
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 11 The Search Begins

Chapter 11 The Search Begins

As the army reached Riverton Hayden realized how big it was."Wow this is pretty impressive." Sgt Hawkin looked at it and said pridefully" yep impressive. Only way in is the back and the front bridge and each cross a river. Inside we house 6 farms and 3 mills as well as an army barracks. It's extremely Defendable. If we ever needed to stay inside our wall our farms would make us never run out of food."

Hayden not paying attain to Sgt Hawkin and instead talking to some of his raiders and farmers'' if we set up farms on the outside, They use the river to water their crops and there's woods over there that they can use for wood as…" Sgt Hawkin yells" ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTAIN?" Hayden's blank expression says it all. Tired from the march"all well who cares. Let's just go see the king" Sgt Hawkin says as he walks to the gate. Hayden follows behind. They wall throughout the town.

Wooden houses are filled with families, fill the land. A clear dirt pathway leads to every corner of the Castle. In the middle of the town there is a shopping center crawling with life. Traders wearing strange clothes try to sell goods from their village. A group of men in all white pray to a statue that stands in the center. A wall separates the village people and the king. Behind this wall was the 6 farms, 3 mill, Army barracks as well as the king's house.

Hayden looks at the men in white praying to the statue" damn you have those guys here" Sgt Hawkin looks Hayden confused" The Priest? What do you have against them?" Hayden angrily says "They are Annoying bastards who say 'you need to be saved' or 'pray to the gods'. If their gods are so great, why don't they show themselves?"Sgt Hawkin shaking his head as he walks away"There is nothing wrong with believing in something that helps you better yourself. Everyone has something different they believe in that helps them become better. They have there gods, some have there family, you just need to find what makes you better men"

Hayden and Sgt Hawkin reach the second gate. Sgt Hawkin puts his hand in the air and the gate opens. The two continue to the king's house. Two guards stand at the door and Sgt Hawkin walks right past them but they block Hayden from entering. Hayden looks at both the guards"What the fuck are you two doing" Hawkin Looks back to see them stopping Hayden "it's okay he's with me" The guards looks at Hayden"He looks like a raider. We don't like raiders around here boy" Hayden grabs the handles of his swords " Well i don't like old bastards who get in my way. Move or your meet your mothers'" The guards go to pull out their swords but Sgt Hawkin places his hands on their swords"You draw your swords and it's back to the fields with you. Now I said he's with me so he's with me. Come on Hayden''

Hayden walks bumping into them as he walks past.They walk through the halls before they reach the throne room. The king stood talking to his queen. The room was filled with people in nice clothing. The room had 16 pillars 8 on one side 8 on the other, the pillars had a stone foundation and stone top but was all wooden in the middle. A fire pit surrounded each tower, lighting the room. Where the fire didn't shine, the windows covered, filling the room with light.

As Hayden and Sgt Hawkin walked over to the king the people in fancy clothing whispered and snickers at the sight of the duo. Once they reached the throne Sgt Hawkin got down on one knee but Hayden standed. "Kneel! He's a king you must kneel"Sgt Hawkin whispered. Hayden stayed standing" A king doesn't kneel to another king" Sgt Hawkin rolls his eyes. The king walked to his throne and sat" It's common courtesy for someone to kneel to a king" Hayden still standing"Then you should be kneeling also" The whole room gasped. The king stood up.

