
What do you want boy?

In the dimly lit captain's cabin aboard the pirate ship "Red's Death," Captain Hector sat at his weathered wooden desk, a flickering lantern casting eerie shadows on the walls. The room was adorned with tattered maps, nautical instruments, and plundered treasures—a testament to Hector's years of piratical endeavors. The air was thick with the scent of salt, old parchment, and the remnants of countless schemes.

"Should we continue our conversation, boy?" Hector's raspy voice broke the silence that had settled like a heavy fog in the room. Jax, the enigmatic newcomer, stared intently into Hector's piercing eyes.

"The Krak des Chevaliers," Jax replied, his voice low and calculated.

Hector raised an eyebrow, his weathered face showing a glimmer of curiosity. "There's nothing like this that exists, boy."

"What do you think, Hector? You can fool everyone here, but not me. I know who you really were," Jax continued, his gaze unwavering.

"You were behind this treasure once," Jax accused, leaning in slightly.

Hector leaned back in his creaking captain's chair, an amused smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, and it's impossible to find it."

Jax leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming with intrigue. "I heard that there is an artifact that points to where it is."

Hector's eyes narrowed as he reminisced. "It was lost at sea a long time ago."

"Well then, I think only one person in this world can help us," Jax said, his voice dropping to a hushed tone.

Hector leaned even closer, his curiosity piqued. "Who should it be, then?"

"You know as well as I do, mate," Jax replied cryptically. 

Hector's face darkened . "You don't want to mess with her, boy. You must have something she would like, dealing with Thallasa "the witch of the sea" ain't a child's play ".

"I might have something, Captain," Jax replied enigmatically.

Hector leaned back in his chair, contemplating the proposition. "I'm just taking you to her. After that, you will be on your own."

" You knew we would follow you, you had this all planned out didn't you? That's why you made that trail of barrels, so we could take down Mary and you could finally reach me, You lead us to Mary" Hector inquired.

" I did what was needed mate" Jax replied.

Jax stood up to leave the room, his tattered hood concealing his thoughts and intentions.

"But what about the antidote, boy? Give it to me. You don't want me to die before reaching her," Hector reminded him, a note of urgency in his voice.

Jax, for a moment, seemed to have forgotten about that crucial detail. He reached into the depths of his hood and retrieved a small vial. "Two drops, mate. It will keep you alive," Jax said, offering the drops to Hector, and put the vial back in his hoodie.

Hector accepted it and swallowed the antidote with a sigh of relief.

Jax looked at Hector with a wry smile. "Night, mate."

After some hours, the crew's quarters were alive with whispered discussions and hushed laughter as Hector convened a clandestine meeting in his cabin. He spoke with two crew members, Mr. McGee and Mr. Patchy Pete, a pair known for their distinctive quirks.

  Mcgee who is fat and clumpsy, he is known for tripping alot on the ship

He wears a black bandana and tattered clothes. on the other hand Patchy Pete's clothing is a hodgepodge of mismatched items. He wears a striped shirt with one sleeve longer than the other, trousers of different colors, and boots that don't quite match. His clothing looks like it's been pieced together from various sources, he wears an eye patch but it's not always on the same eye. 

The captain's cabin, with its dim lighting and the scent of aged wood, served as the backdrop for their meeting. Tattered maps adorned the walls, and the flickering lantern on Hector's desk cast eerie shadows across the room.

"My two brave crew members, Mr. McGee and Mr. Patchy Pete," Hector declared with a touch of humor, although their trustworthiness was far from guaranteed.

"Hmm, I want you two to do something for me," Hector said, falsely praising them to manipulate their loyalty.

"What is it, Captain?" both crew members inquired, eager to prove their loyalty.

"I want you to kill the new man, and there is a vial in his hoodie that I want," Hector instructed, his voice laced with a dark undertone.

"But the new man has the antidote to the poison," McGee pointed out.

Hector sighed impatiently. "And what do you think that vial holds, gentlemen?"

Understanding dawned on both of their faces. "Oh," they exclaimed in unison.

"We will do it, Captain," they agreed in reluctant unison and left the room.

Hector, as they departed, muttered to himself with a skeptical tone, "I wish you do"

McGee and Pete, acting hastily, reached Jax's quarters, barefoot and clutching swords in trembling hands. As they approached Jax, fear crept into their eyes.

"Don't even try that, mate," Jax said calmly, even with his eyes closed.

Startled, McGee and Pete froze in their tracks. Jax opened his eyes and stood, effortlessly grabbing his sword.

"We are very sorry, sir. We were just—" they stammered, fear evident in their voices.

Jax waved off their apologies. "Don't be afraid, mates. Look, I'm not going to kill you"

"What are your names?" Jax asked.

"McGee and Pete," McGee replied hesitantly.

"Yeah, McGee and Pete. I want you to tell your Captain that there's only one thing in this world that can counter Arakh poison, and that's another poison from the Arakh Islands. But if you take it in excess, it can be deadly," Jax explained.

"Would you two do it for me?" Jax asked, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint.

"Yes, sir. We shall," they replied in unison, their fear now transformed into determination, and they quickly left the room.

In the captain's cabin, McGee and Pete knocked nervously on the door, awaiting their fate.

"You can come in," Hector's voice called from inside.

With trepidation, they entered the dimly lit room, adorned with worn maps and the trinkets of a pirate's life.

"Oh, my two precious soldiers, where is the vial?" Hector inquired.

"We don't have it," both McGee and Pete replied, their voices quivering.

Hector's temper flared, and he scowled at their response. "Why don't you two have it?"

"He was awake, Captain," Pete explained. "He said that in the vial, there is another poison that can kill the Arakh poison. And if you take the poison from the vial more than you should, it can kill you."

Hector's anger subsided as he processed the information. "I see."

"Why are you still here? Leave before I kill you two cunts," Hector dismissed them angrily.

McGee and Pete wasted no time in making their exit from the cabin, eager to escape Hector's wrath.

Hector watched them leave with a frown, muttering to himself, "You are more than I expected, Jax."

To be continued..



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