
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 6 Problems

Hayden is building the Stone wall with his father when the sun starts going down.

Father looked around and the new stone wall. "I think we're about done here. We can finish the rest tomorrow."

Hayden places his hammer and work belt down." sorry no can do father, i'm going on a raid tomorrow with alexander."

Cleaning his hands with a rag father said " Just you and alexander or the other going to"

"Just me and alexander. The king ordered that the raid parties need to be smaller. So more warriors are at camp if needed." Hayden said before he took a drink of water.

"Ah, we'll be safe then. How is that girlfriend of yours?" Father said with a smirk

" on Laila? She's great, we just went out to eat yester...….." Hayden's face turned red.

Father began laughing" i knew it"

Hayden trying to defend himself " it's not like that. Where just friends".

Father still laughing " Sure friends that sleep in the same bed"

Hayden giving up " ah whatever. I gotta go"

Father wiping the tears out of eyes. " go get her tiger"

Hayden quickly walked away in defeat. Hayden opens his door and is hit with a smell of cooked greatness.

"What is that amazing smell'

Laila looking up from the cooking pot " you like it? It's Dinner"

A big smile crosses hayden's face "it smells so good"

Laila Blushing " I'm happy to hear that. It's just about done, there's a barrel of water out side go clean up before we eat"

Hayden walks out without question and turns to the side of his house and starts splashing water on his face and cleaning his hands when snow starts to fall down.

Hayden looking at the falling snow "winter is here"

Hayden walks, opens his door and looks at Laila "guess what?'

Laila pours more ingredients into her stew and then looks up at Hayden covered in snow " SNOW"

Laila Runs outside and watches the snow fall with Hayden.

It's "beautiful" Laila said while holding her hand out letting snow fill her hand

" It's gonna be a long winter," Hayden said as the snow came down even harder.

"Let's go eat" Laila said with a smile.

Hayden and Laila went to go eat. After filling their bowls they sat down and began eating.

Laila looks at Hayden " you should cut your hair"

Hayden takes a bite of his food and then looks back at Laila " should i? I was thinking about it but i don't know anyone who cuts hair"

A smile grows on Laila's face

"I know that look. You can cut it if your want to" Hayden said not paying any mind to anything

"Alright after we eat. I'll cut it, '' Laila said as she went back to eating.

After Hayden and Laila finish eating. Laila places a chair down in front of Hayden

" Okay now sit and take your shirt off"

Hayden looks at Laila "Again with the shirt? At some point i'm going to start thinking you just want to see me with a shirt"

Laila starts smiling " Maybe. You do look nice. Now sit down"

Hayden takes his shirt off and sits down.

Laila takes a bucket of water and places it next to the chair and then grabs a razor.

Laila Washes the razor and then grabs the chin of Hayden. " You're growing a little beard so let me start with that"

Laila shaves Hayden's face and then cuts his hair. She cuts his hair, cutting it short and tying it in a tiny bun on top of his head. She also shaved the sides and the back of his head. Leaving only hair on top of his head.

"All done" laila said proudly

Hayden stands up and feels his head. "I love it"

"Really" Laila said happy

"Of course," Hayden said with a smile.

After a bit of more praise they went to bed. Once the sun came up Hayden woke up and got dressed in all his armor just as Hayden goes to leave Laila wake ups.

"You leaving for the raid" Laila said sleepy

"Yeah. shouldn't be too long. Maybe a week" Hayden said also sleepy

"Well hurry back. I wanted to talk to you about something but didn't have time last night'

Laila said, looking down.

Hayden sat down on the bed"The moment i get back i promise we'll talk, okay"

Laila looked up at Hayden with a slight smile "okay. Don't keep me waiting for to long"

Hayden gets up and walks outside to see that it's still snowing " it's still snowing? It really is going to be a long winter"

Hayden walks to the dock and checks around to make sure everything is working properly and that they had enough food for the trip. After checking around everything was good and there was enough food to last weeks

. Alexander walks up to the boat "You check everything?"

