
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 9 Awake

Chapter 9 Awake.

6 weeks have passed since the battle,Hayden Awakes. Covered in bandages and the bandages were stained with blood. Hayden sits up and looks around the room. The room is long and full of beds, almost every bed is empty. Hayden turns and sits on the edge of the bed and tries to stand before a nurse runs up and stops him.

"No Stop, you can't get up yet" The nurse says as she raced over to Hayden

Hayden stands up and stumbles and falls. The nurse runs over and helps Hayden back to bed. The nurse looks at Hayden" I Told you not to walk"

Hayden Looks at her "I need to get back to my clan"

The nurse looks at Hayden with a look of Pity " oh about that. I better get the dr"

The Nurse rushed off into a room leaving Hayden alone. Alone and still in a state of shock Hayden starts looking at his hands, opening and closing them. Before he knew it a man stood over him.

"Hello. My name is Dr. Shawn Jacobs. I have a few questions if you don't mind." the Dr. said holding a clipboard.

Hayden looked up at the Dr. "Questions? Sure."

The Dr. Asked normal questions to Hayden and filled out his clipboard. After the Questions were done the Dr, ask "Do you think you can stand?"

Hayden gets out of bed and stands up" yeah. I'm a little wobbly but I think I'm fine."

"Okay now I think it's time. You should have a seat" The Dr said as he gestured to the bed

Hayden sits and looks at the DR. "What's the problem Dr?."

The Dr sits on the bed next to Hayden's "You were found by travelers. They said you were just about dead. They put you in a cart and brought you here. Your camp was destroyed and they said no one else was found alive but I sent people to bury the bodies."

"I don't know what to say. Thank you for saving me and for burying my friends." Hayden said now holding back his tears

"There is a change of clothes on the table next to you. There is plenty of work here. Here is some advice, don't listen to anything about this talk of gods."

"Gods?" Hayden said confused"

"Yeah a bunch of crazy people run around talking about gods. They say they're all powerful or something. Just crazy people trying to sell an idea. It's just better if you just stay away from them" The Dr stands up and goes to leave " Okay kid i hope life goes better for you now on"

The Dr leaves and the nurse changes Hayden's bandages. After Getting his Bandages changed Hayden Puts on the change of clothes and leaves the hospital. Hayden opens the door and walks out. First thing he realizes is that it's warm and there's no snow.

Thinking to himself " I need to get some money, then I can buy armor. Then i'm coming for you Sir Eren"

Hayden begins to walk around and finds a bar. He walks in and sits at the counter. The bartender walks to Hayden"Hey is there anything I can get you?"

Hayden Looks around"Yeah i'm looking for a job is there anyway you can help me with that?"

"Yeah of course, what type of job are you looking for?" The Bartender says as she grabs a clipboard"

Hayden thinks to himself"You guys sure like your clipboards" Then Hayden looks at the Bartender and Says "Whatever pays the most"

The Bartender looks shocked at his answer"Sir the more the money the more the danger."

Hayden was not surprised."Yeah I figured that, I just need money."

The bartender now looked concerned "Sir I can not give you any mission that puts your life at risk seeing as you don't have any weapons or armor. Here take this" She hands Hayden a paper"This is the highest paying job where your life is not at risk. Get some armor and weapons and I'll give you harder jobs."

Hayden looks at the paper it reads "farm hand needed 50 gold a week + room and board "It's a start i guess" Hayden remarks Then he Leaves the bar. Once he leave, a man wearing all white stops him.

"Sir, are you in need of some hope?" The man in all white says

"Money, yes, hope. I think im good" and then Hayden attempts to start walking

"Sir if you want money then you should pray to the god of fortune, only he can give you the gold you seek." The crazed man said as he pointed to a shrine

"I think I'm okay," Hayden said, growing angry.

"You need to be saved and only the gods can save you!" the man in white yelled

"The only thing i need to be saved from is you" Hayden said as he began walking away again

The man in white followed screaming loudly about being saved, so Hayden pushed him to the Ground saying"If you love your gods so much I'll send you to them."Then Hayden began walking again. The man in all white didn't follow this time.

Now arriving at the farms Hayden walked to a sign that gave a list of names and he followed the road leading to the farm named on the work order.

Once He reached the farming lands he walks to a farm and knocks on the main house door. The door opens and a farmer walks out"What can I help you with?" Hayden handed the man a paper"I'm Here for the job" The farmer looked concerned "Are you sure you're fit for a job like this? You seem fit for wolf hunting" the farmer jokes. "I Just need money. If you want me to hunt wolves I'll hunt them but I just need money" The farmer looks at the scar on Hayden's head"you look like you can handle yourself so consider yourself hired. I'll show you to your room and you can start tomorrow morning."

