
The Blessed Farm Girl Has a Spatial Pocket

# BLESSING As soon as she opened her eyes, Li Fu’er had not only just been born in a farmhouse in a mountain, but all her luck that she was supposed to have had also been taken away. Her grandmother was a wild savage, and thought of Li Fu’er as an unlucky child. She would beat and scold Li Fu’er every day. Her aunt thought she was an eyesore and added oil to the fire all day long. She treated her as a servant of the family, and was tempted to skin her from time to time. Her cousin was arrogant and was the one who stole her luck away. She even planted evidence to frame Li Fu’er for her near death. Li Fu’er’s father was the only person in the family who wanted to protect her. However, he was incompetent and cowardly, allowing the older three family members to work her to the bone and bully her. A dignified and lucky girl had been treated worse than a dog in that household. *** But now that she was reborn, she would take back everything that belonged to her! With a spatial pocket in her left hand, and medical skills in her right, plus all the luck from Heaven! No one would stop her from doing what she wanted! Those who wanted to hurt her would feel the hurt on themselves! Those who wanted to scheme against her would find it turned against themselves! As for those who were good to her, she would bless them. [The peasant girl who transmigrated into a novel with a lot of luck VS the hidden royalty of the dynasty]

Lost Hustle · General
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Li Fu'er was still reeling from what happened.

Second Li said, "Sister Fu."

"Father, the family gave us pots and pans. I thought we didn't have any. It's just that they have corners broken and there's not many in total. There's a small bag of rice and grain, but it's enough for Father and me to eat for a month."

Li Fu'er thought about how her family had only given them a month's worth of food.

She and her father had each carried a bag over.

"Your grandmother wouldn't give it to us. Sister Fu, your eldest uncle and third uncle gave it to us alone. Your grandmother didn't say anything when she saw it. There aren't many pots and pans at home to begin with. You know, there isn't much rice and grains either. We can use this for a month. When the fields are harvested, I'll work or farm more."

Second Li looked at her.

"Father, don't tire yourself out. Let's work hard together."

Li Fu'er said.

"Okay, Sister Fu."

Second Li spoke.

Li Fu'er then thought about how much money she and her father had earned.

She did the math.

Second Li already had a mindset of starting afresh. "Sister Fu, if you want to separate the houses we've been allocated, I'll start doing it myself tomorrow. I'll get to the fields after that."

He had thought it through.

Li Fu'er heard her father mention the past. He said that he wanted them to separate? She was worried about her father's health. They had money now, so there was no need to do this. "Father, wec an actually buy a place to stay or find someone to build a house with the money that Mother left behind and my money."

You don't have to do it yourself!

"But your mother didn't leave much silver. You still have to use it, Sister Fu. There's not much left. I said you should keep your own silver."

Second Li shook his head. "Leave it to Father," he said immediately.

"Father, you are the most important. I don't want you to suffer. I'm more worried about your health," Li Fu'er told her father seriously.

"You still have to get married, Sister Fu. What your mother left behind will be your dowry!"

Second Li still shook his head.

"Mother left enough jewelry for my dowry. She left a lot."

Speaking of which, Li Fu'er didn't even know when she would get married.

She might not even marry.

Was there anyone in ancient times she wanted to marry?

She didn't know!

No matter how much Second Li wanted his daughter to marry into a good family, he said, "Sister Fu, if you don't want to live at home, you can just live separately. When I earn money, I will rebuild it. It takes time to rebuild the house. There's no house in the village that you can live in."

"Father," Li Fu'er called.

"Sister Fu'er."

Second Li looked at her, wondering what she was going to say.

"Does father want to live in the county?"

Li Fu'er asked the question.

"The county?" Second Li did not expect Sister Fu to want to go to the county. He thought that Sister Fu only wanted to split the family.

How were they going to get by in the County?

Li Fu'er said, "Father, I'm learning medicine from my master. Sometimes, I go to see patients with my master and earn money. It's more convenient to live in the county. With money, I don't have to stay in the village and can find a place to live in the county. Everyone in the village says that I'm a jinx."

"Sister Fu, you're not a jinx. The people in the village don't know that. We don't have much money," Second Li said hurriedly.

"Father, we'll just earn it."

"Silver is not easy to earn!"

"You don't want to pick up the books again, Father? It's better in the county," Li Fu'er asked her father.

"Why should Father study? I've long forgotten."

