
Chapter 3: The Demonic Duo

A/N: Sasuke is introduced in this chapter, so is his past, I hope you all like the One Piece spin I put to him... you should note there's not Sharingan in this fic... just thought you should know... also Sasuke will be part Swordsman, part martial artiest… Also I have one more thing to say... Oh my god! This fic already has 11 people on it's alert list... that's the most out of any of my fics... I'm surprised...

Chapter 3: The Demonic Duo

The D brothers and Koby were sailing to their destination, so that Luffy and Naruto could get the Demonic Duo, Roronoa Zoro and Uchiha Sasuke to join them…

"So Koby… how good is your singing voice…" asked Naruto.

"For the last time kit… they don't sing…" said Kyubi.

"How would you know…" thought Naruto.

"I know because I'm a demon that's thousands of years old" said Kyubi.

"But you haven't seen marines since before I was born…" thought Naruto.

"You an idiot!" said Kyubi.

"Who's an idiot…" yelled Naruto.

"Naruto… who are you talking to?" asked Koby.

"Um… well do you really want to know…" said Luffy in a very serious tone.

"I guess…" said Koby.

"Okay have you know of the Biju right…" asked Naruto.

Koby nodded, "Well it all happened few days before I was born…" said Naruto.

And so both Luffy and Naruto told them the story.

"Oh wow…" said Koby, he knew Naruto could be the demon… sure he could transform into a half demon but he was not the fox.

"Please don't tell anyone…" said Naruto.

"Don't worry I promise I won't tell…" said Koby.

"Thanks…" said Luffy.

"Hey kit… it's been three days…" said Kyubi.

"Yeah… and…" though Naruto.

"Remember that promise…" said Kyubi.

"Oh yeah!" thought Naruto.


Right after the D brothers defeated the Sea King, Kyubi said "We're going to die in three days you know…"

"We aren't!" yelled Naruto.

"What did he say?" asked Luffy.

"He said we're all going to die in three days…" said Naruto.

"Yes and it's because you and your brother's stupidity…" said Kyubi.

"Hey!" thought Naruto, "We are going to survive…"

"Fine then if we're still alive in three days I'll teach you a very cool trick… a power you can use anytime…" said Kyubi.

"Cool…" said Naruto who then told Luffy about it.

(End of flashback)

"So what's the trick…" thought Naruto.

"I'm going to teach you transform…" said Kyubi.

"Awesome!" yelled Naruto.

"What?" asked Luffy.

"Kyubi going to teach me to transform…" said Naruto.

"Cool…" said Luffy.

"Really?" asked Koby.

"Okay I want to transform to your brother first…" said Kyubi.

"Okay…" thought Naruto, "I'm going to transform into you bro…"

There was a puff of smoke surrounding Naruto when the smoke cleared there was an exact duplicate of Luffy…

"Whoa…" said Koby.

"That is so awesome…" said Luffy.

"You really think so…" said Naruto… sounding exactly like Luffy rubbing the back of his head.

There was a puff of smoke and Naruto changed to himself.

"Now kit try to transform into a girl version of your self…" said Kyubi.

"How am I going to that?" asked Naruto.

"Just think about how you think you would look as a girl…" said Kyubi.

"Okay… I'll try…" thought Naruto.

There a puff of smoke surrounded Naruto…

"I wonder what he's going to transform into…" said Luffy.

When the smoke cleared stood a cute 14 year old girl, she was blonde and her hair was done in long pigtails… she also wore Naruto's clothes and had the same scars as Naruto on her face (whisker like scars when he cut his face in front of Shanks' crew)… it was girl Naruto…

"Well how do I look?" asked Naruto in a female voice.

"Cool you're a girl…" said Luffy.

"You're pretty cute…" said Koby blushing.

Naruto transformed back to being male, "Oh god…" said Naruto.

"Sorry my bad…" said Koby who's face was bright red.

There was a very awkward silence except for the sounds of Luffy snickering at what just happened.

"We never speak of this again…" said Naruto.

"Agreed…" said Koby.

"I have one more transformation I need you to test out… I want you to transform into you as a girl but naked…" said Kyubi.


"You as a girl but naked…" responded Kyubi.

"What does he want you transform into?" asked Koby.

"Into a girl again but naked…" said Naruto.

"Funny…" said Luffy.

"So are you?" asked Kyubi.

