
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 19 Untold stories

Once they got to the bottom floors they looked around. The walls had water coming down them like a waterfall. Behind the water was a black stone wall. Many statues stood in a row, each one holding a fire that has never been burned out. At the end was a wall with 4 statues. They were much smaller than the ones holding the fire there each in different poses. In between the two in the middle stood a door.

"By the gods. What is this place?" Hawkin said as he burned out the touch. "I have no clue, everything here is big" Hayden said as he was touching a statue. As Hayden was looking at the big statues he saw a story inscribed on the wall. "Hey Hawkin, come here." Hawking made his way to Hayden and they both looked at the story on the wall. "What do you think it means?' Hayden asked. Hawkin studies it " These men fight with sticks so maybe it's telling of old war stories?"

Hayden walks over to the next one"these one are fighting with swords and bows" Hawkin runs over and studies the wall. "This one tells of the kid that was born of war. I think?" "This one tells of monsters attacking the world" Hayden yells at the next one. "Monsters hayden you must be joki…." the wall showed monsters eating and killing people. They both stand there shocked. "What does the next wall show" Hawkin said as he walked to the wall. "It shows people opening a door with statues next to it" They both looked at the door "Hayden starts walking to it" This door is part of history" Then Hayden tries to open it. " It's locked" Hawkin looks around "we may need another round of 'Save The Kingdom' it find out what it needs"

Hayden looked at Hawkin with a look of 'Bitch i know you did not just say that' "Look let me try something" Hayden takes his long sword and puts it in one of the statues. A green glow flows under the statue and hits a circle disk that's in the middle of the room, "Huh how did you know to do that?" Hawkin asked, confused. "I had a dream about my gear so I just wanted to try it." Hayden took his sword back. And then they heard a voice behind them. So they rushed behind a statue and hid.

"That king is such an airhead. He wants to wage a war for food, dumb ass . We need him to keep the love of the people and not lose it. By the gods the wall has appeared I must tell the others."

The man in red and black robes runs up stairs. "Hawkin we gotta go now" Hayden runs with Hawkin following behind. They run up the stairs and out of the basement. They made it back to the throne room. "Look do me a favor, spend one more night with the queen and pick her brain about this whole thing" Hawkin said, out of breath. Hayden looks like he's gonna throw a fit "fine okay, fine. Just because I can't think of anything better" Hawkin was looking at Hayden and looking at the queen. Hayden put his head down and walked to her.

" Hey Alice, can we talk?" Hayden asks. "Yeah sure what's up" queen Alice said as she put her cup down. "I wanna talk to you tonight. Does that work for you?" Hayden asked as he leaned up against a wall. "Oh yeah sure 'talk' we did a lot of 'talking' last time. Sure that works for me." Ailce said with a smile. "No like I have to talk to you about something for real, after then we can enjoy the night" Hayden said with a to the point tone "okay yeah sure, as long as we have fun after then you can pick my brain all you want." Alice says as she picks up her cup. Thank you. Wear black this time" Hayden grabs The queen's cup and drinks it and hands it back to her saying, "Indirect kiss" as he walks away leaving the queen blushing.

Hayden walks into a room and sees his mother laying in bed. "Hey mother, can we talk?" "Sure sweetheart come in" Hayden walks in and sits on her bed."How are you doing?" "I'm doing fine, sweaty, why do you ask?" Mother asked worriedly, " I just been worried about you. With you being pregnant and all, you're my last bit of family left. " Hayden said almost in tears. She starts to hug Hayden "It's alright my son"

Then a maid came in "Hayden sir the king would like to see you" Hayden stands up "can't you see i'm with my mother" His mother grabs his hand "it's okay sweetheart, just come back when you can." Hayden huffs and puff but follows the maid. They reach the throne room and King Wallace welcomes them. Hayden see Hawkin standing in front of King Wallace.

"You two were right. The war for food was wrong and I apologized. We are building farms but I would like the help of the blue sharks. With more men the more and faster we can get farms down. Will you grant me this wish?" Hayden looks around surprised "Yeah of course King Wallace. I'm glad you came around" King Wallace stand up " my head is spinning and my mind is going numb, i need help." King Wallace walls down the stairs now face to face with Hayden and Hawkin "i'm going crazy and i need help to stay on the right path. I promised my advisers they would stay forever but they ordered blood. I want no death in my castle unless it's needed. I want you two to become my secret advisers. You two were the only ones who disobeyed me when I ordered blood. So I know you two will help me stay on the straight and narrow."

"It would be an honor to be your adviser king Wallace" Hawkin said. Hayden looked at Hawkin and thought "If i become his adviser i could learn more about the cave". Now talking out loud " Yeah it would be an honor" "King Wallace puts his hand on both of their shoulders "Thank you boys, i'll tell the blue sharks to go help build. You guys get the party started, we have to celebrate " King Wallace walks out of the throne room.

Hayden and Hawkin looked at each other "Did that just happen?" Hawkin asked as he pulled out a barrel of wine "Yep where advisers now" Hayden said as he grabbed a barrel of mead . Hawkin puts the barrel down on a table and whispered "Only if he knew you where fucking his wife" Hayden slapped Hawkin arm.

The set up for the party. They picked up barrels and placed them down on tables, they brought out cups,bowls,plates,forks,spoons, and knives. Once the party was set up Hayden was alone in the throne room and sat next to a harp and starts playing it.

At first it sucked but after a few minutes of understanding what sounded good he played a song that only had 10 chords played over and over sometimes fast sometimes slow. He started singing.

"Lonely nights and stormy days, makes my mind go in a haze. Long trips, even longer sips, I wish for a person who attains my Lonely nights and stormy days who will care for my unknown haze. One who will be there for my long trips, one who i can share a long sip of honey made mead."

Before he could continue Alice sat on the table in front of him. "Why did you stop" Hayden opens his eyes " i don't plays for free" Alice sits up and hands Hayden a cup " I'll pay you later during our 'Talk' " Hayden chuckles " i really do wanna talk, just everything after is…..extra" Ailce laughs "Extra'. Yeah that's the main thing 'talking' is the extra"

The room starts to fill with people. "We will talk later" Ailce says as she walks away. The party begins. Music is playing and the party hits its climax and King Wallace stands up "Listen everyone i would like to thank all of you for being here today. We are growing at an amazing rate. We have over 700 people living in this castle and that's more than most so I feel that it deserves a party. Please enjoy yourselves tonight. Drink as much as possible for tomorrow we work." King Wallace sits back down

The party continues and Hayden watches as King Wallace talks to 5 guys in black and red robes but just does nothing, but sees King Wallace never drank anything all night. The party ends and Hayden walks to his room where Alice is wearing the black sexy outfit Hayden asked for. "You wanted to talk right?"