
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 8 The Battle Of The Black wolf's

Chapter 8 Battle Of The Black Wolf's

Hayden and Alexander are looking off the wall drinking.

Hayden takes a sip of his drink" what are our chances of winning?"

Alexander laughs "100%"

They both laugh then Yell"CHEERS"

They were having a blast but then Hayden's father walks up with a barrel of mead and a cup and says" You Boys mind if i join"

Alexander looks at the barrel of mead" Of course"

They all fill their cups and go telling stories.

The sun has started to rise and they and all the black wolf's started to prepare for the battle.

Father looked at Hayden, walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder."This is our last moment so let me say this one last time. I'm so proud of you Hay…."

An arrow flies straight into the side of fathers head killing him instantly Hayden turns his head to the enemies ready to give a battle cry but an arrow cuts him from the forehead all the way to the back of the head sending him down to the floor. Alexander goes for cover but is hit in the chest with an arrow.

Alexander craws to Hayden who is unconscious. "HAYDAN! HAYDAN! WAKE UP"

Struggling, Hayden wakes up to see Alexander.

Alexander starts to drag Hayden down the wall." You're gonna be a fine kid, you gotta snap out of it."

Just as they were just about down from the wall the fall a flaming rock flies through the air and smashes through the wall and hundreds of knights pour into the camp. Alexander Lays Hayden against a wall and then rushes into battle. The front wall crumbles down so the king orders a retreat back to the 2nd wall. So Alexander rushes back and picks Hayden up and runs to the second wall.

Once they get to the second wall Alexander finds a barrel of water and dunks Hayden's head into the water. Waking Hayden up" OW OW OW OW OW. That hurts" Hayden Yelled why holding the side of his head.

Hayden looks around and he sees the knights now fighting on top of the second wall.


Alexander looks At Hayden then back to the wall"I'll clear out the left side you clear out the right side"

Hayden looks at Alexander, slaps his shoulder" see you up there" And then runs up to the steps leading up to the wall.

Once Hayden gets to the steps the knights are fighting some black wolf's. Hayden looks at his fellow black wolf's getting slaughtered. The black wolf in front of Hayden gets shot with an arrow so Hayden takes the sword and shield off of him and places it upwards on the wall so he doesn't get shot with arrows.

The kights make short work clearing the wall. Once Hayden is now in front he starts to push back. Stabbing the first Knight and pushing his body off the wall and begins clearing the wall. The black wolf's now shooting arrows at the Knight on the wall. Hayden clears enough to make it to the first ladder the knights are using to climb and pushes it over, killing one knight who was on the ladder and trapping one under it.

Hayden doges an arrow coming at him and then blocks a sword just inches away from his face. Hayden is focused in combat just as he went for a stab an arrow hits Hayden right in the chest, then another flaming rock flys down and crashes down blowing up the gate sending Hayden and Alexander as well as Knights and other Black wolf's flying off the wall.

Hayden Crashes Hard on the floor struggling to stand Knights pour in the gate. The king calls for a final retreat to the last standing wall. Hayden finds his way to his feet and grabs his sword but is tackled to the floor. Luckily the Knight ran right into Hayden's sword. Killing himself but Still Knocking Hayden down. A black wolf runs to help Hayden, helping him to his feet just before they make it through Hayden Is struck with another this time in his back.

As Hayden looks up to the sky and sees many balls of fire. They crash everywhere, blowing up the long house, what remains of the first two walls, the sides of the walls leaving nothing but holes. They were once surrounded by homes and love now the eyes can see nothing but holes and fire.

Hayden Gets shot with another arrow knocking him to the ground, disarming him. closing his eyes as he falls. Once he hits the ground he opens his eyes to see Alexander standing in front of him. Standing in front of Alexander were a row of bowmen. Hayden, seeing that Alexander Had no shield, looking around he sees and grabs a sword and hands it to Alexander.

Handing Alexander the sword Hayden says "Take this. Two is better than one."

Alexander grabs the sword "Thanks kid"

Now ready with both swords the bowmen start shooting and Alexander Rushes at them. Using his swords to block the arrows. Blood runs down Alexander's head, his armor ripped and torn. The iron used to protect him is now burned and shattered. His brown skin now turned mostly red, Dyed in blood.

Alexander is shot with at least 5 arrows still cutting arrows down. Makes it to the bowmen and begins killing them. After killing 3 bowmen a fire ball came down hard and crashed down killing Alexander and the bowmen.