The farmer leads Hayden to a wooden house. It was a little bigger than a shed. Inside it had a bed,a dresser and a chest. The farmer walks in"here it is, it's not much but it's better then nothing." Hayden walks in and stands next to the farmer" thank you. This is more than enough." The farmer looked at Hayden from the side of his eyes "I imagine you don't have much. I live alone so if you're hungry I'm willing to make enough for both of us." Hayden confused" That's not necessary, with taking your extra space and with you paying me i couldn't ask for food also"

The farmer laughs" well if you work for me then you're gonna need your strength and starving yourself will not help." As the farmer was leaving "Breakfast is at sunup and lunch and dinner i'll call you for. Just walk in at sunrise. The farmer leaves and Hayden sits on his new bed and begins thinking."from warrior to farmer." Now laying down "You have come so far" now falling asleep.

The sun started to rise and Hayden woke up. He puts his boots on and walks to the front door of the farm house. A pleasant smell came from the house so Hayden opened the door and found his way into the kitchen. The farmer sees Hayden "Ah kid. Food's just about done. How did you sleep? "Hayden taking a seat"It was pretty good. Better than beds I'm used to." The farmer now serves the food and a wooden cup of water" Is that so. Well I'm glad to hear it, because you're gonna need all the energy you have. Winter just ended and the fields need plowing."

The two begin eating. The farmer stop" I just realized I don't even know your name" Hayden's Eyes widen and he begins to laugh. " You're right my name is Hayden. Hayden Frostburn" The farmer reaches his hand out to shake Hayden's Hand. " Im Dave Sutton" They shake hands and then go back to eating. They both finish eating and head out to the farm. Dave leads Hayden to A huge field. "We gotta have this plowed before lunch" Hayden walked over to a plow "Easy." And begins plowing. The farmer laughs" to be young again" then walks over and takes another plow and begins plowing. It's now midday and the field is almost fully plowed.

The farmer stops and yells to Hayden"Hey Hayden im gonna start making Lunch come to the farm house when you're done" Hayden waved back showing he understood and went back to plowing. Hayden finished and Headed back to the farmhouse and they ate lunch. Once they finished They walked outside and looked at the farm. The farmer looked at an old broken barn " I gotta fix that barn there.". Hayden making no waste of the sun light goes "well we better start why the sun is still up"

The farmer Laughs and says to himself "I love this kid already" and makes his way to the barn Hayden opens the door of the barn and walks in. it's old and run down. There are holes in the roof and walls, and one of the floors is caved in. Hayden looks around" Wow, This is gonna take about a week or two" Dave looks the the floor caved in"Well we better get started"

They started working on the barn. Hours go by and then days then a week and then they almost finish. A man dressed in all armor comes to the farm and Dave goes to greet him. Hayden stays building the barn. Dave and The armor man began talking after a few moments they began arguing. Hayden climbs down.

Hayden walks up to the armor man"Is there a problem here" Dave looks at Hayden" No everything is fine" The armor man looks Hayden up and down" Why Dave you didn't tell me you hired help, Im sgt Hawkins. And you look like a capable young man." Dave looks around his fields" Sgt Hawkins here wants me to sell all of my crops to his King. but i will make less than half of what i make now." Sgt Hawkins walks in front of Hayden '' how about this, if you join my army i will make sure Dave here makes a little more than what he makes now. How does that sound Kid"

"Sorry. I'm not interested. I'm looking for someone and have no time to be caught up in an Army" Sgt Harkins Looks interested"You're looking for someone? Who may I ask or you looking for?" Hayden hesitates before answering "I'm looking for a group of women 2 are pregnant and I'm also looking for a man named Sir Eren" At the moment the name Sir Eren left Hayden's Mouth Sgt Hawkins drew his sword" How do you know that name?.

Hayden shows no fear."He attacked my home, he killed my friend, My father." Sgt Hawkins lowers his sword "that man and his king Norman. They have been a pain in my ass for 8 winters. Kid i can promise you a battle with Sir Eren and as for your group of woman we can ask My king to help find them" Hayden looks at Dave then back to Sgt Hawkins "You got yourself deal"

Dave watches as Hayden and Sgt Hawkins Shake hands.

Hayden walks to Dave " Thank you for everything you give me but it seems like our path ends here" Dave looks Hayden in the eyes and just walks away feeling betrayed. Hayden felt bad but had to find Laila Hayden and Sgt Hawkins Head to see Sgt Hawkins king.