
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 25 Magic

Chapter 25 Magic

Hayden ran to the front lines and started to cut down the orcs. "This blade is…..its cuts so easy" The orcs were just rushing Hayden but he was just too fast. The army of the blue sharks and the knights haven't even got ready and yet Half of the enemy force is gone. Hayden was faster then what seemed possible. He was so quick you couldn't even make out details about him. All you saw was a black streak moving. After cutting down half the army Hayden swung his sword and a blue beam came flying out and cut down forty orcs.Hayden held his sword, impressed with what just happened"What was that?" The orcs started to run away leaving Hayden the only one on the battlefield.

Hayden stood there with his weapon in hand and just watched as the orcs ran away. When he turned around he saw all his men watching him. As he walked back nobody said anything, they just watched as he walked back to his long house. Once he got back he walked to the basement, still covered in blood. He walked to the next part of his wall.

He stood there being praised by everyone. Races from around the world stood there praising him."They will see me as a god?" Hayden stood there puzzle. Before he could think anything else Alice walked down "I hear that people are calling you a god" Hayden surprised, he thinks "It's already starting?". He said out loud "Is that so? I'm not a god." Alice starts to go back up the stairs"In some ways you are" Hayden stood there puzzled at her response

Hayden walks out of the basement and walks to his room where he cleans his sword. After a few hours Hayden walks down to the throne room where it falls silent. He walks to his table and looks to a maid "Can you make some food? I am starving." The maid jumps to her feet "Yes sir. I have it down right away." another maid walks up and places a cup of mead in front of Hayden "Here you go sir. Please enjoy." Hayden grabs the cup "uhhhh thanks. Will do." Hayden sits there and drinks from the cup.

All the people in the throne room seem quiet. There is small talk but no one is too loud. But Malcolm walks in "I never took you for a lier" Hayden places his cup down" I have never lied in my life" Malcolm walks closer "You said you were no god but what do you call that blast you did?" Hayden laughs " Oh yeah about that. I have no clue what that was. It….just happened." Malcolm laughs "Sure, right. I'll believe that when the gods say otherwise." Hayden walks over and hugs Malcolm. "We need to talk. Not now but later" Malcolm said as he walked away. Hayden stood there confused but walked back to his seat.

Weeks passed and people prayed to the 'god Hayden' Once the whole town heard about their god king they all started to pray to him. Once Hayden found out he went straight to the basement where his Destiny lied. 4 more panels stood, covered. On the newly cleared wall. It told of the fall of the kingdom.

Hayden stood there with a blank expression. "I knew this was coming. If this is my Destiny then bring it on." Hayden walked up stairs and back to his room where Alice was. She was getting ready for a bath. "Do you mind if I join?" Alice looks back and smiles"Sure"

Once the bath and the things that happened in the bath were over Hayden and Alice sat on their bed. "You need to leave." Alice looks back at Hayden "Huh. why?" Hayden stands up "It's no longer safe for you. It is no longer safe for anyone." Alice stands up "What's going on? Why is it not safe?" Hayden doesn't answer "Come on you can't just tell me to leave and not tell me why" Hayden stands there again saying nothing. "Fine. you wanna hide it. I'll just find out for myself." Alice walks into the basement, after a few minutes she walks back out "I will not go. I die here with you" Hayden grabs a chest off the floor and places it on the bed " The thing is i won't die. But you will. So if you leave now when this battle is done I can go and find you." Alice stands there angry "so you will push me away just like that?" Hayden fills the chest with her clothes."I want you to live so i will make you live even if you don't want that" Hayden picks the chest up with clothes and takes it outside and places it in a carriage. The whole time Alice is yelling at him. Hayden takes a bag of gold and throws it in the carriage also. Alice starts fighting Hayden. So he just picks her up and places her in the carriage and tells the driver"take her somewhere nice and peaceful please. The carriage starts to ride away and Alice is screaming the whole way off "I will never forget this you bastard. You just want to fuck the maids and down want me anymore"

After the carriage takes Alice off Hayden walks back to his room where he lays in bed " It's better this way." He fell asleep shortly after. When he woke up he got dressed and walked down to his throne room where Hawkin stood, awoke "My brother you're finally awake." Hawkin looks up "Heyden my brother. It's good to see you" Hayden and Hawkin hug. "I need to show you something" Hayden says and he walks to the basement. Once there Hawkin stands there looking at the wall "So we are to be wiped out? What a bummer." Hayden places his hand on Hawkin's shoulder "So what do we do now?" Hawkins starts to walk back up the stairs "Well I'm going to find me a lady to warm my bed into our time comes." Hayden laughs.

Once back up the stairs Hayden sits down on his throne and waits.