
We need a crew

Below the decks of the Red's Death, Jax was hunched over his map, his eyes scrutinizing the intricate lines and markings, unraveling the mysteries it held. Abruptly, the door swung open, and Hector's imposing figure loomed in the entrance. Jax's heart raced, and instinctively, he concealed the map behind his back, the nervousness evident in his demeanor. Hector, registering Jax's reaction, raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Seems like we'll be reaching Tortuga soon," Hector announced, trying to decipher Jax's unease.

"Great," Jax replied, his voice betraying a palpable anxiety. Hector nodded and left the room, but he couldn't shake the suspicion that Jax was concealing something from him. This marked the first time he had seen Jax appear so unsure and agitated, casting doubts upon the true nature of Jax's motives. As Hector walked away, he muttered to himself, "What is it you're hiding?"

After some time, the Red's Death finally made landfall on Tortuga, an island nestled in the northwest expanse of the Caribbean, firmly under the sway of pirates. While it may have been relatively diminutive, it pulsated with life. The island was a chaotic tapestry of bars, shops, and bustling establishments, all teeming with pirates. Here, men wandered in threadbare attire, the scent of rum clinging to them like a second skin, and an air of defiance exuded from every corner. Tortuga was a sanctuary for those who rejected the chains of authority and hierarchy—a haven for free spirits.

With a practiced hand, Hector navigated his ship into the bustling port. "You're all free to enjoy yourselves to the fullest," he announced to his crew. "You can disembark now." Eager to immerse themselves in the pleasures of Tortuga, the crew dispersed in all directions, some heading straight for the nearest taverns while others ventured elsewhere.

Jax and Hector, however, remained on board, their task demanding their immediate attention. "So, what's our plan here?" Jax inquired, breaking the silence that hung in the air.

"We need to find someone who can assist us in assembling a new crew," Hector replied. "And we must do so incognito. There are plenty of captains here who would relish the sight of me meeting a watery end."

Jax couldn't help but cast a glance at the significantly altered Red's Death, pondering the profound transformations it had undergone. "Well, you've already made your ship unrecognizable. You're practically anonymous," he remarked.

" It was so hard to find your ship " Jax stated.

"I had no choice," Hector explained, a hint of resignation in his voice. "I was seeking peace, but it seems you've pulled me back into this life."

Jax nodded knowingly. "Sometimes, Hector, people like you need to come back into the game."

Hector produced hoods from beneath the deck, handing one to Jax. These concealing garments would help shield their identities as they navigated the treacherous terrain of Tortuga. Hector took the lead, and Jax followed closely, their faces veiled in shadows.

"Why do some pirates want you dead?" Jax's curiosity got the better of him. "Aren't you a pirate yourself?"

Hector let out a weary sigh. "Not all pirates share the same code, boy. Some conflicts arose between me and a few of them.

Jax nodded in comprehension. "So, that's why you left, adopted the guise of a lesser-known pirate, and downsized  ship," he mused.

Jax said  "i've heard the legends of the real Red's Death"

"Those days are long behind us." Hector said.

As they ventured deeper into Tortuga's chaotic streets, the sounds of raucous laughter, clinking tankards, and boisterous arguments enveloped them, immersing them in the irresistible allure of the pirate haven.

Some time later, they arrived at a particular location—a lively tavern. Hector and Jax entered, Hector scanning the room intently, his eyes darting around in search of someone in particular. "Who are we looking for?" Jax inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Hector, engrossed in his search, disregarded the question. Suddenly, his gaze locked onto a distinctive hat atop a nearby table, triggering a wave of memories. He picked it up, his expression a mix of nostalgia and recognition. "I knew you were here," he muttered.

With urgency, Hector made his way to the exit and scanned the vicinity of the tavern, ultimately spotting a man lying in the mud alongside the street, his senses dulled by the effects of alcohol. Hector and Jax approached the man and observed him closely. "Can you fetch me a bucket of water?" Hector instructed Jax, a tone of command in his voice.

Jax promptly retrieved the bucket and handed it to Hector, who, without hesitation, drenched the man with its contents. The man jolted awake, sputtering and cursing. His eyes struggled to focus, initially bewildered by the unexpected shower. As his gaze finally settled on Hector, he was left in stunned silence.

