
Chapter 18: The Namikage’s Secret

A/N: Okay just to straiten things about Kakashi, he still has both original eyes sue to the fact that the Sharingan doesn't exist. Also there's a Sailor Moon reverence in this chapter...

Chapter 18: The Namikage's Secret

It had been nearly two days since Luffy nearly destroyed the Baratie. Some members of the Straw Hats were feeling the boredom. Naruto was laying on the deck sprawled out bored.

"Well kit… your brother is back on my top idiots list…" said Kyubi.

"You said that three times today…" whined Naruto.

"I know… want to find Sasuke and reveal his location to Sakura and that girl who said she'll join when your bro's finished working off his debt…" said Kyubi.

"Maybe later…" said Naruto with a shrug. He got up as he saw a small boat approach the Barite, in side was man with messy sliver hair, wearing a Clone User head began with a wavy line on it he also had a black mask cover the bottom half of his face, Naruto was existed...

"No way!" he yelled.

"What!" said Kiba with Akamaru walking up.

"That!" said Naruto.

"No way!" yelled Kiba.

"What is it?" asked Usopp.

"That!" said Kiba.

"No way!" yelled Usopp.

"Will you stop yelling?" said Zoro.

"Well sorry… how am I supposed to react when Hatake "Orange Book" Kakashi shows up…." said Naruto.

"Isn't that one of those Kages…" said Zoro.

"Yes it is…" said Naruto, "And it looks like he's going to eat here I'm going inside… but first…" he ran below deck to the men's cabin.

"Can someone tell him why he's so excited?" asked Zoro.

"Wow I guess you haven't heard of him… no one knows what his face looks like… no one… they say the mystery of his face is the world's greatest mystery that has nothing to do with One Piece… plus I'm sure Naruto wants his autograph" said Kiba.

"Why don't you want to see it?" asked Usopp.

"I'm not as obsessed with Kages as Naruto is…" said Kiba.

Meanwhile on the back deck Nami was looking at a wanted poster.

"Hey Nami… I need you help… can you help… oh you're looking at that wanted poster… sorry I bothered you…" said Sakura.

Sakura was about to leave when Nami said "Sakura… I need to talk to you about something…"

"What is it?" responded Sakura.

Meanwhile Kakashi docked, he wiped out his copy of Make Out Paradise and began to walk, one of the reasons why they called him Orange Book was because he was such a good fighter he could multitask to such an extent that she could read without missing a moment of perverted goodness from his book. Kakashi was also a regular and become very good friends with Sanji, in fact he was the one who Sanji onto Make-out Paradise.

"Wel… Oh hey Kakashi…" said Ino.

"Hi Ino..." said Kakashi looking up from his book.

Ino lead him to a table, many people watched him, those that didn't for the fight came because they heard that he was a regular… they wanted to see what was under the mask.

Elsewhere Sanji was taking a cigarette break… while reading Make Out Paradise as well.

"Sanji!" said Ino.

Sanji looked up, "What?" he asked.

"Kakashi's here… thought you should know…" said Ino walking back into the restaurant.

Sanji smirked, when he was done he put his book away.

Meanwhile in the restaurant everyone was staring at Kakashi, a plate of food was in front of him, but he couldn't eat it as everyone was staring.

"I'm trying to eat…" said Kakashi.

Ino noticed how uncomfortable he was and yelled "What's that outside!"

Everyone looked outside… Kakashi took this chance to eat his meal while everyone was looking, he know how eat fast with out choking. When everyone turned around to look at him they were shocked to see that he had finished eating.

"So people are still trying to see your face…" said Sanji joining him.

"Yeah… but if memory serves you were one who was obsessed with trying to see my face." said Kakashi.

That was a long time ago… things are different now…" said Sanji.

"You just gave up trying to see my face… but I know you still want to see it…" said Kakashi.

Sanji smirked "That's because you threatened reviling my eye to Ino and the Crap Geezer…" said Sanji.

Kakashi just laughed.

"Wow who would have thought you were friends with a Kage!" yelled Naruto getting in their conversation.

"Who's this?" asked Kakashi.

"You saw that big hole… well his brother caused it and has to work off the debt as the chore boy…" said Sanji.

Almost as if on cue Luffy tripped while holding a stack of dirty plates.

"I personally think that no help was better than him…" said Sanji.

"Wow, I can't believe it's you "Orange Book" Kakashi… I've always wanted to meet you… I'm a Clone User myself and I already know Shadow Clones…" said Naruto.

He showed him by making 10 shadow clones. Kakashi began to look over them.

"They are Shadow Clones all right…" said Kakashi.

"Right now their only ones I know… but one day I will be a Kage…" said Naruto, "Oh yeah… can your autograph?" he held out an autograph book.

"Sure, what's your name…" said Kakashi.

"Fox D. Naruto!" said Naruto.

Kakashi's eyes were wide… he knew that name well.

"You wouldn't believe this… but I've been wanting to meet you…" said Kakashi.

"Really…" said Naruto, "Wait… why?"

"Hmmm… how should I put it this way… do you know about the Kyubi attack on Fuchsia village?"

"He means me…" said Kyubi.

"Oh… yeah… I know about my…" said Naruto who looked towards Sanji, "Guest…"

"Oh that's good… may I ask how…" said Kakashi starting to write his autograph.

"I ate his Devil Fruit…" said Naruto sheepishly.