"No…" thought Naruto.

"Why not?" asked Kyubi.

"Because I don't want to… you are sick perv…" said Naruto.

"Looks it's just a useful trick… particularly if you're a clone user…" said Kyubi.

"There's no way… especially what happened with Koby…" said Naruto.

"Fine then… but soon… I don't when you'll see it my way…" said Kyubi.

"I doubt it…" said Naruto.

Not too long later they managed to get to the island.

"So are we going to go to the Marine Base?" asked Koby.

"Later after meat…" said Luffy.

"And ramen…" said Naruto.

Not too long later the trio sat in a restaurant… Koby just stared at the two brother… plates covered in bones were piled high, next to that was columns of bowls…

"Um… guys… I know I told I'd pay… but…" said Koby… he began to cry "I don't think I can afford this…" he cried.

"If you're joining here then you can start a tab…" said Luffy with his mouth full.

Koby sweatdroped, "Uh… yeah…" he said.

Both were finally done… and Koby paid as much as he could as they were walking to the base Naruto said.

"So what does Roronoa Zoro…" said Naruto.

But then the whole jumped in fear at the very mention of his name.

"That was weird…" said Luffy.

"What were you saying?" asked Koby.

"Well what does those tow look like?" asked Naruto.

"Well I heart Sasuke often wears a blue shirt and white shorts… while Zoro…" said Koby.

The town jumped again…

"Maybe we should mention his name…" whispered Koby to the brothers.

"Yeah I guess…" said Naruto.

"Makes sense…" said Luffy.

Koby quickly changed the subject, "Well I heard Captain Morgan is the captain of this base…" said Koby.

Once again the entire town jumped…

"What's with them?" asked Naruto.

"I don't know…" said Luffy.

And so they made their way to the base… it was a very tall blue tower with tiger stripes.

"So are you going to join?" asked Luffy.

"Um… well I'm not so sure…" said Koby.

"You join up… we're going to look for Zoro…" said Luffy.

Naruto jumped and looked over a fence, "Hey I see a guy… over there…" he yelled

Luffy jumped down and ran, with Naruto and for some reason Koby fallowing close behind.

All three jumped to look over a wall, on the other side was a 19 year old dressed in a white polo shirt, black pants, a sash with a very dark green bandanna over his head.

"The bandanna… the sash… that's Roronoa Zoro!" said Koby.

"So that's the guy…" said Naruto.

"Hey maybe if we release him then he'll join up with us…" said Luffy.

"Hey!" yelled Zoro, "Get lost! You don't want the marines to get you… now do you…"

Koby seemed to tremble in fear.

I have no idea what your doing here… but please leave…" said a very annoyed voice beside them…

They looked beside them and saw a boy about Naruto's age, wearing a blue t-shit, white shorts and a hair style that could be described as a duck's butt… he was sitting against the wall, he also had a katanas on each side, one a dark shade of blue, the other a crimson color.

"Your Sasuke, aren't you?" asked Koby.

Sasuke just let out a "Hn…" signifying he is.

Just then a little girl in pigtails showed up next to Sasuke carrying a latte, she placed the latter against the wall and claimed it, she held something and shhed, the D brothers and Sasuke. She climbed over the wall…

"That little girl is in danger…" said Koby.

Sasuke let out a chuckle, "I hate those rumors where we kill everything…" he said.

He shrugged and jumped up watching what was going on. The little girl tried to give Zoro rice balls… he refused them and told her to leave then two marines and a weirdo with a Cleft chin wearing odd clothing and blonde hair done up in weird fashion showed up.

"That must be an officer… he'll save the little girl for sure…" said Koby not noticing Sasuke rolling his eyes.

"I wonder when the big musical number is…" said Naruto.

Both Sasuke and Koby began to give him strange looks…

"Kit… I keep telling you… there's no musical numbers… they don't sing all the time…" said Kyubi.

On the field the weirdo took on of her rice balls, are it… he didn't like them so he destroyed the rest… after telling the little girl that she would have been executed or helping him if she hadn't been a little girl that is… he ordered a Marine to throw her over the fence, Luffy managed to catch her… on the other side she began to cry.

"Are you okay…" said Koby.

"Who was that?" asked Naruto.

"The idiot son of Captain Morgan…" said Sasuke, "Where the other one…"

"He probably went to convince your partner to join our crew…" said Naruto.

