
Chapter 4: Pirates VS Marines

A/N: Whoo! Only three chapters and a 1,000 hits! Yahoo!

Chapter 4: Pirates VS Marines

Just as the Marines were about to shoot the ground Luffy jumped in front of them took the bullets…

"He's crazy…" sauid Zoro.

"That's insane…" said Sasuke.

Naruto just smirked… knowing what was going to happen.

The bullets hit Luffy, however it didn't kill him… no… they bounced back and near missed the marines. Koby fainted, Sasuke and Zoro's mouths were hanging open… Naruto was just laughing.

"You two look like dead fish…" said Naruto.

Zoro sweatdroped "Hey Sasuke…" said Zoro.

Sasuke nodded, he used his blue sword to cut the ropes while Luffy who happened to have all three swords on his back took them off and gave them to Zoro.

"Sorry I couldn't tell which one is yours…" said Luffy.

"All of them…" said Zoro, "I practice Santoryu…" as he grabbed all three.

"That guy couldn't be shot…" said one of the Marines.

"If he can't be shot cut him!" said Captain Morgan.

The Marines ran towards the group…

"You take them… I think you have a point to prove…" said Sasuke.

"Of course…" said Zoro.

Zoro used all three of his swords to block them.

"One move and you die…" said Zoro.

The Marines got scared and began to cry.

"Look I'll agree to join your crew however you must know that my goal… I want to be the World's Greatest Swordsman… if being on my crew keeps me from this goal… I will make commit Seppuku…" said Zoro.

"I'm going to be King of the Pirates… my brother a Kage… anything less on my crew would make me look bad…" said Luffy.

"I'm joining too…" said Sasuke, "I also think we should take of them…"

"Leave them to me!" said Naruto.

Many Narutos appeared.

"So the Dobe's a Clone User…" said Sasuke.

The Narutos got rid of about a 3rd of them… then Luffy said "Naruto, Zoro duck!"

Both did so… and Luffy used Gum Gum Whip, a rubbery roundhouse kick. The rest were taken out by this.

"So awesome!" said Koby who regained concouis some time earlier.

"How did you that?" asked Sasuke.

"I ate the Gum Gum Fruit…" said Luffy.

"That kid multiplied himself… and that guy stretched like rubber…" said a Marine.

"So a Clone User and Devil Fruit Eater…" said Captain Morgan.

"Clone User?" asked a Marine.

"Devil Fruit Eater?" asked another.

"I'll explain Clone Users first… many years ago 10 people devolved a fight technique that multiplies oneself… they are first Kages… since then many people have learn these techniques these people are known as Clone Users… that kid appears to know the Shadow Clone… the hardest to master…" said Captain Morgan.

"What about Devil Fruits…" asked another.

"They are fruits said to be created by sea devils… those who eat them gain powers such as to breath fire… or crate giant waves… but all in exchange for never being able to swim…" said Captain Morgan.

"The Demonic Duo… a Clone User and Rubber man... I don't think we can fight them..." said a Marine.

Many of the Marines agreed.

"Listen up! If you think about backing away… one my order you must kill yourselves… on my order…" said Captain Morgan.

"Wait he's making them!" said Naruto.

"Hey you… maybe you should take me on!" yelled Luffy, "Gum Gum Pistol!" He punched Captain Morgan and began to beat him up.

"Stop… stop now!" yelled Helmeppo.

Luffy stopped and looked, he saw Helmeppo hold a gun to Koby's head…

"If you continue pounding… I swear… I will shoot 4 eyes here…" said Helmeppo.

Luffy stopped pounding Captain Morgan and got off of him.

"Luffy… don't worry about me… just please… stop these Marines!" yelled Koby.

"Hey kit… use the transformation… use the transformation…" said Kyubi's voice in haunting way…

"Why are you talking like this?" asked Naruto.

"Look just use that transformation you don't want to use… it might work…" sad Kyubi.

"I don't know…" thought Naruto.

"It's a great way… and remember his name is Helmeppo…" said Kyubi.

"Fine… but if it doesn't work… teach me another trick…" thought Naruto, "Hey bro! Leave this to me!" he said and Luffy nodded.

Naruto transformed into a naked female version of himself, smoke covered the private areas "Oh Helmeppo" he said in sexy way "Must get clean… must get clean" thought Naruto.

Helmeppo's nose began to bleed slightly… Koby was blushing bright red… so was Zoro, Luffy didn't seemed unaffected by the naked female Naruto… maybe it was the whole thing about it really was his brother but it did make him laugh a lot… Sasuke was unaffected by naked girl Naruto for some reason.

"Fox it up a bit!" yelled Kyubi.

"Perverted demon…" thought Naruto.

Naruto transformed into his half demon from while still transformed… this made Helmeppo faint as a huge geyser of blood came from his nose. Luffy began to laugh harder, while Koby and Zoro now tired to look away.

"I… will… make… you… pay…" growled Naruto.

"I told it would work…" said Kyubi.

