
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 18 "Saving The Kingdom

Chapter 18 "Saving The Kingdom.

The queen walks in and sees Hayden. "Hayden? What are you doing going through my dresser?" Hayden thinks for a second"I wish I had an excuse that I knew you would believe" The Queen starts walking to Hayden " you must be going through a hard time but that doesn't mean you can do a pantie raid on me. Come here sit next to me let's talk."

The queen sits on her bed and taps a spot next to her showing Hayden where to sit. "Come on, i don't bite unless you ask nicely" Hayden slowly walks over " i don't think it's a good idea. I'm not good with my words and you may not understand what i'm trying to say" Hayden looks at the closet to see Hawkin showing a note saying "Ask about the key" Hayden, annoyed that he has to play along. The queen pulls Hayden down on the bed and wraps her arm around him. "Okay so let's talk about what's going on in that big head of your's" Hayden looks around the room " I heard stories about a basement. Is there one here?" The queen pulls Hayden Closer" How did you hear about that? Nobody is supposed to know about it."

Hayden knows he gotta play her heart stings to get out of this. So he lays his head on her "I heard King Wallace say something about it why i was eating breakfast. I just been going through a lot lately and I thought maybe a little discovery would help" The queen wraps her arm around Hayden. "I couldn't imagine how you feel. Look, the basement needs a key and only I could get the key for you so how about we make a trade?" Hayden doesn't move "What kinda deal?" The queen gives a happy seductive look "Give me time to think…but Wallace should be getting back now so I'll go slow him down so please hurry your pantie raid and leave" The queen walks to the door "Thanks you for helping me when the king….hit me…..Thank you, it meant alot to me." The queen leaves and Hayden and Hawkin hurry up and leave. But Hawkin grabbed something on his way out.

They meet back in Hayden's room. Hawkin starters laughing "Why are you laughing?" Hayden says Confused "That look she gave you, she wants you." Hawkin says through his Laughter. Hayden sits down "I'M NOT READY FOR ANOTHER, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT" this makes Hawkin burst into more laughter. "That's the only way to get the key" Hayden now mad "then were not getting the Key" Hawkin still Laughing, jokingly says "OH NO WE NEED THE KEY" Hayden sit there not saying anything. "You have to do it for the kingdom" Hawkin Says as He Mocks the king. Hayden starts laughing " We gotta save the kingdom" Hayden is now mocking the king also. They are now laughing together.


Someone knocks on the door and The queen opens the door" Oh i'm sorry to bother you two, Hayden you got some mail. The mail man said read it when you're alone. Okay bye" The queen leaves. Hawkin Stands up "Remember, we gotta save the kingdom." Hawkin leaves the room and Hayden reads the note.

"I know what you took from my room, You are a dirty man. Return want you to take and leave a note picking a color and I will wear that to your room. We talked about a deal. I will give you the key if you promise to be my secret lover...…Forever yours Queen Alice.

Hayden looks to the spot where Hawkin Was, a bag layed there. Hayden walked over and opened the bag and a pair of panties and a bra laid in there" You bastard".

Hayden looked down at the bag, and put a note inside that said "red" as well as a letter. Hayden closed the bag and left it on the chair as he walked away and walked to Hawkin. Queen Alice sees him leave and she walks into the room and sees the bag sitting on the chair. She opens it and sees what's inside. She smiles and takes the bag back to her room.

Hayden walks to Hawkin and hands him the letter Queen Alice gave him. Hawkin reads over it and starts laughing " you set me up" Hayden yells Hawkin couldn't stop laughing. " I saw the look she gave you and wanted to help your chances" Hayden gave a blank look "i hate you, so much" Hawkin Jokily said "What color did you pick" Hayden mumbles quietly "red" Hawkin gasp "You're gonna go through with it?" Hayden looked around making sure no one was around " i'm thinking about it. If it gets us that key then i will but i'm still checking out other choices" Hawkin looks behind Hayden "So is that not the i left in you room, in the queens hands" Hayden turns around and looks at the queen quickly going up the stairs to her room with a bag.

Hayden says nothing just walks over to the table and grabs two cups. Then he walks over the barrels of mead and fills the cups "What are you doing?" hawkin said confused. Hayden takes both filled cups over to Hawkin and hands him one "To Saving The Kingdom" Hayden said as He slammed his cup into Hawkin's cup and then Drank the whole cup. Hawkin's Laughed and drank the Whole cup. They walked over to the mead barrels and Hayden started to fill both cups again.

"My father once told me, whenever I feel sad or I'm afraid. To drink as much as i can to help fix my problem" Hayden Hands Hawkin's a cup and says'' I have a feeling your father was a great man" They cheers and drinken.

