
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 10 King For A Moment

Chapter 10 King For A Moment

Hayden and Sgt Hawkins arrive at a camp. Soldiers walk around and catapults stand at the ready on the sides of the camp. As they walk in, Hayden looks around"What are we doing here?" Sgt Hawkins doesn't look around, just keeps walking "I was sent here to take out a camp of raiders, I have to complete my mission before we return to the castle. Think of it as a way to prove yourself" Hayden stops in his tracks" Prove myself? You never said anything about this"

Sgt Hawkin walks to Hayden"You want us to help you find that group of girls? You wanna be part of the battle that kills Sir Eren? You want,Want,Want. You help us, we help you, that's how this works. If you don't wanna help that's fine you can leave but if you wanna find your girls then i suggest you go to that tent over there get some gear and get ready to march" Hayden knows he has no better way to find them so he doesn't say anything just walks to the armor tent.

As Hayden walks in the tent. Sword racks fill the walls and armor stands fill the corners. Hayden grabs a set of light iron armor that was 40% leather, with the Padded Leather pants and gloves that were 60% leather and the rest was iron. Hayden also grabs a shield and puts it on his back and remarks"God damn arrow" remembering the arrow that hit him in his back. Then he grabs two swords and swings them" the wights off. I miss my old sword." Then Hayden leaves the tent to see Sgt Hawkin waiting"See isn't that much better. Lets go we march to the camp now"

The tents were packed up and The army marched for about 2 hours before then arrived at a raider camp. The camp is much bigger than the one Hayden grew up in. The houses were bigger, the walls were all stone, farms lined the walls and it looked wealthy. Sgt Hawkin called Hayden over"You grew up in a camp like this right, maybe you can talk some senses to them"

They began to walk to the door gate when Hayden said"talk some senses to them? Like what, we plan to kill them right so why does talking matter? We should just open fire with capitals and arrows and kill anyone who runs out" Sgt Hawkin, doing his trademark straight glare"If we can have them summit and join us then there is no need to kill them. Remember we need an army to fight Sir Eren and king norman. They grow stronger everyday so we need to grow also."

They reach the gate and it opens. The king and a group of his men walk out to meet our heroes. The king looks at Hayden"you have the look of a raider, what are you doing with a Kings men?" Hayden looked the king in the eyes"I seek revenge and they promised to help." The group of men laughed behind the king of the Blue Sharks. The king laughs "revenge! What happened? Did your village get raided and you're too scared to fight back. You have to hire help" The crowd laughs.

Hayden begins to laugh also. The crowd stop laughing and look at Hayden Confused " my whole can was killed off in a matter of hours kinda like what will happen to you if you disrespect me again. Now I seek the men who killed my clan and they know where to find them. So this is what's going to happen, you all can die here right here and now or you can join us and survive another day, what's it gonna be?" This is a short moment of silence. Sgt Hawkin looks at Hayden as if he just saw a ghost.

The crowd laughs again and the king continues to laugh"What big ball on this kid. Okay. okay kid how about this we will join you if you can beat me in one on one combat. Deal?" Hayden takes a few steps back"Deal. If you die your clan joins us. If I die we raid your camp" The King Laughs" Okay kid. You die either way."

Hayden drew both of his swords and the king drew his ax and shield. The King charges and goes for a shield bash but Hayden doges and smacks him in the face with the handle of his sword. Anger, the king rushes and goes to chop with his ax Hayden blocks and doges everything. Hayden Lifts his sword up and slashes it down and the king using his ax gets Hayden's sword stuck between his ax head and handle. So Hayden just kicks the king back.

The king is overflowing with rage that Hayden seems not to care at all about the battle. This time Hayden rushes in and Manages to make an opening by kicking the shield then stabbing his sword through the arm of the king and stabbing the sword into the ground. Now hurt and pinned to the ground, the king goes to pull the sword out of his arm but before his hand reaches it Hayden cuts his hand clean off. Then looks the king in the eyes as he stabs his sword into his heart, ending the battle and forcing the clan to join.

Hayden stands over the body of the dead kin" I have killed your king by his challenge that makes this clan now mine. Im am your king, I am your leader and I say we will join Hawkin's here and become one. One kingdom under one king. Is that understood? The Blue sharks that were at the gate and the many the lined the wall fall to their knees and yell"Be your call my king"

Hayden walks over so Sgt Hawkin"I did my part now take me to your king" Hayden walks into the camp to calm the old king's treasures before Sgt Hawkin could say anything. After a few hours the whole camp packed up and joined the knights. Sgt Hawkin stood in front of everyone "we march today for The kingdom of Riverton, where we join the king's army and await further direction. Is that clear? Okay march forth."

The army of 300 knights and now 250 raiders joined by 50 farmers marched to the Kingdom of Riverton.