
A meet with Thallasa

On the Red's Death, Hector stood firmly at the helm, issuing orders to the crew while examining his maps and telescopes. Jax approached him "Mate, when do we expect to reach Thallasa huh?" Hector, his eyes focused on the distant horizon, replied, "If the winds favor us, we'll make it to her in no time." Jax, casting a glance at the billowing sails, noted, "It seems the winds are on our side, mate."

Hector nodded in agreement, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "It's peculiar, isn't it? Sailing to her without any unusual mishaps. Perhaps she wants you there ," Hector mused cryptically, his keen eyes studying Jax. "Tell me, what do you possess that you are sure she would help you?" he inquired, attempting to unravel the enigma. Jax, with a sly smile that hinted at concealed knowledge, responded, "That, Mate, is a secret." It was not that he wished to withhold the information, but rather to kindle Hector's curiosity.

Hours later, a crew member's shout out, "I can see land on the horizon!" Hector bellowed, "Prepare the longboat!" and soon, he, Jax, and a handful of trusted crew members disembarked on the island.

Jax remarked, "An ordinary island for the abode of Thallasa." Hector, ever cautious, cautioned him, "Do not underestimate this island, boy. It's far from ordinary." Guard the boats and wait till our return" Hector oredered the crew. As they trekked inland, Hector leading the way, the island's lush vegetation and captivating flora unveiled themselves—an array of vivid colors, alien shapes, and intoxicating scents.

"Where does she reside?" Jax inquired. Hector beckoned him to follow, saying, "Just follow me." After half an hour's trek, they reached a cave, and inside it, an unusual hole in the ground that seemed to lead beneath the island's surface, swallowed by darkness and water. Hector tested Jax's mettle, asking, "Do heights or depths unsettle you, my friend?" Jax, determined to prove himself, answered resolutely, "Not in the least." " Then what are we waiting for" Hector said  and  With that, they leaped into the abyss, plunging into the underwater tunnel.

Hector led the way, swimming towards an elusive destination, and Jax followed suit, holding his breath as they navigated the submerged passage. After a suspenseful minute, they emerged into an underground realm—a submerged grotto with a humble hut at its center. "So, this is Thallasa's dwelling," Jax remarked, looking around in awe. Hector nodded and knocked on the hut's door, which creaked open to reveal Thallasa herself. Her alabaster skin seemed to shimmer even more intensely in the watery light, and her fiery red hair cascaded around her like flames. Thallasa's storm-colored eyes, ancient and unpredictable, held a captivating, almost hypnotic allure.

Drawing nearer to Hector, she spoke with a hint of seduction, "How fares, Hector?" Hector replied respectfully, "I'm well, Thallasa." Turning her attention to Jax, she examined him closely, her gaze both unnerving and intriguing. "And who might this handsome guest be?" Thallasa inquired, her voice holding an enchanting melody. Hector introduced Jax, saying, "This is Mr. Jax. He seeks your aid, Thallasa." Thallasa leaned in, her gaze never leaving Jax's face, and demanded, "Aid? Speak for yourself, Mr. Jax. What brings you to my domain?" Jax hesitated for a moment, then replied, "I require your assistance in locating a specific artifact." Thallasa, her curiosity piqued, insisted, "But there must be something in return for such a favor." Jax coyly responded, "I might have something worth your while." He then suggested, "Captain Hector, if you don't mind, may Thallasa and I have a private conversation?" What" He said. Thallasa looked at Hector's eyes intimidating him. " Sure" He said and left the room.

Once alone, Jax reached into his hood and produced a crumpled piece of parchment—a map. As Thallasa's eyes locked onto it, her expression shifted from curiosity to recognition. "Who are you, and where did you find this?" she inquired, a glint of urgency in her gaze. Jax, who had remained shrouded in mystery, answered cautiously, "I've come to seek your assistance, Thallasa." The map had revealed a secret to her, something deeply significant that transcended mere curiosity. She agreed to aid Jax before he could finish his request. "I want you to help me locate..." Jax began before Thallasa interjected, "I know what you seek— the Red Pearl, which reveals the location of the Cres de Chevalier on the night of the full moon." Jax confirmed, "Yes, that's precisely it." 

Thallasa retreated into another chamber, retrieving a sizable bowl. She murmured incantations under her breath, her words a haunting melody that resonated within the confines of her sanctuary. After a brief interlude, she turned to Jax, her gaze holding an enigmatic wisdom. "There is a man you must seek, Jax," she whispered, her voice bearing the weight of destiny. "He resides in the north, somewhere kingston, and he may hail from the lineage of blacksmiths." Thallasa's cryptic response left Jax searching for more clarity. "Can you not reveal his name?" he inquired. Thallasa fixed her stormy eyes upon him, her expression unwavering. "Names can be elusive, Jax. You have to find it alone," she cryptically replied. "Thank you, Thallasa," Jax expressed his gratitude. Thallasa said "I know what you seek, Jax, It's not easy, you actions might have some consequences.". " I know" he replied.

" Also, Jax, you're going to need the map, It has been with you since birth, it should stay with you still" Thalllasa said by offering the map back to Jax.

" Thank you" Jax took the map back from her hand and left.

Leaving Thallasa's enigmatic abode, Jax rejoined Hector. As they walked through the dimly lit magical tunnel leading to the shore,  Hector inquired about the conversation's outcome. "What transpired in there?" Hector asked. Jax revealed their next destination, saying, "We must head north." Hector voiced his concerns, "My ship and crew won't fare well in those waters. The north is a stronghold of the navy, and they show no mercy to pirate vessels." Determined, Jax responded, "We'll discuss it once we're back on the ship." Hector remained skeptical, reiterating, "There's nothing to discuss, boy."

After ten minutes of walking, they reached the shoreline and returned to their waiting crew. As they boarded the Red's Death, Hector addressed the crew, "We won't be heading north. The Red's Death is ill-equipped to face the navy; it can't even take on brigs." Jax, resolute in his quest, argued, "But we must go north to obtain the artifact." The artifact, It's not possible, it was lost at sea many years ago, and the only person that might have it is the queen" Jax interrupted If we can't go with Red's death, we just need a bigger ship, a galleon" Hector questioned, "What do you mean?"

Jax grinned " Men 'o war".

To be continued....