
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 17 Drunken fuss

Chapter 17 Drunken fuss

Hayden wakes up and grabs the book and quickly makes his way to Hawkin. Hayden rushes into the Throne room to see King Wallace yelling at people "Carwards all of you are Carwards. You bastard wants to eat all my food and sleep in my house but when I asked you to fight for me you hide and carward." The queen goes to calm him down" Clam down honey, you had a little too much to drink an" The King pushes her down " Don't call me drunk im not drunk" No one Helps just watches. Hayden Rushes over and picks the queen off the floor and helps her to her feet. "Yeah Help her up, you already fucked her so why don't you help her back to you room and fuck her again" The king yells and stumbles why spilling wine on the floor.

"Hayden what is he talking about?" Laila came down the stairs and heard everything. "Laila he's drunk don't" The king cuts Hayden off. "Yep he fucked her before you got here. She walked into his room late at night, in a pretty pink, see through outfit. She even had on laced underwear on. I saw her lying on your door with the world's biggest smile on her face. What do you have to say Mr magic cock?" Hayden was speechless "Laila you have to believe me." Laila storms out

King Wallace is laughing "Look at her go. "Sorry mr magic cock you lost" Hayden walks up to King Wallace "what's wrong mr magic cock? Mad things didn't go your way?" Hayden Punches him right in the chin knocking him out cold. He flies back into his throne. The whole room gasps. Hawkin walks down and Hayden runs to him and hands him the Book " things are going crazy around he deals with this for me then we need to talk." Hayden leaves, Running after Laila, before Hawkin could say anything.

Hayden ran all around the castle asking people if they saw her, nobody did. He looked everywhere and couldn't find her. Finally he goes to the nearby river and sees her. "Laila please let me explain" Laila stands up "stay back please" Hayden pauses "Why just hear me out i never cheated, she wanted to talk that's all" Tears coming down Laila's face" You don't get it Hayden. When he told me you cheated he brought back memories. Memories i forgot about, from a time when i thought you were dead" Hayden steps back "Laila don't say it" Laila Wipes her tears " after the battle farms would tell stories about the Black Wolf's death. I thought you died. I was at a low point in my life" Hayden making a fist" Laila don't say it please its better if you just don't say it." Laila facing Hayden now " I will not hide it anymore Hayden! You have to know! I meant a man in a bar and he made me happy at my worst time and I slept with him!"

Hayden fist got even tighter but then let go and tried to speak multiple times but couldn't find anything to say. All he could say was "Stay away from me" Laila stood up "But hay" "No Please no. just stay away." Hayden walks away back to the castle. Laila Just stood there crying. Hayden walked into the longhouse. Once he got there everyone looked at him, as he grabbed two barrels one full of wine and the other full of mead. He takes a seat and begins to drink.

The whole day goes by and Hayden just drinks. Laila walked over to him "Hayden please im sorry" Hayden takes a drink "Please Hayden just talk to me" Hayden takes a drink "Why won't you talk to me?" Hayden takes another drink after he finishes his cup and goes to fill it up but Laila slaps the cup out of his Hand "Hayden just say something to me please" Hayden watches the cup roll on the floor. Once it stops he looks around and grabs another cup and fills it up." Leave me alone" then he drinks from his cup. Laila stands up and leaves crying her way to the room.

Hawkin walks to Hayden "i imagen we can't talk now" Hayden drinks from his cup and looks around the room "The King sold us out. He's just a stand in" Hayden almost falls trying to stand up "He hates us for not joining the war. He's going crazy, and I believe it has to do with the cult" Hawkin grabs a cup and fills it then takes a swing "Cult?" Hayden takes a sip and almost falls back" those bastards in the black and red robes. They're located in the basement" Hayden waves his arms around like a crazy person" But shhhhhhh there everywhere, Listening" Hayden falls and hits the table on his way down.

Maids rush over to him" Come on Hayden you can't drink too much it's bad for you" They bring Hayden to his room where Laila is. They Lay him on the bed "can you watch him miss Laila?" "yeah just lay him here" The maids leave, leaving Hayden and Laila alone.

"Hayden. Do you think you could ever forgive me?" Hayden drunkenly messes up his word " NAHHHHH, you da goofed it mall" Laila Confused "say that again" This time Hayden says it word by word "Nah, you. Done. fucked. It. all." Hayden now still slurring a little manages to get out "You promised me and you broke it, you cheated on me, and you hid it. Thats three fuck ups and i have done nothing wrong. If the roles were switched would you forgive me?"

Hayden says nothing, Laila says nothing. Hayden falls asleep and the sun sets and then rises. Hayden woke up and found a note on the bed it reads "Dear Hayden, after you fell asleep I sat with my thoughts and realized you were right. I promised I would wait and I broke it, I promised that I would only sleep with you and I broke it and I hid it out of fear. Then you told me if the roles were switched I would forgive you, and the truth is I would not. So I leave you to enjoy your life. I have hurt you and I realized that to help you I must leave. Please forgive me and take care of yourself please. Forever your Laila

Hayden folded the paper and a single tear fell down his face. He sat in his room for hours with his thoughts.

Hayden walks outside into the throne room. While people are eating breakfast, Hayden sees Hawkin and walks over to him and sits down."We should investigate the basement today" Hawkin Looks at Hayden" Look, I saw Laila leaving if you need time we could" Hayden cuts him off"She left. We have things we have to do. Some things are just more important to focus on right now" Hayden is looking down at the table and Hawkin is looking at Hayden with a sorry look" Hayden i'm here for you i hope you know that. If you want to get to work that's what where do" Hayden stands up "yeah straight to work"

Hayden and Hawkin go to Hayden's room to speak in private

Hayden takes out a paper "Okay so here is the plan. We find where the basement is, once we find it we should search around for any clues that could lead us to finding out who these people are and what they want. We should bring food and touches for light" Hawkin reads over it "It sounds good we should look around for the way in now why the king is out fishing" Hayden looks out his window and sees King Wallace "good idea.

They go to King Wallace's room and look around and search everywhere. Hayden was searching a dresser for something and Hawkin was searching the closet. The door opens and Hawkin rushes into the closet and Hayden is frozen stuck at the Dresser