
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 14 Death

Chapter 14 death

Sgt Hawkin working on a catapult'' There is the smell of death in the air." He points to the walls of the castle" they ready their men for us. I saw them lining up all around the wall." Hayden now looking at the wall. "They mean to hold the castle. where drag them out or burn our way in"

Hayden and Sgt Hawkin Fixed all the catapults and ladders as the men ready themself for battle. Once the men were done and started to line up Sgt Hawkin stood in the front" Today is the day boys! Show no mercy! Show them who we are! Make them fear us! Burn them to the ground." HORAH,HORAH,HORAH

The catapults shot their flaming balls and crashed the front gate. The moment the gate blew up Enemy men,farmers,traders,builders and regular people just poured out the enemies rushed Hayden and his men why the regular people fled. "Don't stop your fire Catapults and Archers Fire at will!" Hayden Yelled as he rushed into battle.

The moments were closing. The men rushed and were shot down, the catapults shot and took groups of men down. Then Finally the Men crashed, men were dying fast. The blue sharks stabbed as many men as they could. Hayden and Sgt Hawkin stood in the Front lines cutting down any man who stepped up. Frederick, not being seen through the battle, rushes the left side with a group of 300 as a group of 200 rushed from the right. Trapping the enemy army in the middle. With Arrows raining down on them and trapped from almost every side the enemies tried to retreat but only 100 out of the 600 that charged made it out.

"THEY ARE RUNNING, NOW'S THE TIME BROTHERS, PUSHHHH!" Hayden rushed his men as the catapults and archer followed behind. As they entered the front arrows came down from all sides Hayden shieldless went to block the arrows with his sword but Frederick pulled his Shield above both of them."March on brother" Frederick said as he gave the sign for the archers to aim for the enemy archers. Once they could move again Hayden led the charge, pushing through the groups of 100 enemies that rushed at them. Another wall stood in their way as they cleared the first one. Sgt Hawkin grabbed the ladders and started to put them up as Hayden was the first one up with Frederick following close behind.

As they were clearing the wall the blue sharks had their archers stay back out of fear they would be useless in the smaller spots. Once the wall was cleared Hayden stayed on the wall flanking around the enemy with a small squad of 100 why the rest of the men pushed down wards clearing out the enemies that occupied the floor. Sgt Hawkin was still on the wall with a group of spear men. He ordered his men to throw their spears at the enemies on the ground, killing 60 men easily.Hayden Flanked the gate and blocked it off. No one could get in or out without lifting a heavy wooden beam. Then he pushed the men on the ground, sealing the fate of every enemy that couldn't retreat in time. Once the second wall fell everyone pushed the third and final wall. Behind this wall was the longhouse and the rest of the men. They lifted the wooden beam and tried to get past. "They locked it from the inside." Sgt Hawkin said as he kicked the big wooden door. "Boys! We need ladders" Frederick yelled. The rest of the ladder was brought and set up.

The final push was now they climbed up and rushed but to their surprise there were only around 100 men. They quickly cut them down. Hayden Pushed the long house alone. He Kicked the door in breaking it and knocked down both of the knights blocking it. Hayden kills them and sees Norman sitting on his throne. "Where is Eren?" Hayden Said as he made his way to Norman. Norman laughed " Fuck you boy" Hayden grabbed the king boy his collar and flong him down the 4 steps leading to his throne."Where is EREN! Norman wipes the blood that is coming out of his mouth" FUCK YOU BOY!" Hayden walks down the stairs and kicks Norman in the stomach then picks him up and slams him on a table. "You will tell me where Eren is or I'm going to make sure you suffer" The king now in pain " Okay, Okay please have mercy." Norman laughs" He's on his way with 1000 men, and when he gets here he will kill all of you bastards." Norman starts laughing again But Hayden pushes him in the face knocking him out.

