
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 24 Destiny

Chapter 24 Destiny.

Hayden wakes up in his bed and walks into the basement and starts to look at the walls when he notices that one side has a name on it and the other side has another name on it. "The left side is my destiny and the right side is. Someone named Arthur. Arthur frostburn." Hayden reads around "He's my great grandson. I wish you the best Arthur." Hayden walks back to his side. " I swear to you grace. I will fight these monsters. I have so much to learn about you"

Hayden walks back up the stairs and goes back to bed when he wakes up alone. He gets dressed in all his gear and goes out into his throne room to see the whole place is full of life " Attention, Attention please. I Just wanted to thank all of you for supporting me as you king. I have been a little down lately but not anymore. I released that i stopped being the strong leader people needed and instead i was just a leader of men. From today into my last day I will Show no weakness. We must show strength so our kids Know what power looks like. From Now on if you make a choice on my behalf make sure that choice shows our power not as a castle but as men and women. We are warriors so we need to show that. That is all, please go back to eating" Every man stood up then the woman stood up and even the kids. And all of them yelled back "We are Warriors. We are strong" Then they went back to eat. Seeing this brought a smile back to Hayden's face.

After Hayden and Alice finished eating Hayden asked Alice "Hey can you cut my hair?" Alice smiles "of course" Hayden got his hair cut and took a bath after his bath he came out dressed in his gear.

He stood tall with his hair tied up on top. Both of his sides were shaved and the back was shaved too. Leaving his long hair tied up in a bun on top. His beard was short and stuck to his face, it was hard to even pull a hair from it. He wore his sword on his back with a shield. Throwing Axes covered the sides of his hips. He has fur armor with iron plates hidden around it and a chain shirt under it all. He walked out of the longhouse. Malcolm was reading a religious book to hundreds of people when they heard the door open followed by the sounds of the winter wind blowing through. A wall blocked them from seeing who entered. The people hear the door close and footsteps. "We started an hour ago. If you wish to join you could at least make less noise" Hayden walks around the wall " I apologies. The winter wind is a friend of no one." Malcolm was shocked to see Hayden " what are you doing here? I thought religion wasn't you thing?" Hayden walks In front of the rows of people " I had a visit in my dreams and I was informed of the god. When I was told about the gods my chest ran warm and my heart became unsteady. And it was at that moment I became a believer of the gods. I came to listen but as you stated i am late. So i will just take a seat and listen to the rest" Hayden takes an empty seat next to some farmers and builder and just listens.

Malcolm smiles " You have come a long way my lord. I'm glad you can join us" Malcolm starts reading the book out loud again. Hayden sits and learns. A few hours pass and Malcolm finishes and people start leaving. They were thanking Hayden for joining them and He was saying thank you for welcoming him in. After everyone leaves Malcolm and Hayden were the only ones left. "You must tell me about this dream you had" Malcolm says as he takes a seat. Hayden freezes for a second " I don't know if that's a good idea" Malcolm smiles "Hayden were friends. Anything you tell me stays with me." Hayden walks over to Malcolm and sits.

"Last night I had a dream of a girl named Grace. She told me she was my daughter, and that she was going to create the gods to make sure the forces of good and evil that I released are kept in check." Malcolm Laughs " Really? You could have just said your god. That would be more believable" Hayden stands up. " Follow me if you don't believe me" Malcolm stops laughing.

Hayden and Malcolm walk into the basement and Malcolms jaw drops " Hayden. You kept this place from me?" Hayden walks to the wall "I had to. It's my Destiny to finish this wall. I can't show it to just anyone" Malcolm starts looking at the wall "Tell me this dream again" Hayden stands in front of the wall with monsters on it.

"A girl named Grace came to the castle one day and told me I will lose everything before I learn anything. Then later I awoke in a ring of fire. She appeared and told me when I opened the door I released the spirits of good and evil and I made the overworld and underworld. She told me that I released magic into the world and the people and after some years it will take hold and people will be able to use magic. She also said that when I placed my hand on the altar it took some of my DNA whatever that is and mixed it with other things and made her. When I hugged her i knew it to be true.

Malcolm now reached the wall with the monsters on it "Can you show me this altar?"

Hayden Shows him the Altar and Malcolm places his hand on it but nothing happens. " This is crazy. You are a god Hayden. This room proves it" Hayden focusing on the colors riding the wall " No. I made a god but I am not a god. I believe once I finish my Destiny I will die. Gods do not die" Hayden walks over to the wall again and just looks at the monster and Malcolm Joins him " I believe you now. But what now." Just as Malcolm says that the room begins to shake and Hayden Looks at Malcolm before running up the stairs. Malcolm follows behind. They reach the throne room and Hayden pushes People out his way. Once he made it to the wall Hayden looked out.

Orc looking monsters Stood around. There where more than the eye could see Hayden yells " THIS IS WHAT WE BEEN WAITING FOR MEN. SHOW NO FEAR. THE GODS ARE WITH US"