
The Billionaire’s Enchanting Wife

A novel full of suspense, romance, and emotions. The story revolves around the CEO Daniel Harris and his delicate wife, Zelvini Sinclair, and is filled with love, hatred, and emotional entanglements. Zelvini Sinclair is an ordinary and kind girl, while Daniel Harris is a powerful and mysterious CEO. Initially, their relationship is full of misunderstandings and conflicts, but as the story unfolds, they gradually unravel their differences and their feelings for each other warm up. The clash between the CEO’s dominance and the wife’s stubbornness triggers many hilarious moments and deeply emotional scenes. Readers not only experience the thrill of the suspenseful plot but also the sweetness and warmth of love. The selling point of this novel lies in its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and the sweet love between the CEO and his delicate wife, making it impossible for readers to resist and immerse themselves in it.

Ye_Hong · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

" Dan... Ah... Daniel..." The woman's moans disappeared into the room with the slight sound of the door opening.

Before the door closed, a figure floated in. Mixed with a strong smell of alcohol.

"Haha, you are so nice. You know I didn't bring the key. Thank you, waiter..." Tservini opened her eyes slightly, stepped with light footsteps, and waved at the two stunned people by the door.

"Ah? The customer service is also here? My... My room is very clean... Uh... No need to clean..." She hiccupped and walked straight in, taking off her high heels and coat as she walked.

The man and the woman stopped all their actions and stared wide-eyed at the person walking in.

After three seconds of stillness:

"Daniel, do you have a new lover?!" The woman's shrill scream like a pig being slaughtered rang out.

Daniel frowned and turned to look at the mature and beautiful woman beside him: "Does it look like it?" He said in a flat voice.


Taking off his coat casually, his eyes glanced at the hazy figure in the bathroom, and his handsome smile spread: Whoever you are, you won't be able to escape tonight. Slowly unbuttoning the shirt at the collar, he walked towards the wine cabinet, poured himself a glass of red wine, and sat down on the sofa smartly, listening to the sound of running water.

Suddenly, without any warning, a scream came from the bathroom. Even among the sound of running water, it still clearly reached his ears, followed by a muffled groan. His agile reaction over the years made him rush towards the bathroom quickly. Kicking open the bathroom door, what came into view made him freeze there.

Tservini was enjoying the shower when suddenly the soap slipped from her hand and she stepped on it by accident, immediately falling flat on her back. She couldn't help screaming and the alcohol in her system cleared up a lot at once.

At this moment, she stared at the man who suddenly broke in at the door. The remaining drunkenness disappeared completely. Her mouth opened wide but forgot to shout. Her eyes just stared blankly at the man who was also stunned at the door.

Daniel's eyes roamed wantonly over her body. When he saw her face, he felt that it looked so familiar? His pupils narrowed suddenly, and there was a trace of contemptuous smile on his face: "It's you!"

And when Tservini's wide eyes saw the man clearly in front of her, she also exclaimed in surprise: "It's you!" Coming to her senses, she screamed again and immediately pulled a bath towel from the side to cover herself. This shameless male chauvinist pig. She knew it was wrong to vomit all over him, but... But... How could he come to her room and watch her take a bath? And, and, and... God... Her innocent body. She doesn't want to live anymore!!!

Daniel watched her hurriedly pull the bath towel to cover her body. His eyes narrowed, and the corner of his mouth carried a teasing smile: "I've seen everything I could see. As you said, it's really not small..." This was the truth from him. When she was dressed, she looked thin and flat. Now looking at her, she was rather curvaceous.


Tservini had reached the limit of her patience. She randomly picked up the brush beside the toilet and waved it at him. "Hey, hey, hey... What are you doing?" Daniel widened his eyes, unable to believe that her posture was directed at him. However, indeed, she was coming towards him.

Being pushed back all the way by her, he retreated straight towards the door...

Tservini had mustered all her strength, wanting to push him out of the door. Unfortunately, when he retreated to the door, he glared at her angrily: "Enough." He grabbed the toilet brush from her hand and threw it aside.

"Ah —— Indecent assault —— Indecent assault ——" She immediately shouted loudly. Daniel was stunned and quickly reached out to cover her mouth. She moved swiftly to open the door, kicked him out of the door, and the door slammed shut again, leaving a stunned Daniel standing in the empty corridor.

Empty? It doesn't seem so, right?

While he was angry, he just felt the changes around him. Turning his head to look around, at the door of the few rooms around, heads peeked out as if watching a good show. Before long, the bodyguards ran up.

When they saw Daniel, who was standing outside the door looking disheveled, they couldn't help but be stunned. Then they all looked like they wanted to laugh but dared not.

"Young Master? Uh... Is there anything?" The head of the bodyguards asked, trying hard to hold back his laughter.

Daniel glanced at them, and a large patch of his handsome face turned black. This damn woman actually made him lose face in his own hotel. He tried hard to hold back the rising anger and raised his hand to knock on the door.