Sgt Hawkin Walks in and sees Hayden pacing back and forth why Norman is laying on the table. "What happened in here? Is he dead?" Hayden stops "No he's not dead. We need to live." Sgt Hawkin confused"Why? Wasn't the whole point of this to kill him?" Hayden Walks the Hawkin " You don't get it. He told me Eren is coming here with 1000 men. We have to prepare." Sgt Hawkin starts worrying" Shit, Okay what if we have a team outside using the Catapults then right before they get here the team gets inside and we lock the enemies out. That will kill a good amount of them." Hayden Looks around " we gonna need to fix the wall." Sgt Hawkins Grabs a wooden table"that can be done." Hayden grew a smile"

They Set up the Catapults and fixed the First wall with anything they could find: loose stones,tables,chairs, anything. Everyone prepared. The archers lined the first wall waiting to give the signal when Eren arrived. Hayden Ran back to the long house searching for something. He looks around and finds a sheath two handed sword, It called to him. He grabbed it and unsheathed it. It looks like his old one but two handed. It was long and shiny with a padded handle and a clean hand guard. As Hayden Held the sword he could hear voices whisper to him from the blade. He decides he is going to keep it so he puts it under his shield on his back.

He looked around but couldn't find what he was looking for so he ran back. The rain began to come down even harder. Lighting and thunder could be heard and seen. But just as it seemed like nothing was gonna happen An archer yelled out" We have company" Eren rode his horse to the wall. "So you attack us huh. That's a shame. So this is the day warriors die huh" Sgt Hawkin Peaked over the wall" You bastard. Today is the day you finally meet your end." Eren grew bored of the conversion " If i had a gold coin for everyone who said that. Is my lord still alive?" Sgt Hawkin Yelled down" For now yes but" Eren cut him off" Okay That all i needed to know" Eren goes to ride back. " HEY PIRATE!" Eren turns around and sees Hayden" I WAS RIGHT YOUR KING IS A COWARD" Hayden throws Norman off the wall killing him. Eren watched as his king fell to his death. Angered at the nickname he was giving, and about his king's death he looks up at Hayden. Hayden has a huge Smile " How about I cut out the other eye? How would you like that pirate?" Eren pulls out his sword " YOU WILL PAY FOR TH" Hayden cuts him off "HEY MY OLD SWORD. THANKS FOR BRING IT BACK. I CAN WAIT IT KILL YOU WITH IT"

Eren rode back without saying anything else. Now standing in front of all his men he raises his hand." BRING ME THAT BOY NOW I WANT HIM ALIVE" Eren's men rushed the castle. They shot flaming balls at the castle as well. So Hayden's men shot Catapults. Both shot fire balls, some clidded in the air, others crashed down destroying parts of the castle. Some crash down on Eren's men. Eren's men were just about at the wall so the catapult team pulled away back inside the walls. Sgt Hawkin Had the bowmen on the wall start aiming for the men trying to break down the wall why some bowmen stood waiting for the gate to fall so the can shoot the first row of men.

Frederick comes rushing in with two barrels and places them in front of the gate" Okay Archer when the gate breaks shoot the barrels okay. Oh yeah you need fire arrows." Frederick kicks the door down leading into someone's house and lights the fire pit. Then breaks a chair and puts the wood into a cooking pot. Then he puts a stick into the fire pit then puts the stick into the cooking pot now making a fire pot. He brings the fire pot to the front door of the house, not bringing it outside in the rain. The archers stood near the pot. " You guys may want to stand back," Frederick said to everyone. "Why" Sgt Hawkin said but got no response. So everyone moved back and once they broke through the gate the archers shot them. BOOM,BOOM they barrels explode killing anyone at the gate and setting it on fire.

"YEAH. THAT'S HOW WE DO IT FREDERICK" Hayden said as he prepared himself but his excitement was short lived for the sky was lit with fire again, the balls of death came crashing down. One came crashing down right in front of Hayden breaking the wall. Part of the wall began to collapse so Hayden ran and The Part in front of him started collapsing also so he jumped onto the roof of a house. Falling through the thatch roof. Landing on a table and shattering it. Hayden stands up and limps out of the house to see his men fighting so he joins. Hayden stabs his sword through one man and chops another one down with his other sword. Quickly the bowmen ran to the Second wall. Once there they began shooting, Hayden and the other quickly followed behind. They started to black the wall off but a fireball came down blowing up the wall, killing Hayden's and Eren's men. This explosion knocked Hayden out as he was on top of the wall. He was flung away and landed down hard.

