
The Billionaire’s Enchanting Wife

A novel full of suspense, romance, and emotions. The story revolves around the CEO Daniel Harris and his delicate wife, Zelvini Sinclair, and is filled with love, hatred, and emotional entanglements. Zelvini Sinclair is an ordinary and kind girl, while Daniel Harris is a powerful and mysterious CEO. Initially, their relationship is full of misunderstandings and conflicts, but as the story unfolds, they gradually unravel their differences and their feelings for each other warm up. The clash between the CEO’s dominance and the wife’s stubbornness triggers many hilarious moments and deeply emotional scenes. Readers not only experience the thrill of the suspenseful plot but also the sweetness and warmth of love. The selling point of this novel lies in its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and the sweet love between the CEO and his delicate wife, making it impossible for readers to resist and immerse themselves in it.

Ye_Hong · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

"Open the door quickly..."

After Tservini pushed him out of the door, she hurriedly turned around and only then found that this so-called her room, although the furnishings were similar to hers, was much more luxurious than hers.

A thought suddenly flashed in her mind and her eyes widened immediately.


"If you don't open the door, I'll kick it down?" Daniel had reached the limit of his patience. This woman was driving him crazy. He gave a wink to the bodyguard beside him, and the bodyguard immediately understood his meaning. They all took a deep breath, counted one, two, three softly, and charged towards the door.

In an instant, the door opened just as they were about to hit it. A group of people all rolled and fell inside.

A shadow flashed before their eyes. By the time they reacted, it had already run out of sight.

"Go and catch her back for me." Daniel glared coldly at the bodyguards who had fallen to the ground.

When the people on the ground saw the young master's expression, they immediately forgot the pain and scrambled towards the elevator entrance.

Daniel rubbed his painful forehead and turned his head. The heads that had peeked out from the side immediately retracted. He really lost face to the extreme today. That crazy woman, not only vomited all over him, but also spoiled his good deed. Well, let that go. She actually made him make a complete fool of himself. Humph, when I catch you back, you'll have a hard time.

However, he underestimated her. Thirty minutes later, the bodyguards who had just rushed down in a hurry came up, looking terrified, and reported to him that they couldn't find her.

Daniel's face became even colder than before. He randomly made a call and summoned the lobby manager on duty that night...

Opening the door of her room, they found her luggage. Well, she didn't even want her luggage?

Holding the passport in his hand and looking at her sweet smile on the passport, a cold smile curved his sexy lips: Tservini Sinclair, right? You can't escape... Let you taste the consequences of pissing me off, Daniel.

Tservini ran frantically all the way down, rushed to the street, hailed a taxi, told the driver the address of her home, and then had time to catch her breath. Turning her head and vaguely seeing the few bodyguards chasing out of the hotel, a victorious smile appeared on her face.

Humph, if you want to race with me, you're still too inexperienced. I'm the sprint champion in every sports meeting.

"Stepmother..." Tservini called respectfully. "The commotion you made upon your return is really huge. What time is it now?" She glanced at the ancient copper clock hanging on the wall, then sleepily gave her a look, "It's three o'clock... I say, young lady, where did you come from?" She chattered on and on. After seeing her dress and appearance, the sleepiness on her face disappeared completely.

"Oh dear, Henry, your young lady has become so open after staying in the United States. Look... What kind of things is she wearing..." Her shrill voice rang out in the quiet living room of the villa in the middle of the night, sounding particularly harsh. Tservini just kept her head down and said nothing. She knew she was dressed very provocatively because she wanted to indulge herself, but she didn't expect... It was all that male chauvinist pig's fault. Humph! Don't let her run into him again. She would definitely make him pay.

"Oh my goodness, mom... Why are you making such a racket in the middle of the night?" 

Another slender woman came downstairs, yawning and walking downstairs gracefully.

"Oh, Zoe, did mom disturb you?" Rachel looked heartbroken.

"Oh, the eldest sister is back? Why so early? I was still in my dream?" Zoe looked surprised when she saw Tservini standing in the living room. Seeing her dress, she sneered even more: "Eldest sister, did you come back from a striptease?"

"Zoe..." She looked at her tiredly and called softly.

This was her home. This was the reason why she would rather stay in a hotel than come home even after returning to the country.

Her mother passed away when she was very young. Her father married Rachel in the second year after her mother's death and then gave birth to Zoe.

Both mother and daughter were of the same kind, always belittling and mocking her as much as they could. And her father, the chairman of Sinclair Group, although he doted on her extremely, he still couldn't control their secret slander against her.

"Alright, alright, Tservini, go take a bath and sleep." Henry frowned and looked at Tservini, then turned to Rachel, "You... Both of you go to sleep too." The old man still had some authority. The mother and daughter glared at Tservini, turned and twisted their way upstairs.

Henry took another look at Tservini, sighed lightly, and also went upstairs.