They drank all day and people joined in on the celebration. When people asked why are they celebrating they just said "To Saving The Kingdom" Even the King Joined in Partying The Night Ended with Everyman Locked arms and swaying back and forth Yelling " TO SAVING THE KINGDOM"

Hayden got tired so he walked to his room. He sat on his bed and looked down at his swords. They whisper to him "Slumber,Slumber,Slumber" Hayden started to fall asleep but he fought it, but not for long. Hayden fell asleep still sitting on the edge of his bed.

Hayden awoke in a frozen forest, it was dark only lighting the path in front of him. He was shocked, he spring to his feet and looked around. Nothing was around, It was quiet. He walked throughout the forest confused. Suddenly he saw a pair of eyes looking at him from the trees, A black wolf creeping out from the trees"Easy boy, calm now" Hayden said as he prepared himself. He reached for his sword but realized he didn't have one. Just then the wolf charged Hayden but a shark popped out of the snow and ate the wolf whole, causing a bunch of snow to fly everywhere.

A village appears there in the snow. The people were all happy and celebrating. Hayden walked through the village and watched as black wolves came in and killed the villagers. A snow storm came in and wiped the whole village out. Knocking Hayden around. He landed on the floor and saw a fireball coming from the sky and crashed on the ground. Hayden ran over to the crash and saw weapons. He saw his sword and Shield and His two handed sword. As well as a spear and bow. "This is how you were made, you came from the sky?" Hayden said as he picked up the swords and Shield.

Hayden looked around and saw the men in Black and red robes. "You bastards, why are you here?" The men in robes ran away and Hayden started to run after them. He started gaining on them but hands grabbed his feet and pulled him into the darkness and He woke up.

When he woke up he saw Queen Alice walking into his room "Did I wake you?" Hayden sits up "Yea, from a nightmare. Thank you" Queen Alice comes in and sits next to Hayden "Then for helping, do i get a reward?" Hayden looks Alice right in the eye " Of Course, but i have no clue what you want, so you're gonna have to show me" Alice laughs and she moves on top of Hayden and the key hangs down from her neck."You turned it into a necklace?" Hayden said as he grabbed it Alice moved her head to Hayden's ear " I did. You wanna know what else I'm wearing. Here's a hint its red" Hayden kisses her and they continue from there

Hayden wakes up next to a naked Alice. She walks out into the throne room. He grabs a cup and walks to the wall of barrels. "Wine or Mead?" "Wine? And here I thought you were a man" A voice from behind Hayden says. "Frederick?" Hayden said as he hugged FrederickHayden grabs another cup and starts filling them with mead. "When did you wake up?" "Just now. I was gonna get a drink then find a bed to sleep in." Frederick says as he grabs the cup from Hayden "To your recovery" Hayden says as they cheered and they both drink.

"What are you doing up at this time of night?" Frederick asked as he filled his cup again. "Nothing. Just needed something to drink" Hayden said as Filled his cup. Frederick drank his drink and started to walk away "Well I need to get some sleep so I see you later" Frederick leaves and Hayden is all alone in the throne room with his head resting on his shoulders "I was wondering where you went. Can I have some?" Hayden lifts his cup up and she grabs it and drinks it all. Then kisses Hayden. "Ready to go again?" Hayden nods his head and Ailce grabs his Hand and leads him back to his room.

Sun comes up and Hayden wakes up alone and grabs his gear. " Talk to me more clearly and I can help you. You helped me so let me help you" Hayden has his head on his swords as he talks to them. Hayden walks out to eat breakfast and sits next to Hawkin. "So I guess you didn't go through with it?" Hawkin asked as he looked at the queen. Hayden places the key in front of Hawkin " To Saving The kingdom" Hayden said sounding a little down. Hawkin stands up "To Saving The Kingdom". Hayden was eating a ball of bread and the queen walked past "i'm surprised you can still eat, i would have thought you would be full" She chuckles a little and leaves the throne room. Hayden Lowered his head. And Hawkin laughs.

Hawkin leads the way to the basement "how did you find this?" Hayden asked as he unlocked the door. Leaning on the wall Hawkin says"The king mumbled about it after you punched him" Hayden Laughed "still not sorry about that." The basement door opens and it's a long stairwell leading down to unknown darkness. Hayden looked at Hawkin "You wanna lead again?' Hawkin slaps Hayden in the arm. Then Hawkin grabs the touch on the wall and lights it on fire. Hawkin leads the way down. "So many stairs, " Hayden says. " Yeah you could say that again" Hawkin says and he almost fell down. They kept walking for at least 2 minutes.

They arrive