
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 7 Pain

Chapter 7 Pain

Alexander returned, Joining Hayden and the king on top of the wall"i got all the men ready sir"

The king looks at Alexander "Good, thank you we should….."

The king is cut off by the sight of One man dressed in iron and gold coming out of the 1 thousand. He rides his horse up to the wall.

The man hopped off his horse and looked up to the top of the wall" Who is the ruler of this clan?"

Hayden and Alexander looked at their king " I Am"

The man in the gold" my name is sir Eren. i would appreciate it you came down here and we spoke face to face"

The king of the black wolf's looks at Hayden and Alexander and gives them a sign to follow him. He leads them to the gate. 4 guys stood at the door, the king gave them a nod and they unlocked and opened the door. The king, joined by Hayden and Alexander, walks outside and in front of Sir Eren

At the sight of two others joining the king, two men began to walk out of line to join Sir Eren. Before they could even make it more than 3 steps the man in gold puts his hand up and the 2 men walk back in line.

Sir Eren looks at The king. " I thought you were coming alone. All well, down to business i guess. I have reason to believe you killed a clan The king was interested in. If you would mind, can you tell me why?"

Alexander was the first to say anything"The king? You said the king? The king is right here" pointing the The king of the black wolf's

Hayden looked at SIr Eren with anger. " You call him the king but a king would be here right now talking to us instead of you."

Sir Eren crossed his arms and looked at Hayden " what is your point boy?"

Hayden crossing his arms and mocking Sir Eren" Your king is a coward. Too afraid to lead his men"

Sir Eren uncrossing his arms now angry " How Dare you disrespect King Norman boy! I should"

The King of the black wolf's cuts him off " they kill 6 of my men and raided one of my villages. That's why we Killed them"

Sir Eren crossed his arms" You killed an entire clan over 6 people and a village? A little much don't you think?"

The King bothered by that" So you're okay with your men dying and your village you promised to protect being burned? They showed no mercy so why should we?"

Sir Eren now growing impatient " now you showed them no mercy so why should I?"

The king of the black wolf's angered " is that a threat?"

Sir Eren now hoping back on his horse " it is. You have 3 days, after that we show no mercy. Just like you showed the gray snake clan."

Sir Eren road his horse back to his army and then they began setting up tents

The king, Hayden and Alexander walked back behind their walls. The king stood in front of all of his men and yelled.

"Brothers and sisters today I have been told we have 3 days to get ready before we are attacked. There are about 1,000 men out there waiting outside, they have catapults too. We are a clan of 150. They outnumber us, they out-power us. But they will not forget us. We are warriors, battle hardened, blood hungry, warriors. We will take as many of those bastards down as we can. Today they have 1,000 in three days they have 100 left. The world will remember this battle. Their king Norman will coward in fear every time he hears the name the black wolf's.


The whole camp cheered.

After the cheering stop the king had a little bit more to say "Today we make armor and weapons for those who do not have. Tomorrow we cook for that night we party. On the last day we recover for i know some of you guys are gonna drink a little too much"

The camp laughs a bit

"Go now we must prepare" The king said to his people.

Everyone runs to anvils and black smith shops. The black smiths teach the people to build and they build all day. Everyone from young to old will get a set of armor, a weapon and a shield. Hayden was sent to curry boxes of iron and leather from storage to each black smith. After about 4 hours of carrying boxes he now had to hammer iron. 4 hours have passed and snow began to fall. Now everyone has the armor and weapons so Hayden heads home.

Hayden opens the door and walks in, there's no one around. Hungry and tired Hayden Lights a fire in the fire pit then puts his back against the wall and slides down sitting on the floor. Laying his head in his hand the door opens. Hayden doesn't even lift his head.

"You okay?" Laila said with a sound of struggle

"Hayden doesn't even say anything just goans "Yah"

A sound of something heavy hitting something. Then 4 smaller bangs.

Then Laila goes "Dinner will be ready soon"

Hayden struggles to stand. He then walks over to the table and sits down." you wanted to talk right"

Laila laughs softly " I think it could wait until you're more awake."

Hayden sits up" im awake."

Laila places a bowl in front of Hayden " we can talk later"

Hayden slowly eats his food and walks to the door to their bedroom. " You sure you don't wanna talk?"

Laila looks up"Yeah it can wait. Goodnight"

Hayden Looks at Laila "goodnight" then he walks into the room and falls asleep.

The night goes by and Hayden wakes up in the morning and doesn't put his armor on. But instead sits on the edge of the bed and just thinks

Before long Laila wakes up and notices Hayden is still home.

"Are you okay?"

Hayden looks back at Laila

"Oh, yeah I'm okay."

Laila moves closer to Hayden now sitting on the edge of the bed too. "I'm surprised to see you still here"

Hayden laughs'' Yeah. Today everyone is cooking for the party tonight and I have never cooked a day in my life so i think it's best if i sit out today. Do you still want to talk?"

Laila grabs Hayden's hand "you've been so nice to me since we first met. You even let me stay here without even knowing me all that long. Now with us only having 2 days left I can't hold it in anymore.

Laila lays her head on Hayden's shoulder" I think I Love you. I wanted to tell you when you got back from your raid but I knew I wouldn't go through with it. So now is a better time than any."

Hayden lays his head on Laila's head " Yeah. I love you too. The moment I came home from the raid and I walked inside and saw you, and you were happy to see me, I knew I wanted things to stay like this."

They looked at each other and shared a kiss. Then Laila stands up. "We can share more moments at the party. I promised your mother I would help her cook for the party."

Hayden stands up and kisses Laila on the cheek and goes to leave "Okay tell her i said hi. I'm going to see if the black smith needs more help."