"I doubt he agree… after all you guys are Dobes…" said Sasuke.

"What was that?" asked Naruto.

"You and the other guy are Dobes…" said Sasuke.

"Well you a Teme…" said Naruto.

"Say that again…" said Sasuke.

"Why I just said that to your face…" said Naruto.

Sasuke lost control he was about to punch Naruto when he transformed in a girl version of himself…

"Please you would punch a girl…" said Naruto.

Sasuke froze… wondering what just happened then… Naruto still a girl punch him in the face.

"H-how did you do that?" asked Sasuke.

Naruto transformed once again this time to Sasuke, "Because I have the ability to transform…" said Naruto… who began to pick his nose… Koby and the little girl who stopped crying because what was going began to laugh. Naruto stopped picking his nose and turned back to himself, Sasuke just glared at him "I don't like you…"

"The feeling's mutual…" said Naruto.

Luffy climbed over the fence, "No luck…" he said.

"Of course, it's because he's stubborn… plus he wants to be free on his own terms…" said Sasuke.

"Yeah he said he had an agreement with the idiot son…" said Luffy.

"I was thinking… killing pirates for their bounties is legal… but why was Zoro arrested…" said Koby.

"It's all my fault…" said the little girl.

Not too long later they were away from the base… including Sasuke for some reason. The little girl named Rika was telling them her story.

"It all started three weeks ago…" said Rika, "Helmeppo's dogs were on the loose again and one tried to attack me…"

"… Zoro decided fight back and stop the dog from attacking, he killed it… however he was arrested shortly later… I went to see him and he told me of his deal… if he can lat one month out there when he'll be let go…" said Sasuke finishing the story.

"Wow…" said Luffy.

"A whole month… how long has he been out there…" said Naruto.

"Three weeks…" said Rika.

"I can't believe they did that…" said Koby, "They aren't who I thought they were…" said Koby.

"Oh year… Teme… why are you fallowing us?" asked Naruto.

"To make sure you don't bother Zoro… Dobe" said Sasuke.

"Teme…" said Naruto.

They were about call each other Dobe and Teme that is until Helmeppo (the idiot son) showed up… all the people were bowing to him…

"You're not bowing low enough…" said Helmeppo then he cleared his throat "Listen up! Tomorrow I will be executing Zoro!"

Sasuke clenched his fist, "What!" he yelled.

""What about your promise…" said Luffy.

Helmeppo just laughed "That animal was stupid for beveling it…" he said.

Luffy got angry… he made a promise to Zoro and broke it… he punch Helmeppo in the face.

"No ever punched me!" he yelled, the Marines pick him up and he yelled "I'm telling daddy on you!"

And the two marines dragged him away…

Rika's mother showed up and dragged her from the 4… thinking it was bad idea to be seen with them…

"Zoro is joining my crew…" said Luffy who was currently being held back Naruto.

Sasuke smirked, those two maybe idiot pirates… but they were okay idiot pirates, he wouldn't have minded joining them… as long as Zoro did… after all Zoro was his training partner… "So… are you going to help me?" asked Sasuke.

"What?" asked Naruto who let go of Luffy and Koby… then Luffy ran off.

Sasuke sweatdroped, "I need some help busting him out… I guess you brother decided to do it his own way…" said Sasuke.

"Okay…" said Koby.

"Fine…" said Naruto.

"Let's go do this…" said Sasuke.

They ran to the marines base to where Zoro was being held prisoner.

"Sasuke… what are you doing?" asked Zoro.

"They're going to execute you tomorrow…" said Sasuke.

"What?" asked Zoro.

"So Zoro…" said Captain Morgan, who was a huge man with an Axe for a hand and a metal jaw showing up with a huge force of Marines with rifles, "Since we were allies in the war on terror… I mean the war agaisnt pirates do you have any last wishes…"

"That stick that Axe up your…" said Zoro.

"Fire!" yelled Captain Morgan.

Zoro, as well as Naruto, Sasuke and Koby were in their line of fire.

"It can't end like this…" thought Zoro.


A 10 year old Zoro was fighting a girl named Kuina… Uchiha Kuina in a fight with bamboo swords in a dojo… Kuina beat him…

"Kuina wins the match…" said the sensei of the dojo…

"Awe man!" said Zoro.

"That was my 2,000th victory agaisnt you…" said Kuina.

