
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 5 Home Sweet Home

Chapter 5 home sweet home.

"Finally we're home."Hayden Exclaimed "I can finally sleep in my own bed."

The view of the camp was just down the river.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?Alexander said just waking up from a nap

"Sleeping on this boat hurts my back, and i almost fell off like 5 times" Hayden says why looking into the river.

Alexander laughs.

The boat hits the dock and they start grabbing their loot out of the boat. Hayden with 3 bookbag-like sacks filled with goods and gold and heads to his house before the king greets him.

"Young warrior Hayden, how are you doing? I hope the boat ride wasn't too bad" the king said as he walked to Hayden with his arms open. Welcoming him back home

"It was miserable but you don't get loot like this being perfect" Hayden said proud of all his loot.

"Remember you still have more. From your first raid at the village. I sent men there to clean it out. You got about 4 more sacks at your house." The king said with a look of proudness on his face.

"I was planning on going there myself," Hayden was saying before the king cut him off

"Oh no. You can stop there later. First I have something I need to show you." The king said as he put his arm around Hayden leading him away.

The king leads Hayden outside the village walls and past some of the path of houses. Showing off the different classes of people. The king lives behind two walls, the rich and powerful and the builders live behind one wall, the young and the poor warriors live behind no walls then last the plant farms, animal farms, mills and other non warrior lives. The king led Hayden right before the farms to a brand new small hut.

Once they opened the door the house had one room with a small hole ready to be turned into a fire pit to cook food, and little room for what could be a living room. Everything seemed normal for an unfurnished house except for 4 sacks laying in the small living room.

"What is this place?" Hayden said.

"I think you know." said the king with a big smile on his face.

"I don't deserve this" Hayden said overwhelmed

" you don't deserve it. Kid you killed the king of the gray snakes. You opened the gate so we could raid a camp. You deserve it. I know you're gonna do great things and I want you to know that with great feats comes great rewards." the king said why having a mentor moment

"Thank you. I will continue to make the black wolf's enemies fear us." Hayden said his ember eyes now flames of hope

"I know, kid. Now more than ever we need strong warriors so your sword is much appreciated" walking to the door. " I hope you enjoy the new house. Seeing as this house is empty I imagine you'll be stopping at the nearby village for some shopping. Bring a cart you're going to need it"

Alone in his new house Hayden struggles to take it all in when all of a sudden a knock comes from the front door. Hayden walks to the door and opens it to see his mother.

"Hey Heyden" She reaches out and hugs him. " I'm so happy you're okay and now you have your own house." she pulls away " i'm so proud of you"

Someone walks behind his mother. Hayden's father

"Hey son. How was the raid?"

Hayden looks at his father and goes in for a hug."it was pretty good"

"You didn't get hurt did you?"Hayden's mother asked

Hayden was still in his armor, with his bandage still somewhat visible on his wrist. Hayden looks at his wrist showing his father then the both start laughing.

"Of course not. Everything went smoothly" Hayden said not wanting his mom to worry

Mother said why crossing her arms "Oh really? Then that cut on your cheek happened when?"

Hayden, frozen in his tracks, slowly turned around trying to think of some excuse.

"Well you see i slept wrong on the boat and" Hayden was saying but his mother came up and put her hand on his cheek right under the cut.

"Yeah that's a pretty good cut, deep, from a iron sword" Just as she was looking at that cut she grabbed Hayden's wrist " i imagine this happened on the boat as well" mother said sarcastically

Looking away, afraid to look her in the eyes, Hayden said "Hahaha yeah."

Trying to change the subject Hayden says" well i have things i have to so i have to go but it was nice to see you guys'

"Yeah you're a busy man now Hayden just don't forget to stop at home some time would you. I have to make sure your eating right" Hayden's mom said as she headed to the door.

"Before we go I wanted to ask a favor Hayden. Me and the other builders must build another wall this time out of stone. Its going around the farms so it's going to be a big wall and we could use another set of hands, if your free" Hayden dad asked

"Of course dad. Anytime I have free time I'll join you." Hayden said reaching his hand out for a hand shake

Hayden and his father shake hands and head out. Father and mother heading back to the camp and Hayden taking a cart that sat outside of his house and filled it with his 6 sacks and headed to the nearby village.

Hayden sold all his goods leaving his cart just full of gold. He bought a bunch of house supplies. With a good 35% of his gold spent Hayden stopped at the armor shop and bought brand new armor. A light chest piece that was manly leather with iron patted inside the leather. Plated gloves again leather with iron hidden inside and patted pants no iron hidden inside but patted with more cloth.

With his happy hunting Hayden Started to head home close to his new home, Hayden heard a familiar sounding voice yelling.


Hayden looks around and sees a girl running at him. It was Laila

Out of breath Laila said. "Hayden, hey. Long time no see. What are you doing at the village?" Looking at his cart. " Wow, how much gold is that? Its so much."

Looking down at his cart Hayden said "I have no clue. Never counted it." looking back at Laila " i just needed to buy something for my new house"

Shocked, Laila said "new house? You got a house?"

With a look of pride Hayden said " yeah wanna come see it?"

Still shocked laila said "YES"

So they headed off to Hayden's house

Looking around surprised, Laila says "So cool, and this is all yours?"

Still prideful Hayden"Yep all mine. Its kinda small but its home"

Shocked laila" Small? Who cares it's a house"

Hayden looks at Laila with a look of worry. His thinks to himself

"It's a house yeah but to be that excited about it. Maybe she has no home. Should I ask? no maybe"

"Hey Laila" Laila turns to Hayden " you seem more happy about this house then i am. I am not going to ask how life has been for you or how life is going but if you have no place to stay, if you're fine sharing a bed again you're free to stay here." Hayden said with a voice of concern

Laila looks at Hayden " really? i….mean….Life has been"

Hayden cutting her off " don't force yourself. You can tell me whenever you're ready. For now though if you want to stay here you have to help me build the bed" a smile building on Haydens face as he heads to the bedroom.

Laila smiles and runs to the room after Hayden to build her new bed.