
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 15 love

Chapter 15 love.

The rain stopped. The battle stopped. Everyone was drained and hurt. Hayden sat on the floor in pain as his men helped him to his feet "Take me to the LongHouse" Hayden said as blood fell from his mouth. His men took him to the long house and sat him on the throne. Soon his men brought Frederick and Hawkin into the longhouse. They laid them down on a table and started a fire in the fireplace. They started to banaged Frederick and Hawkin. Hayden sat in the Throne and watched as a man in all white walked into the room, the man then saw Hayden covered in blood and walked up to him

"What do you want?" Hayden said, exhausted. " My name is brother Malcolm. I take it you are Hayden right?" "Yeah. I'm Hayden." Hayden says as he rests his head in his hands. Malcolm walks over to Hayden"it would appear you need some banageing, do you mind?" Hayden looks up"knock yourself up" Malcolm Walks over and Starts patching Hayden up. Hayden thinks for a second then says"Wait you said you calmed my men?" Malcolm Replied "Yes, your men are resting knowing that the gods look over them. I take it you're not one for religion?" "Is that a problem" Hayden remarks " No why would it be?. Religion isn't meant for everyone. But it's meant for me and my gods tell me to heal the sick and hurt so thats what im doing"

"There you are. All patch up. Now you should rest." Malcolm says as he walks over to Frederick and Hawkin and gets on his knees and puts his hands together,"Hayden stands up"What are you doing?" Malcolm kept his eyes closed "Praying for your friend's speedy recovery." Hayden shakes his head and goes off to bed

Hayden is woken up by Mecolm shaking him "what do you want?"Hayden said sleepily "I made food, you must eat to keep your strength, and I also would like to make sure you're patched right." Melcolm said as he walked into the throne room. Hayden gets out of bed and looks at his swords and shield sitting in the corner of the room. Whispers are heard coming from them. frightened, Hayden mumbles. "What are you saying?" "You coming Hayden?" Malcolm said from the throne room. The Whispers stop "Yeah coming". Hayden stood up and walked into the throne room and sat at a table. As Hayden sat down he looked around, Tables were filled with his soldiers and the outside was filled with tables full of soldiers. "Did you make all this yourself?" Hayden Asked Malcolm. "I did. It's my way of helping those in need. As the god of Love would have wanted it to be" Malcolm said as he filled bowls with soup. Soup was passed around and Malcolm went to sit. "Hey you made all this, you deserve to sit at the Kings table" Hayden yelled

Malcolm walks over and sits next to Hayden. "Do you mind if we pray to the gods before we eat?" Hayden Looks around "It's a little too late for that, people are already going up for a second helping." "That's fine, we don't need the whole army. I'm content with just us two" Malcolm says happily "Because you patched me up and fed my men i guess i could do you this one favor" Hayden says a little annoyed. Malcolm puts his hands together and Hayden copies "Thank you my lords for this amazing food we are about to eat. I wish to eat good food like this everyday. Amen. you can eat now" Malcolm looks at Hayden and is surprised to see Hayden Actually praying.

Hayden eats his food and Malcolm checks out the rest of his body making sure there are no hidden injuries and changing the bandages. "You have a pretty good cut on your right foot. Other than that you're good to go back to bed. Try not to walk on it okay" Malcolm Says as he starts to clean up. "I will try" Hayden lays down in bed and falls asleep. Malcolm cleans up the bowls and moves some of the tables. He makes his way outside and into one of the homes. There's pictures of Malcolm and others on the walls. It's his house, he makes his way into his bed and goes to bed"goodnight my gods" and falls asleep.

Hayden walks up and grabs his gear and limps outside to see all his men packing everything into carts and everyone is just about ready to leave. Hayden walks over to the cart with the knocked out soldiers and sees Frederick and Hawkin "recover fast my brothers". Hayden walks over to go help pick up boxes but is stopped by Melcolm."Your limping as is, go sit in the cart. We should be leaving in a moment anyway" Malcolm helps Hayden to the cart. "I take that as your coming with us then?" Hayden says as he gets up onto the cart. "There's nothing left for me here. But don't worry i packed a back of everything i needed from my home" Melcolm said as he pointed at his bag. "Well the journey is long so prepare" Hayden said as he started to relax.