"That's no fair!" yelled a student watching.

"You must be teaching Kuina special tricks…" said another.

"That's right… she is your daughter and she's the only who beat Zoro…" said yet another Student.

"That doesn't make nascence…" said a 5 year old Sasuke, "Both me and Itachi lost to Zoro… why would dad teach her special tricks and not us…"

"Sasuke is right…" said the sensei who was both father Kuina and Sasuke.

Zoro growled… as he got up… not too long later he met up with Sasuke.

"Hey Sasuke…" said Zoro.

"What?" asked Sasuke.

"I need you help with something…" he said.

"Okay…" said Sasuke.

That night Sasuke was leading his older sister somewhere.

"Sasuke where are we going…" said Kuina.

"It's a surprise…" said Sasuke.

Ht lead her to a grassy training ground that was part of Dojo… Zoro stood there waiting… with two real swords.

"We're dueling again… this time with real swords…" said Zoro.

Kuina smirked "And Sasuke was in on it…" she said

"When he told me about this… I had to be in on it I really want to watch this…" said Sasuke.

Kuina just ruffled her little brother's hair. "I'll be right back… I have to go get my sword…"

Not too long later the two dueled… and Kuina was once again the winner.

Zoro began to yell "How… how can I become the World's greatest Swordsmen if I don't defeat you!"

Kuina heard this began ot cry, "Kuina what's wrong?" asked Sasuke.

"You want to be the world's greatest swordsmen too..." said Kuina.

Sasuke then knew why she was crying… he gritted his teeth.

"Father said a woman can never be their greatest swordsmen… because they are weaker than men…" said Kuina.

"Kuina…" said Zoro.

"I can feel my breast growing…" said Kuina, Zoro, "I'm going to get weaker I know it…"

"You are not!" said Zoro, "It doesn't' matter weather you're a man or a woman… it matter about skill… one day I will beat but it's not because you got weaker… but because got stoner…"

Kuina nodded to this, "I keep telling you don't listen to dad… I mean you beat the Zoro lot of times… so much I can't count…" said Sasuke.

"2001…" said Kuina.

"I believe Zoro… you can become one of the strongest…" said Sasuke.

"I will… Zoro… let's make a vow… one of us will become the world's greatest sword's man…" said Kuina.

Zoro and Kuina shook each other's hands… and Sasuke was proud to hear such a vow.

The next day Kuina was going down the stairs when someone behind her said "Hello Kuina… goodbye Kuina…" then pushed her down them…

Sasuke saw this… in fact the person knew this… he just gave an evil grin at the five year old and left… Sasuke leaned again the wall in shock.

Later three students went over to Zoro who was doing rigorous training exercise…

"Zoro it's terrible…" said one of the students.

"What?" asked Zoro.

"Kuina… she…" said one of the students.

Later Zoro was crying, "You… you broke out promise… you liar!" yelled Zoro.

"Don't blame Kuina…" said a voice behind him… it was Sasuke, "I… Itachi pushed her down the stairs…" said Sasuke.

"What?" said Zoro, Zoro was shocked, Itachi was Sasuke's older brother and Kuina's younger…

"I didn't want to tell dad…" said Sasuke.

"What would he do that… he's your brother…" said Zoro.

"I don't know…" said Sasuke, "Not just that but he ran away, thought I might have told dad… I don't' know who else to tell…"

The 10 year old Zoro looked at the 5 year Sasuke, "I know you never beat Itachi yet… I will train you to defeat him…" said Zoro.

"And I will help train you to become the world's greatest swordsmen… it is what she would have wanted…" said Sasuke.

Zoro asked the Sensei if he could have Kuina's sword and developed Santoryu… and Sasuke took Itachi's… the crimson sword… and began to train in the sword style…

(End of Flashback)

Just as the Marines were about to shoot the ground Luffy jumped in front of them took the bullets…

"He's crazy…" sauid Zoro.

"That's insane…" said Sasuke.

Naruto just smirked… knowing what was going to happen.

Next Time: It's a fight between Marines, and Pirates... after Zoro and Sasuke agree to join up with the D brothers of course... can they defeat the forces of Captain Ax Hand Morgan or be executed... and will Naruto transform into a naked girl... find out next time...

A/N: I decided Naruto also has the power to transform... since him being part fox demon... it would make sense...