
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 20 Bloody Night

Chapter 20 Bloody Nights

Hayden sits down on the bed. "What do you know about the basement?" Alice lifts her head up "OHHHHHH. That's why you wanted to talk. All I know is that Wallace goes down there with that cult of his. Why down there you could hear chanting, then Wallace comes up and he's distant after." Hayden, disappointed with her answers "what can you tell me about Wallace? You said he's distant, what else does he do?" Alice thought for a second " Where do I start? He has grown distant and doesn't even sleep in the same room as me. That's why I can sleep with you all the time, he doesn't sleep with me anymore. Once that cult showed up, he changed." Hayden thinks for a second "Okay. thank you" Alice pulls her top off " Can we start the fun part now?" They kiss and enjoy the night.

Hayden woke up next to a naked Alice. Screams are heard echoing throughout the castle. Alice wakes up "Did you hear that?" Hayden Rushes to his gear "Stay here and lock the door, i have clothes in that dresser. Put them on and be ready for my knock" Before Hayden could leave Alice pulled him back and kissed him "Be safe" Hayden nods his head and runs outside.

Once Hayden reaches the throne room and sees Hawkin getting his head slammed into a table by a cult man Hayden stabs the man in the back. Hayden grabs Hawkin but he's unconscious, blood leaking from his head Hayden brings him back to his room"Alice is me open up" Alice opens the door and Hayden places Hawkin on the bed. Alice screams " What happened to him?" Hayden is ready to leave again "The cult has gone crazy and are killing people ''. Hayden points to Hawkin " Can you patch him up please?" Hayden runs out but still hears the door lock

As Hayden makes it back into the throne room and sees the cult are killing the nobles. Hayden runs over and starts saving them "go hide somewhere or grab a sword and fight" screams are heard from outside, so Hayden runs outside and is met with hell.

Fire spreads everywhere, the walls where burning, the houses where burning. bodies lay in the streets. Each body was full of stab marks somewhere even burned. The knights and the few blue sharks left in the castle were fighting back.

Hayden runs right into battle killing the cults and Helping his men. They cleared out the longhouse part of the castle, but they need to clear out two other parts of the castle. Each one full of people.

The second part of the castle is the part that holds all the homes. Hayden and 4 blue sharks and 8 knights reach the second part. The cult are slaughtering people, Hayden orders his men "Save the townspeople" His men went to the help the townspeople as Hayden started to kill the cult. They didn't put up much of a fight. It was like a child swinging a stick but there were a lot of them.

Once his men saved all the people he ordered them to put out the fires. Hayden finishes killing the cult and runs out to the last part of the castle. Where he was met with surprise.

"You people are lazy and undisciplined and must be punished. Off with their head". King Wallace announced, as he ordered the cult to kill everyone in the crowd of people they forced together Hayden rushes out "Hold it right there" Hayden stands in front of 20 cult members as well as King Wallace.

"Oh it's Hayden. Here I thought they would have killed you first" King Wallace says as he takes his sword into his hands. Hayden holding both of his swords yells Why? Why would you kill all these men? We started to build everything up. We started gaining power. And you pull something like this. Why? King Wallace looks around surprised" really? You really don't know? I welcomed you in my home, I gave you everything, And how do you repay me? You fuck my wife, you turn my men agains't me. You turned Hawkin against me. All these deaths are on your hands Hayden" Hayden was hurt by the words " you drove this yourself. You pushed your wife away. You turned your own men away. You wanted us to kill for no reason. You sold out your kingdom to save yourself. The blood is on your hands and your hands alone"

Hayden still feels uneasy. He was unsteady. He didn't have time to prepare as king Wallace yells"BRING ME HIS HEAD". Guards rush Hayden, he slashes one then stabs another. But it proved too much. King Wallaces words still echoed in his head " All these deaths are on your hands" Hayden is tackled and a sword is inches away from his neck. An arrow flies into the man's neck, saving Hayden. As he looks over Hayden sees Frederick standing there holding a bow.

Frederick throws the bow at cults and cuts them down. Frederick cut down one man after another. Frederick takes down all of the cults but then King Wallace stabs him through the chest killing him. Hayden jumps to his feet"NOOOOOOO" Hayden throws his sword and it goes through the head of King Wallace.

Hayden runs over to Fredricks body and holds it. The blue sharks and knights run over and see Fredrick laying there in Hayden's arms. They hold their head down before walking over to help the townspeople.

Days pass and Hayden stands over a burning tower full of bodies. After a few minutes he walks away and enters a tent where Hawkin lays in a coma. Hayden lays his hand on the bed "what do i do? I'm lost and I need help. Please wake up soon brother." Hayden leaves the tent and heads into the long house. Hayden walks to a chair and sits down as the queen sat in the front.

The Queen Stands up "So i guess it's decided then. We will vote on a new king, and I will step down as queen." Maids hand out papers and everyone votes and the votes are counted. Hayden was voted as the new king. Hayden stands up and walks to the throne " I couldn't tell why I was voted as king but I will do my best to fill the hole that Wallace left. As my first act as king I will send men to the nearby clans and attempt to make a pact as well as focus all army and builders to start working on more farms." Hayden sits down on the throne as Alice places the crown on Hayden's head.

Hours passed and Hayden headed to his new room and Alice was sitting there waiting. Hayden sits next to Her then falls into her lap " i am lost"