Second Li shook his head with a dark face. He had never thought of studying again. He wondered why Sister Fu thought of this. "Besides, what will happen to the village if we go to the county? Let's wait for the money, Sister Fu."

"Father, you can write for someone. I know medicine and can make house calls."

Li Fu'er mentioned it first.

"We don't have much silver, Sister Fu, I haven't thought about it. I can't go to the county right away. It takes time. I'll partition the house."

Second Li had made a decision.

He took out the silver and counted it. He had received eight taels.

He knew that his parents had saved more than thirty taels of silver, but the ratio of eight taels was enough.

Li Fu'er had the silver her mother had left for her. She took out a cloth bag and counted ten taels. More was with her grandmother.

They had eighteen taels in total.

She also had a little of her own.

"Eighteen taels isn't a lot. We can't just waste it," Second Li said.

Li Fu'er looked at her father's dark face. "Father, we only have basic food. We have to buy more pots and pans, and we don't have any vegetables." Vegetables were essential.

They needed to get all of these things alone.

"Grandma can't possibly share the food with us," she said.

Second Li knew that his mother would not give it to him. "In the future, father will open a plot of land for planting."

"Father, we can eat wild vegetables first."

Li Fu'er had planted them in her space. She would find a chance to take them out to eat.

"A place to live…" It was impossible for her to live with Li Yan'er after they separated.

"You can stay in your own room."

Second Li thought for a moment. "You can stay in Father and Mother's room. Father will stay in the other room. That room is small. Father will get someone to get you a bed." With that, he immediately went to the room.

"Father, you should stay in your own room. If I stay in that room, I don't want the bed."

Li Fu'er called out to her father.

Second Li shook his head. "How can you not have a bed? I'll get someone to make one for you. You can use it for a long time. Sister Fu, I'll settle everything. I'll find someone."

He will get someone to do those things first.

"Then I'll return Li Yan'er's things first."

Li Fu'er knew that her father was right. She had yet to return Li Yan'er's clothes. She took out a very small piece of silver from her silver. It should be enough. Actually, she could choose one from her space to give back.

But after thinking about it, she didn't.

"Buckets and basins. This silver is enough," she said, gripping the small piece in her hand.

Second Li said, "Father will pay it back." He wanted to use his silver.

Li Fu'er shook her head. "I'll go!"

The father and daughter carried the rice and grains further inside. Soon, they went out together.


Madam Li's voice was very loud. "I said that I wouldn't give some people pots and pans, but didn't I still share them? Look at how good I am to some people. What about some people? Don't they know what to say when they enter the house?"

Li Fu'er listened. Was Grandma out again? She was cursing in the yard. She had so much energy to shout, wanting everyone around to know about her side of the story?

She looked at her father.

Second Li walked over. "Mother."

Li Fu'er turned around and went to look for Li Yan'er. After searching for a while, she met her aunt and the others. They looked at her.

She greeted them and went around to the outside of Li Yan'er's room. She could tell she was inside and called out.

After a while.

"Li Fu'er, Big Sister, what are you doing here? Do you want to snatch my place?" Li Yan'er walked out when she heard the sound and asked mockingly.

Afraid that Li Fu'er would really snatch her place, she blocked the door.

She looked down at Li Fu'er.

Li Fu'er dropped the small piece of silver into her hand. She didn't say anything else. She didn't want to talk to her. She went straight to the point. "I'm returning this to you. You don't want it back?"

"This, silver? You're giving it to me? It's really silver, but it's too small. It's so little, but it would do."

Li Yan'er held the silver in her hand and involuntarily wanted to bite it. Of course, she didn't.

She gripped it only briefly to feel it.

After feeling it, she felt that it was too small, so small that she could not bear to look at it. Then, she thought about where the silver came from.

If not for the money Grandma gave her, Li Fu'er wouldn't have it!

She even said that he had returned it to her! How shameless!

This silver was originally hers. Thinking about it made her even angrier!

"You don't want it?"

Li Fu'er moved her hand and indicated that she would take it back.

How could Li Yan'er let her snatch it back? "You gave it to me."

"Then take it and stop talking nonsense," said Li Fu'er.

Li Yan'er opened her mouth.

Li Fu'er left.

She walked to the front yard. Grandma stood at the door , looking at something in her hand. Her father wasn't there.

Li Fu'er wondered if her father had given her grandmother silver.

Just then, someone called out to her.

She looked over. There were onlookers.