
Planning of an attack

On the helm of the Red's death

Jax grinned "Men o' wars".

"What do you mean Men 'o wars " Hector asked.

watching Hector's expression turn from wonder to intrigue. "As you said, we can't go north as pirates, so we'll go as the royal navy."Jax said.

Hector couldn't hide his surprise. "This ship can't destroy a brig, would you elaborate on how we're going to take on a Men o' War?"

"That's a great question," Jax responded, causing Hector to grow more impatient. "The fuck do you mean a great question?" Hector snapped in anger. "We just need a plan," Jax continued, undeterred by Hector's frustration.

"We are not going to the north, that's all," Hector declared firmly. Jax, undeterred, stood up at the wheel, spotting two familiar faces among the crew – Mcgee and Pete. "Come here," he called them.

"Yes, sir," they replied, making their way to Jax and Hector.

"What are you?" Jax asked, eyeing them closely. "What do you mean?" They both seemed puzzled by the question.

"Aren't you pirates?" Jax pressed on. "Yes," they both admitted.

"What are you trying to achieve by this?" Hector interjected. Jax, raising his voice, addressed the entire crew. "Aren't you all pirates?"

The crew exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of where this was heading. "Is this the crew of the Red's Death, which destroyed the HMS Mary, the pride of the Southern Navy, just a few days ago?" Jax continued his interrogation.

"Yeah, we are!" the crew responded in unison, their enthusiasm growing.

"Why are you afraid of going north then, just because of the navy? Aren't you the crew of Hector, the man I've heard stories about" Jax questioned.

"Yeah, we are!" the crew chanted, their confidence surging.

"Tell me who's with me in taking down a mere Men o' War," Jax asked with a determined look in his eyes.

"We are!" the crew declared with resounding unity.

"Then it's settled," Jax said confidently. Hector, still seething with anger, asserted, "This is my ship, boy, don't forget that, and we are not going to the north."

"I think it's settled, mate. They all believe in you. Do you want them to lose that trust in you as their captain?" Jax reasoned with Hector.

"Turning my crew against me, you think you're going to get away from this easily?" Hector retorted.

"Look, mate, they're not against you...yet," Jax said. "This isn't a fight, it's a sucide, you know it, Jax," Hector argued.

"Maybe," Jax replied, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "But sacrificing my crew for a treasure that might not even exist, I won't allow it."

"If you couldn't find it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, Hector. And I am not going to sacrifice this crew, I promise," Jax affirmed.

"Alright, no harm to the Red's Death or the crew," Hector agreed.

Jax and Hector then retreated to the captain's cabin, a dimly lit chamber adorned with maps, charts, and various nautical instruments that bore witness to countless voyages. The room bore the scent of aged wood and salted air, a reminder of the many adventures this cabin had witnessed.

"What's the plan, boy? You must have a great plan," Hector inquired, taking a seat behind a worn, mahogany desk stacked with parchments and an open bottle of rum.

"I think I have one," Jax replied with a confident grin, his eyes reflecting the dim light of a flickering lantern hanging from the ceiling.

"What is it?" Hector prodded, leaning forward, his curiosity piqued.

Jax leaned in closer, his voice hushed. "It's time to wear the old uniform again."

"The old uniform?" Hector questioned, a wry smile forming on his face as he reminisced about his younger days.

"The navy," Jax clarified. "We'll disguise ourselves as the navy."

Hector's eyes sparkled with mischief, and he let out a low chuckle. "A little act, eh?" he mused, the idea of returning to their naval subterfuge days bringing a glint of excitement to his seasoned gaze.

Jax nodded in agreement. "And for that, we'll need a lady and some extra crew."

With a sense of nostalgia, Jax said, "Get ready, old man, old action days are back."

Hector couldn't help but reach for his sword, which hung on the wall.He held it up, examining it with a hint of sentimentality. "When was the last time you used this sword, mate?" Jax asked humorously.

"Not a long time ago, boy," Hector replied, his voice carrying the weight of experience as he recalled his battles of yesteryears.

"No way, I bet it has gotten rusty. I haven't heard about you and Red's Death for a long time," Jax teased, the banter between them a testament to their camaraderie.

"Maybe, but I am the same," Hector replied with a determined glint in his eye.

"That's what we're going to need, mate," Jax said, recognizing that Hector's unwavering spirit would be an invaluable asset.

"Alright, where do you think we can find a lady and a crew?" Jax asked, shifting the conversation back to their plan.

Hector leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting to the ceiling. "There's a place I know where we can find the kind of people we need, and I think you know it, Jax."

"Tortuga," they both said in unison.

They both emerged onto the deck, where the crew had assembled, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and excitement. Jax, ready to rally the crew, paused when he caught sight of Hector's stern expression, which brimmed with anger.

"After you, Captain," Jax gestured, deferring to Hector to address the crew. Hector stepped forward, his voice booming with authority. "Get ready, my crew. We're heading to Tortuga."

A thunderous cheer erupted from the crew, their jubilation reverberating across the ship. The very mention of Tortuga, known for its revelry and debauchery, sent waves of enthusiasm throughout the crew. It was a haven for pirates, a place where their spirits could soar, and their worries could vanish in a cloud of rum and camaraderie.

Jax approached Hector with a knowing grin. "Well, it seems like the crew is more than ready for this adventure."

Hector chuckled, acknowledging the infectious excitement that had engulfed the ship. "Indeed, Jax. Tortuga is the place every pirate loves."

With their destination set and the crew's spirits high, the Red's Death sailed confidently toward the legendary pirate haven of Tortuga.