Once the bags were packed they started to move. First came the flat land then the hills then a river that was flooded from the rain. The trip was long and painful. Once They returned to Riverton and the people cheered them and Hayden and his blue sharks loved the attention. The knights that were with them stayed silent. Once they reached past the second gate a group of men rushed down and took all the hurt and sick into a tent and doctors and priests all helped to fix them up, Malcolm rushed to help. They took Frederick and Hawkin but Hayden argued that he was fine. After a little back and forth they let him go and he limped to the castle.

Once he arrived at the castle he sat in the throne room out of breath" This…is….terrible….can someone…..bring me some...water" A maid came down with a cup of water and handed it to Hayden. After drinking the water Hayden looked around and saw the king talking to the two men in black and red robes. The queen walks over"So I take it you got your revenge?" Hayden jumps up"Yeah you should have seen it i cut his head right off…ow ow ow ow."Hayden falls back in his chair in pain. The queen laughs"You are as joyful as a kid who just got a new toy. You're gonna have to tell me the whole story sometime."King Wallace walks over "MY BOY YOU DID IT" Hayden stands up and limps over to meet the king"YOU SHOULD OF BEEN THERE, NORMAN COWARD AS I BODY SLAMMED HIM" They laughed and King Wallace hugged Hayden. "Oh my boy, tell me did you kill Norman and Eren?" "I threw Norman off the wall in front of Eren and i Stabbed Eren in the chest" Hayden said Happy.

2 voices behind Hayden said "Hayden!?" Hayden turns around "Laila? Mother?" Hayden limps to them and they run to meet him. They all meet up for a group hug. "I Missed you guys so much" Hayden says as he kisses them on their cheeks. Laila looked as pretty as ever and mother looked like she could give birth at any moment. " Mother you looked so close, and Laila you look as pretty as ever. Hayden said as he pulled them closer. Mother pulled away and put her hands on her belly. "I should give birth any day now." King Wallace walks over and the hugging stopped " They got here last night. I set Laila up in the room you're staying in and your mother is in a room full of nurses and maids, ready at a moment's Notice for them to help when she needs it." Mother stepped back" speaking of help, i need to sit down" Hayden and Laila helped mother to a maid"We gotta get you back to your room, you can pop at any moment" The maid takes Mother away to her room.

Hayden looked at Laila"So what happened to you, where did you go?" Laila sat on a table. "Once we left we went down the river for days. We ended up hitting a small village where we stayed and they supported us for months. We worked there for some time when a group of men came down and started asking about us. Once they saw us they told us that you were looking for us and we left right away. But enough about me, how did you survive?" Hayden grabs Laila's Hands "they attack us and it wasn't pretty i was shot full of arrow before the battle ended. I watched as my father was shot in the head with an arrow, I watched as they stabbed the king, I watched as Alexander was killed. I only survived because they left me to die and some people picked me up and took me. me to a Dr"

The room fell silent "But I Avenged them" Hayden said as he looked at his hand and turned it into a fist. Laila hugs Hayden "it's over now. You avenged them. Now you must rest" '' Would you like a bath? Dinner is being made now so if you take a bath now then eat dinner after you can go straight to bed." a maid said after hearing the conversation " A bath right now sounds amazing" Hayden said as he sat next to Laila on the table. "Okay great would you follow me"

Hayden follows the maid. They passed a room filled with cooking pots filled with water. The room right after that was the bathroom. The maid pulls a switch and the tub starts to fill. Once the tub is filled the maid places a bunch of towels on a chair as well as a change of clothes. "If you need anything please just yell okay" the maid said with a smile. "Okay" Hayden said as he started to take off his shirt.

Hayden takes off all of his clothes and walks into the tub"Ow that pretty hot" Hayden sits in the tub and just relaxes. He closes his eyes and lays his head back. The bathroom door opens and closes. Then footsteps are heard walking, then they step into the tub. Hayden lifts his head and opens his eyes to see Laila smiling sitting in front of him."You mind if I get a little closer." Laila said as she stood up and walked over to Hayden."If you get any closer I can't be held accountable for what happens" Hayden said with a smile Laila then sits on Hayden's lap and Kisses him.

(sometime Have past)

A knock is heard from the bathroom"Dinner is almost done" the maid says. "Okay". Hayden and Laila walk into the throne room and sit down and begin eating. They said nothing and just laughed every time they looked at each other. The whole throne room kept looking at them, giving them weird looks. Once they finished Eating Hayden took Laila's hand and they rushed to their room. Where they finished what they started in the bathroom, and went to bed.