Sgt Hawkin Begins to panic"Hayden there are times for jokes but this is not one of them. Kneel and Apologize."Hayden is still standing. "Is he even paying Attention?" Sgt Hawkin Said to himself. Ready to Apologize for Hayden Sgt Hawkin Raises his head but before he can the king speaks" You Said you're a king? A King of what, I may ask?" "I Am the King of the Blue sharks. A tribe of raiders I was told you're interested in" The king starts walking to Hayden"Aye. I sent Hawkin here to make a deal with them. I hope thats why your here"

A Smile begins to dawn on Hayden's face" A deal? Of course. But the terms of that deal are what I'm interested in" The king stops moving"What kind of deal are you thinking?" Hayden looks at all the Fancy dress people."I'm looking for two things. A group of 3 girls who were traveling down a river by boat and Sir Eren. if you can help me with these two things my people are yours" The king started to walk again" What's stopping me from just killing you and your army?" Sgt Hawkin Grabs the handle of his sword, ready to protect his king. Hayden Grabs both of his swords and drops them " My men are we serve me even in death. As we speak they walk your streets and they talk to your people. With our numbers almost similar I would still bet on my guys. You know what they say about raiders and their skill with an ax. 'It's unmatched'"

The room goes quiet. Every man and woman in that room has their hand on their blade. All but Hayden and the King. The king now stands in front of Hayden, their eyes tracked on another. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. But out of no wear the king and Hayden bust out laughing. "That deal is way too good to pass up on. You got yourself a deal kid." They shake hands and the room breathes a sigh of relief. "Sir Eren and King Norman are too strong now but if you help us get more men I promise you his head. As for the group of girls, I'll have my men ask around and my spies see what they can find." the king said as he grabbed Hayden's swords. " If it's men you need I'll bring you any clan you see fit." Hayden says as he grabs his swords and puts them away.

They King Looks to his people"everyone prepare for a feast for tonight the tyrants Sir Eren and King Norman death clock have been set. With the Help of the blue sharks and a few more clans we bring down a threat that has burned and pillaged their way through this world. They are cancer and we must eliminate them once and for all.

The crowd cheered. All the castle workers began to work harder than they ever have. The cooks began to chop and cook food faster than ever before, They worked into the sunset. Once the food was severed they began to have a civil party. They all sat down and ate and drank. Hayden sitting next to Sgt Hawkin. Hayden was dressed in normal clothes, completely out of his element "Where's the dancing, the fighting, where is all the fun" Sgt Hawkin completely enjoying himself " Fighting? There will be any of that. Dancing that happens after we eat. Just try to act like a human and not a beast for once okay" Hayden mumbles but goes back to eating.

They finished eating and the king said" okay everyone everyone please stand up and step back so we can begin dancing" Everyone stands up and steps back. A group of workers came in and grabbed the tables and took them away. Then a group of men and one woman walked in and stood next to the Throne. The men began playing their instruments and the woman started singing.

Hayden watched as people walked up to others and asked to dance,Then they danced around so much. Hayden looked Horrified, he walked over to the queen who wasn't dancing and tried to strike up a conversation."Hey" The queen not moving"Hey" a moment of silence goes by'' Not a fan of dancing" The queen says curiously "dancing sure, whatever you call this? No." says disappointed" What were parties like back at your clan?" The queen said, now making eye contact. " Fights broke out, people danced till they left their footprints in the wood floors. Drinks spent more time being spilled than being drunk. Those were parties, this is just disappointing."

The Queen laughs " i remember those nights. Everytime we had to meet with a clan they threw us a party and it was some of the best moments I can remember. I can hardly remember the parties we had when i was a little girl" Hayden looked surprised"You grew up to be a raider?" The queen's face grows sorrow" Yeah as a child i grew up in a raider clan. But I was married off to a young man who had bright ideas for the world. When i got married off our clans fused together and now after a few more clans join in and 5 winters later we made this kingdom"

"Hayden looked at her" I knew you had that raider look" They laugh together and continue to talk as the night carries on. After a few hours later the king stands in front of everyone " night has come to an end please return to your rooms." The king walks to Hayden"There is a spare bedroom you can have, I'll have a maid show you to it."

A maid walks to Hayden and shows him to his room where Hayden falls right to sleep ending the day. He knows he has to get ready for tomorrow for they march in search of new clans to join in the fight against King Norman and Sir Eren

AUTHOR NOTES: I hope you guys liked this chapter. The queen was 16 when she was married so that makes her 21 now.