Hayden leaves and Laila stands there face a smile and her cheeks are a little red. Hayden walks outside to see the camp covered in snow. He walks to the one of the black smith.

Leaning against the wall Hayden says "you need any help"

The black smith looks up to Hayden. Stopping his hammer. "Of course kid you mind sharpening blades"

Hayden walks over to the sharper and sharpens blades all day the sun has set and it started to snow again. The party has begun

The whole clan is partying, Hayden and his father are arm wrestling, Laila and her new mother in law are talking, Alexander and the king have their arms around one another and singing. Everyone was drunk and happy, people were eating and drinking like it was there last time. After many hours of partying it ended and everyone headed home.

Hayden got home and sat on the bed again. Laila came home right after and walked to the bedroom and saw Hayden. She sat next to him and her face became bright red.


Hayden looked at Laila"Yeah"

Laila looked into Hayden's eyes" I..i want to. I want to.."

Laila couldn't finish her sentence. So she goes in for a kiss, and slowly it turns into more. They share their first time with each other and enjoy the rest of the night by themselves finally falling asleep in each other's arms.

The sun comes up and Laila and Hayden don't wake up until about mid day. Hayden wakes up alone. He puts his armor on and grabs his swords and walks outside and sees people walking around carrying boxes. But he walks to his father and mothers house.

Once hayden gets to there he knocks and his father opens the door

"Ah son, just the man I wanted to talk to. Can we go somewhere private?" father said with a look of worry.

Hayden confused" Yeah of course"

They headed somewhere out of sight.

Hayden now leaning up against the wall" what did you want to talk about?"

Father looked down, unable to look Hayden in the eyes " Your mother. She's pregnant. "

Hayden excited " that's amazing"

Father is still looking down " Yeah it's amazing. It's just tonight is the last night before we get attacked, and she wants the baby to live"

Hayden now looking down "on I see."

Father puts his hand on Hayden's shoulder " There's more. Your mother wants us all to go. She's talking with Laila now, she wants Laila to convince you to go but Laila wants to fight also so it's a big problem"

Hayden looking up now " mother can leave but i must stay. The docks are blocked off anyway, nobody can leave anyway."

"I know but your mother will not listen to me, maybe you could talk to her" Father said with a look of sadness.

Hayden looks down again" i'll try."

Hayden heads to his mothers and enters the house where he sees his mother and Laila sitting at a table. Hayden walks up and sits at the table also.

What's this I hear you want to leave? "Hayden said angrily"

Mother lowers her head in disappointment." I'm pregnant and I want my baby to live. I want us all to live. I just got Laila to agree now i just need you and your father to go"

Hayden now looking at Laila " you would leave? Leave our home." why?"

Laila looking sad " I'm sorry. But she's right. There is no point in fighting a losing battle. As for our home we can always make a new one. What's important is that we are together."

Mother now looking at Hayden " we can be a family again. You can be there to help your sibling grow and start your own family in a place that's safe."

Father Says " Maybe she's right. I wanna teach my kid how to fight, how to build i want to see them grow like i did with you Hayden"

Hayden looking around " I don't know it doesn't feel right"

Laila walks over to Hayden and hugs him " Please Hayden, i want a family too but not if it's not with you"

Hayden grabs Laila's hand "fine but its best we wait into night fall."

Everyone cheers.

Night falls and Hayden heads out to get a boat ready why everyone is finishing packing.

Hayden gets the boat ready but before his family gets there.

"What do you think you're doing?" A voice said behind Hayden

" Nothing special Just packing." Hayden Said as he turned around " Alexander"

Alexander looks at Hayden "You're just gonna leave when we need you the most? That's not like you. What about your family?"

"Who do you think put me up to it?" Hayden said as he slowly got into an attack stance.

"There's only one boat left. The king had me destroy the others. This one I saved. It's small and fast. Easy to hide and fits 3 people and a good amount of loot"

Hayden slowly dropped the attack stance for a more relaxed stance. "Why did you save it?"

A woman's looks over the shoulder of Alexander " i needed it" Alexander moves to the side showing his wife "She's pregnant. She has been for sometime now."

Hayden now looked at his wife then back at Alexander " I have 3 others who want to leave. We could solve this come up with something right"

Alexander looked at the boat " if i stay you stay. Then my wife and you pick the other two who leave. Sounds fair."

Hayden confident " thats fair"

The snow is falling down and Hayden's family shows up and Hayden fills them in.

Hayden looking at everybody " we must pick who leaves"

Father" I should go to help my child grow" Alexander" if that's the case i should go to help my child grow" Mother" i'm pregnant so i should go" Laila" Me and Hayden should leave"

Nobody could pick who gets to go.

Alexander" Enough we don't have much time you need to pick who goes"

Hayden" Okay! Okay! Look, the boat is Alexanders and he said if he can't go I can't go. So that leaves us out. Mother is pregnant so she goes and Alexander's wife goes, those two now Laila Is the better fighter out of Her and my father so i say Laila."

Father" i raised you and you're skilled, that's gotta count for something."

Hayden now saden at the thought of disappointing his father" Not in this case. They need protecting and Laila is the better fighter it just adds up. Im sorry"

Father "Fine. your right." Father walks to his wife and kisses her wishes her the best and walks away"

Hayden walks over to Laila" I love you i promise if i live i will find you"

Laila " I love you too. You better live"

Laila, mother and Alexander's wife climb into the boat and start to leave.

Laila Yelling " I'll miss you"

Hayden yelling back " I'll miss you too"

Hayden walked away holding back his tears.

Alexander walked up to Hayden " Let's drink our sorrows night for we met hell in the morning"

Hayden agreed and they drunk away in a bar dreading the sun rise.