"That's where I'll give you credit…" thought Naruto.

Koby noticed that Captain Morgan was behind him aiming his axe at Naruto.

"Naruto look out!" yelled Koby.

Sasuke grabbed his two swords, ran towards the Captain of the base and sliced him good… knock him out… right when Naruto changed back… though still half demon form.

"You know Dobe… I had no idea you were a pervert…" said Sasuke.

"It wasn't my idea… I can't say who's yet… but it definitely wasn't mine…" said Naruto.

"Maybe you two shouldn't argue… maybe we should deal them…" said Zoro pointing to the shocked Marines.

"They defeated Captain Morgan…" said a Marine… then they all started celebrating.

"What?" asked Sasuke.

"They must have hated Captain Morgan too… but never admitted…" said Koby.

"That makes sense… after all Trap Jaw here was working for Skeletor…" said Naruto.

"Bad…" said Zoro.

"Hey why did you keep the ears and tail…" said Sasuke.

"Oh… yeah I'll explain later…" said Naruto as he returned human.

Just then Zoro collapsed…

"Zoro!" shouted the D brothers and Koby, Sasuke just scoffed.

Later, as it turns out Zoro just collapsed from hunger… Rika's mother who owned a restaurant fed them well…

"I haven't eaten for three weeks… 10 helpings is enough for me…" said Zoro.

"Only 10…" said Luffy with about 15 plates around him.

"Funny… you're hungrier than me…" said Zoro.

"And he's hungrier than all of us put together…" said Sasuke pointing to the all the bowls of Ramen Naruto ate.

"Eat as much as you want…" said Rika's mother.

Koby who was eating with them as well said "Thanks for feeding me with the heroes…" said Koby.

"It's no problem… you helped out too…" said Rika's mother.

Rika who was also with them just smiled and said "Where are you headed?"

"We're headed to the Grand Line…" said Naruto still with his mouth of Ramen.

"The Grand Line… what's that?" asked Rika.

Koby began to explain the Grand Line, which is the Equator, it is said that it is an endless battle felid, and pirates there search for the Treasure left by Gold Rogers… One Piece.

"There's no way you guys can survive there!" yelled Koby.

"Why are you worried… your not coming with us…" said Sasuke.

"Well… no ones stood up for me before…" said Koby, "I'm just worried about my friends…even I will join the Marines…"

"That's where a problem lies…" said Sasuke.

"Yeah you were a cabin boy to Alvida… right… they might not enlist you…" said Zoro.

Koby sighed… he knew it might be true.

Just then the Marines showed up… the highest ranking member, as his ascot was greenish blue instead of blue came in.

"So you're a pirate crew… right?" asked the head marine.

"That's right… I'm the captain." said Luffy.

"We will ask you to leave now, this island has a Marine base and we can't host Pirates… sure we are grateful for getting rid of Captain Morgan and because of that we won't report you… as long as you leave now…" said the higher ranked Marine.

Many of the townspeople gathered near the door.

"Hey!" yelled one.

"You ingrates… they saved you too…" said another.

The 4 man crew shrugged, "Well I guess we should go…" said Luffy.

"Yeah…" said Zoro.

And so they began to leave… however.

"Are you with them…" said the Marine.

"Well I know all about this kid's history…" said Luffy.

He began to blab about being Alvida's cabin boy… then Koby snapped… he socked Luffy in the face.

"How dare you hit a pirate…" said Luffy.

He proceed to beat up Koby.

"Get out now… I can see your not friends…" yelled the Marine.

Of course it was all an act so they would enlist Koby… while the small crew left Koby saw Luffy smile and figured it out… however… when they got back to their boat…

"Kit… please tell your brother for me… a cat fish has better acting then he does…" sauid Kyubi.

"I think Luffy know that…" thought Naruto.

"That was extremely bad acting…" said Zoro.

"Yeah a cat fish has better acting…" said Sasuke.

"Hey that kid stole my line…" yelled Kyubi.

"Funny that's what Kyubi said…" said Naruto.

"Kyubi?" asked Sasuke and Zoro at the same time.

"We'll tell you later…" said Naruto.

"Yeah I know my acting was bad…" said Luffy.

As they just got the boat ready they heard a shout. "Guys!"

They turned and saw Koby, with Rika and her mother.

"I'll never forget you!" he said as he saluted them.

"A Marine saluting a pirate… interesting..." said Zoro.

"That's one thing I thought I never see…" said Sasuke.

As they were tailing the whole base showed up and saluted them… and the whole town waved good-bye…

"Bye!" yelled both Naruto and Luffy at the same time.

Sasuke and Zoro just looked cool as the island disappeared in the distance… And so with two more members they sailed on… not realizing that none of them… had any sense of direction what so ever…

Next Time: The realized... they have no idea where to go or even where they are... then Luffy gets taken away by a giant bird... he gets carried away to an island being tormented by Buggy the clown where he meets two thieves... and one of them had good navigational skills... however both hate pirates... what will happen...