Sgt Hawkin leading the bowmen and the Spear men was the biggest problem for Eren and his men. Eren orders his men to focus on Sgt Hawkin and his men. With arrows coming at them and men climbing the stairs to him, trapping him and his men. Sgt Hawkin ordered his men to focus on one side as he tried to clear the other side. Sgt Hawkin pushed the Stairs chopping down men. A man in full iron armor pushed Sgt Hawkin Back and they began fighting. The man was stronger than Sgt Hawkin and he threw Sgt Hawkin off the wall. Landing on the ground hard broke his left arm but the man in iron jumped down. Sgt Hawkin rolls and stabs the man in the bottom of his head, thrusting his sword through the man's head. Sgt Hawkin goes to retreat but a ball of fire crashes down sending him through a house.

Frederick was cutting down men as if his sword was a hot knife going through butter. He was leading his men and managed to push Eren and his men back a little. Frederick saw Eren and there was a spear laying near him. So Frederick Runs and grabs the spear and goes to throw it but is shot with an arrow in his shoulder.The spear hit a random guy. Frederick, now angered, climbs the stairs and rushes the Archers. Holding his shield in front of him, he reaches the archers and starts cutting them down. He was shot with another arrow this time in the leg. But manages to clear all the archers. Frederick goes to retreat but is tackled through a thatch roof falling. He goes to stand up but the man who tackled him loses his weapons so instead of killing him the man throws Frederick through a window. Landing on both of the arrows pushing them deeper. Extremely hurt, Frederick waited for the man to climb out the window. The moment he came through the window Frederick stabbed him in the stomach killing him. After killing the man Frederick collapsed from the pain.

Hayden wakes up surrounded by fire. His armor is destroyed, nothing protects his right side of his body and his left leg is completely open. Dazed Hayden looks around and sees Eren. Hayden stands up and slaps his head to focus "PIRATE" Eren looks back and sees Hayden."Oh i been waiting for this" The both ready themselves " What was the name of that pathetic clan of yours? The black wolf's if I remember right. You're gonna die just like them" Hayden smiles" Die like your king?" Eren holding Hayden's old sword and a shield that looked like it belonged with the sword. The shield was silver with a padded handle. With a shiny metal around the edges.

Eren Rushed in and they clashed blade for blade. They fought with hatred flowing in their veins. The battle with the Blue Sharks and Eren men stopped. Everyone just stood and watched those two battle it out. Eren Hit Hayden in the chest with the shield and Hayden Grabbed Eren Head and slammed it on his own shield. Fire balls still rained down but nobody moved. Hayden Kicked the knee cap of Eren and Eren Elbowed Hayden in the face. Hayden stumbled back and Eren shield bashed Him sending Hayden down to the floor. Eren Tried to stab Hayden But Hayden rolled and kicked Eren in the face. Rising to his feet Hayden rushed back. Eren Still wiping mud out of his eye, Hayden Kicks him right in the stomach, sending him down to the floor. "GET UP! GET UP SO I CAN KNOCK YOU BACK DOWN AGAIN" hayden yelled

One Of eren's men Lifted his bow to shoot Hayden But Hayden's men were faster and shot the bowmen. Eren stood up."Stay out of this" Eren said to his men then rushed back into battle. They clashed and clashed. Eren Hit Hayden In the chest with the Shield again then slapping him in the face with the shield. Hayden stubbing back Eren Shield bashes Hayden Dropping him. Hayden dropped his sword but rushed to his feet. Eren Goes in for the kill. Hayden dodges everything. Eren goes for a heavy chop and misses so Hayden Kicks him, sending him back. Then Hayden pulls out the two handed sword from off his back. And rushes in Eren Goes for the chest But Hayden Caught the shield and cut off Eren's hand.

Hayden has flashbacks to when Eren cut off Alexander's hand. Hayden puts his sword back on his back and grabs Eren's shield. Hayden hits Eren in the chest with the shield then slaps him in the face with it. Eren stumbles, Hayden grabs Eren's hand and kicks him away. Disarming Eren and now equipped with his old sword back, Hayden walks to Eren. Eren picks up The Sword Hayden dropped earlier. Eren goes for a stab but Hayden flicks it away with the shield and then drives his sword into the neck of Eren. " I told you I would kill you with this sword." Then Hayden kicks Eren Off his sword.

Hayden looked at what used to be Eren's men"Your leader is dead. Your king is dead. What do you have to fight for now?" The blue sharks walk up standing Next to Hayden, The blue sharks Arches lined up all around the wall. Eren's old men retreat leaving the castle. Ending the battle.