Hayden tries to stand as he struggles, he watches the king charge in and cut down 4 Knights before Sir Eren walks out of the cloud of smoke and the King and Sir Eren meet eye to eye.

The King and Sir Eren began to fight. They clashed swords but it was becoming quickly apparent that Sir Eren was winning. He was Stronger,Faster, and just better with a sword. The king Charge in and Sir Eren Doged the attack and then stabbed the king in the chest killing him.

The rest of the black wolf's charged Sir Eren. But they were all shot down with arrows.

Hayden Sees his shiny sword laying on the Ground and begins crawling to it. He gets shot with an arrow forcing him to collapse. Forcing himself up and begins crawling again just to get shot with another arrow.

Sir Eren Stands in front of Hayden and raises his hand making all the bowmen stop shooting. Hayden begins crawling to his sword again. Sir Eren sees what Hayden is crawling to so he walks up and grabs the sword and hands it to Hayden.

Hayden takes the sword and tries to force himself up but can't. Sir Eren starts laughing " You can't stand anymore?."

Yelling is heard before you see Alexander Stabbing a knight in the chest. A bowman goes to shoot him but Sir Eren Yells "Stop he's mine" the bowmen stand down and Alexander looks to sir Eren.

Alexander walks up to Hayden "You okay kid?"

Hayden is still trying to stand "No not really. I….i Thought you died"

Alexander is now facing Sir Eren. "The ball missed me. I dodged it but the impact knocked me out."

Alexander walks to Sir Eren. Now completely armorless. His face is covered in blood. His arms were covered in cuts and blood. Now ready to kill Sir Eren Alexander Charged in. They clashed, smacking their swords together. Alexander lands a Heavy punch into the stomach of Sir Eren. Sir Eren Grabbed Alexander's hand and cut it off. Screaming in pain slams the handle of his sword into the face of Sir Eren, sending him stepping back. As Sir Eren was stepping back Alexander Slashes his sword cutting the chest of Sir Eren.

Angered Sir Eren Chop down cutting down any attack Alexander Threw. With one quick motion Sir Eren stabbed Alexander in the stomach then slashing his sword upwards cutting the eye of Alexander and then pushed him to the ground. Sir Eren Walked on top of Alexander putting his sword on his chest and saying "This is goodbye. I would say it was fun but. You disappointed me" Before He could kill Alexander Hayden charged Sir Eren Attempting to tackle him.

Falling to tackle. Sir Eren knees Hayden in the chest then pushes him away. Hayden starts Attacking Sir Eren, Overwhelming him. Slashing with both of his swords Hayden can only manage to only land cuts. Sir Eren Goes for a stab so Hayden goes to block but instead of stabbing Sir Eren Kicks the left hand of Hayden making him drop one of his swords. As Sir Eren kicks Hayden Takes his sword in his right hand and stabs it through the leg of Sir Eren.

As Hayden tries to take his sword out, Sir Eren Grabs Hayden's Hand and Throws it up exposing Hayden's stomach Sir Eren Stabs His sword Hayden's stomach. Holding Hayden close with his sword still in his stomach Sir Eren Says " You called my king a coward. That coward has burned your homes, killed your friends, and now has killed you"

Just as Sir Eren finished talking Hayden Looks Him in the eye and says" A clan for a clan, an Eye for an Eye" Just as he said that Hayden Spit blood into his eyes and pushed Sir Eren Back forcing the sword out of Hayden's stomach. Hayden then Rushes forward grabbing the legs of Sir Eren and pulling them out from under him dropping him to the ground.

Quickly Hayden Grabs an arrow and pulls it out. Dropping himself down Hayden Takes the arrow and forces it into the eye of Sir Eren. Then Hayden grabs Sir Eren Sword and goes to stab him. But before he can Hayden Gets shot with Another arrow in the chest.

Hayden Drops the sword and falls over, ending the battle. The knights rush over to help Sir Eren up. Once they got him up Sir Eren looked down at Hayden. "Fucking crazy ass kid." Looking around at the Rubble left and the field of bodies laying in the mud. Snow began to fall.

Sir Eren looked around at his men"Leave the bodies as an example. We clear out now, King Norman will want a full report "

The knights and Sir Eren begin to leave. Nothing but blood and past lives are left where they walk. As the battle is now ended Snow covers the bodies.