. She leaned forward slightly, her breath shallow as she watched him, her imagination running wild with what she could do him in the bed. The Watchers may have been recording the battle, but for her, the only thing that mattered was this man in the shadows.

"What's his name I wonder." She said, fixing her crimson hair. "Doesn't matter. I want him, Miro."

"Mm," said the woman behind her. "Then it shall be yours, Champion."