Hayden bent over tying rope, turns his head to Alexander " yeah just about." Standing up right "we're good to go"

Alexander climb onto the boat and get into the steering seat " Then let's be off"

They traveled for hours without saying a word. The silents ended when Hayden said

"I miss our other guys. It's too quiet now. Do you know why the king cut the raid party's numbers?"

Alexander sighed before speaking " You didn't hear this from me, But you know the king you killed? Well he was telling the truth. They were going to merge with a much bigger clan. They formed a castle and controlled way too much land. We made ourselves a target to a power we can't beat. So…..now we have to keep a lot of men at the camp to defend it if need be".

Hayden, too shocked to speak, only spit out. I.....we......How...

Alexander, afraid, also says " I know kid. Trust me I know."

No a single word was said the rest of the trip. As the boat crashed into the bay Alexander and Hayden rushed to the village and began raiding. But just before they could they realized the village was empty.

"What's going on here? All the loot is here except the food and everyone is gone." Alexander said with a mix of anger and confusion

Hayden looked around "we can always hunt for food at camp, but should we still take to loot?'

Alexander looking at Hayden " You don't get it kid. It's a village with nobody here. That means someone was here before us and only took the food."

Hayden realized what's going on " DAMN. Let's check for tracks. Maybe they people who did this left tracks"

Alexander ran onto a dirt road " good thinking kid" As Alexander stood there looking at the path way "OH SHIT. OH SHIT THIS IS BAD"

Hayden rushed to Alexander " Why what's going onnnnnnn" Many footprints leading forward met their gaze.

Alexander is still looking down " those are metal footprints. As well as wheel tracks. An army has come through here." Now looking back at the village " they took all the food and men to fight."

Now looking back at Hayden " Let's take what we can and head back"

They ran and looted what they could and hurried back to the boat. As they headed down stream a 5 man scout party of knights were riding horses on the road next to the boat. Alexander Tries to go faster but the knights throw a chain hooking the boat and pulled it onto land

Alexander Goes straight into attack mode killing 3 out of the 5 horses. Hayden takes both of his swords and kills the other 2 horses. All 5 knights start attacking. 2 on Hayden, 3 on Alexander.

Hayden is keeping up with the 2 knights. He found an opening and shoulder rams on the knight sending him stumbling and Hayden chopped him down. The 2nd guy was tougher. Hayden hit him with a shoulder hit also but he didn't move. Instead he elbowed Hayden in the face then kicked the side of his legs sending Hayden to the floor. The knight climbed on top of Hayden Taking out a dagger and trying to stab him.

Hayden not wanting to die, Hayden grabbed the arms of the knight and struggled to defend himself. But the knight was using his body weight to help push the blade down. The blade is inches away from Hayden's chest, it starts to cut into his armor. It goes through the armor and right before it cuts his skin Alexander cuts The knights head right off. Still two knights stand.

Still in a state of shock Hayden stubbles up and tackles one of the Knights to the ground making him drop his sword. Hayden picks up the sword and goes to stab the fallen knight but the knight fights back so Hayden stabs the sword through the Hand of the knight and into his chest. Killing him. Alexander, still fighting, starts struggling to beat the knight. The knight disarms Alexander leaving him with only but a shield.

The knight, Using his sword like an ax. Chopping his sword into Alexander shield. The shield was a few hits from breaking, a sword goes through the knight's chest killing him. Once the body falls, Hayden is seen behind him.

"Thanks Kid" Alexander says as he stands up. " We need to hurry to get back in the boat."

They quickly get back into the boat and sail for home. After days at sea they make it home and rush to tell the king.

Alexander rushes in and almost breaks the door to the king's longhouse trying to open it.

"My king we have something to tell you"

Just before they could say anything a fellow black wolf came into the longhouse.


Hayden,Alexander, and the king all rushed and walked to the front wall. As they looked over they saw about 1,000 knights all lined up with 10 catapults behind them.

The kings jaw dropped"Alexander Get the man"