"Hello, Will. Missed me?" Hector greeted, a faint hint of mischief in his tone.

"What in the seven hells are you doing here?" Will exclaimed, his astonishment palpable.

"I need your assistance," Hector replied, his tone sincere.

"You show up after a decade and simply say you need my help?" Will retorted incredulously.

"I told you I was leaving the pirate life," Hector explained.

"Then what brings you here?" Will demanded.

"We need a crew..." Jax began, but he was promptly interrupted by Will's probing query.

"Who the hell are you, mate?" Will directed his question at Jax.

"Hello, I'm Jax," Jax introduced himself.

"So, you come here with this man after a decade and expect my help?" Will directed his skepticism toward Hector.

Hector hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Yes."

"So you come here with some man and need my help after a decade," Will said to Hector, his voice laced with a mix of skepticism and nostalgia.

Hector nodded, his expression earnest. "Well, yeah."

Sensing the need for privacy in their discussion, Will suggested, "First, let's go inside." They made their way into the tavern, The tavern they found themselves in was a dimly lit, weather-beaten place. The smell of salt, sweat, and rum hung thick in the air. Ancient wooden beams stretched across the low ceiling, decorated with faded flags, tattered sails, and tarnished cutlasses—each item an artifact of countless tales told and forgotten in the corners of Tortuga's hidden taverns.

Seated around the weathered table, they could hear the faint sounds of a lively shanty played by a raucous band in the far corner. Laughter, the clinking of tankards, and the distant chatter of pirates regaling their adventures created a cacophonous yet strangely comforting backdrop to their conversation.

Will leaned back, the flickering candlelight casting his face in a dramatic contrast of light and shadow. "You need a crew, but why? What happened to your crew?" His sharp gaze fixed on Hector.

Hector chose his words with care, the years of a pirate's life etched into the lines on his face. "We require a secondary crew."

"Why?" Will persisted, his eyes searching for the answers that weren't readily shared.

Hector replied with a hint of defensiveness, and the words played with a hint of the Caribbean accent that lingered in his voice. "That's not your concern, Will."

Will's annoyance was evident, but it was clear that he was also intrigued. "You want my help, yet you won't tell me why you need a secondary crew?"

Jax decided to intervene, his tone conciliatory. He put a reassuring hand on Hector's shoulder. "I think we should tell him."

Hector nodded in agreement, and the candlelight danced in his eyes. "We want to capture a Men 'o War, and we need a secondary crew for that."

Will's reaction was immediate and fervent. He leaned in closer, the flickering light casting his weathered face in dramatic relief. "Are you insane?, you want to capture a Men 'o war, like a real Men 'o war"

Jax met Will's incredulous gaze head-on, his youthful features determined. "Yes."

Curiosity piqued, Will inquired, his eyes shining with both disbelief and curiosity. "How do you think you're going to do that?" Leaning closer to Jax, he listened intently as Jax laid out their audacious plan to capture the Men 'o War.

After absorbing the risky scheme, Will voiced his concerns, his tone laced with caution. "I don't have very good feelings about it, mate. It's reckless to go onto a Men 'o War like that. If they find you, you're not escaping it."

Jax and Hector exchanged glances, acknowledging the gravity of their endeavor. The tavern's patrons continued their revelry around them, the shadowy figures and dimly lit corners holding tales of treasure, betrayal, and daring adventures of the high seas. "We know the risks," Jax said, locking eyes with Hector.

Will broke the silence, contemplating their proposal. Jax and Hector anxiously watched his expressions, realizing that their fate might depend on his decision.

"You're our only hope, old friend," Hector said earnestly.

"Yeah, only you can help us, Will," Jax added, their collective appeal pressing him to join their cause.

In the smoky, dimly lit tavern, a sense of reluctant acceptance permeated the air as Will sighed, finally relenting to their persistence. "Alright, I'll help you find a crew."

Jax chimed in, "And a girl."

Will nodded "Yeah, a girl."

The ambiance of the tavern enveloped their conversation, as flickering candlelight cast intricate shadows that danced along the tavern's ancient wooden beams. Muffled conversations from other tables provided an intriguing and unpredictable backdrop to their intense discussion. The room's secrecy and mystique only amplified the gravity of their words, emphasizing the clandestine nature of their mission.


  To be continued.....


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