"I assume it was an accident…" said Kakashi.

Naruto laughed nervously…

"I see…hey, later I'll teach you how to use another clone…" said Kakashi handing Naruto his autograph book.

"Really thanks! Can you show me your face too" said Naruto.

"Um… no…" said Kakashi.

Naruto sighed, "Okay, see you later…" said Naruto.

Naruto sweatdroped when he saw Luffy was having a hard time cleaning up.

"Let me guess there's something special about that kid…" said Sanji.

"Do you know how the 4th Hokage died?" asked Kakashi.

"I heard something involving the Kyubi, but that's all I know…" said Sanji.

"The 4th Hokage gave his life to seal Kyubi in to a new born child… that child is Naruto… the reason why I always wanted to meet him was because I wanted to see what kind of person he became… I do have to admit he grew up in… a unique way but I can see that Naruto is a good person…" said Kakashi.

"The 4th Hokage… wasn't he the one who taught you everything he knew?" asked Sanji.

Kakashi nodded... it was true, he was taught by the 4th Hokage.

"Maybe this kid might be the way I could finally see his face…" thought Sanji.

Meanwhile on the Going Merry Nami and Sakura were arguing.

"Why can't you let them help… if you just told them the truth then maybe they will understand!" yelled Sakura.

"No, I can't let them get involved…" said Nami.

"You let me get involved…" said Sakura.

"Your different… you know what I went though…" said Nami.

"So what's the difference?" asked Sakura.

"There is…" said Nami, "And that is why I'm going to do that…"

"Nami… I will have no part in this… as far as I'm concerned we are no longer partners... or friends…" said Sakura walking away from her.

Johnny and Yosaku heard this part of the argument.

"I wonder what that was about?" asked Yosaku.

"I don't know…" said Johnny.

Later Sanji invited Naruto into his part of the kitchen.

"What did you want to talk about…" asked Naruto.

"Well you see… when I first started at a kid… I always tried finding out what was underneath Kakashi's mask…" said Sanji.

"Really?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah…" said Sanji.


A preteen Sanji was staring at a slightly younger Kakashi who had a bowl of soup in front of him.

"Hey look over there…" said Kakashi pointing elsewhere.

Sanji fell for it and looked to where he was pointing.

"I didn't see anything…" said Sanji looking back to find Kakashi had eaten all his food.

"Damn it!" he yelled

(End of flashback)

"I also tried other tactics as well…" said Sanji.

A young Sanji was hiding in a bathroom stall with the door slightly open. Kakashi was about wash his hands and face when he turned around and said, "I know you're in there Sanji…"

"Damn it!" yelled Sanji.

(End of Flashback).

"So why did you stop?" asked Naruto.

"Well…" said Sanji.


"If you continue to try to see what under the mask… I 'm going to try to see what's you eye is like…" said Kakashi.

Sanji sweatdroped.

(End of Flashback)

"Oh… so what's under the hair?" asked Naruto.

"Just drop it…" said Sanji.

"Are you encouraging Naruto to do what you failed in?" asked Ino.

Both Naruto and Sanji sweatdroped. Ino went over to Naruto and whispered "I have seen his face… but don't tell Sanji…"

"What does he look like?" whispered Naruto.

"It's a secret…" said Ino.

Naruto sighed… "Well have you ever tried making him vomit?" asked Naruto.

"Of course not… as a chef I would never to poison his food…" said Sanji.

"I mean by other means…" said Naruto.

"What other means?" asked Sanji.

"By showing him something that will make him vomit…" said Naruto.

He took out something from his pocket… both Sanji and Ino took a look, Sanji looked sick.

"Kit… why do you have a picture of the Dwarf Planet named Alvida in a skimpy bikini… and… how did you get it?" said Kyubi.

"I… don't know…" thought Naruto.

Later outside…

"All right I will be teaching you how toy use water clones…" said Kakashi.

"All right water clones!" said Naruto.

"First I will tell you more about Water Clones, they much like Shadow Clones can fight, however they are easier to defeat than Shadow Clones because they are 1/10 the user powers." said Kakashi.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that… all I want to know how project my chi into an element… I can hear Kyubi and he tried to explain it but every time he tries he insults me some way…" said Naruto.

"Good I see that you understand the basics of Clone use…" said Kakashi, "But it might be best if explain it to you again"

"Fine…" said Naruto.

"As you know Clone user use their chi or ki the word depends on the person's preference to make the clones, there are 4 categories of clones: Illusion, Animal, Element and Shadow. Illusion are just how they sound, they are Illusions, the most basic of all clones, the Clone is an illusion, Animal is the second, one uses chi combined with one or more animals to produce a clone an example of this the man beast clone, element is when you combine you chi with an element such as water or mud and finally Shadow, it's a category all it's own, as you literally make a clone that is solid and has it's own chi…" explained Kakashi.

"Yeah I know all that… it's something all clone users should know…" said Naruto.

"That's good… the reason why I'm teaching you water is because being a pirate it will be useful while on the seas, but remember one must be near body of water to perform it, the only ones I have ever heard that can do them with out it the 2nd Hokage and Fish men…" said Kakashi.

"Wow, I didn't know that about the 2nd Hokage…" said Naruto.

"Now I'm going to teach you how to focus your chi into the water…" said Kakashi.

He made two water clones.

"You didn't show me anything!" yelled Naruto.

"Didn't I?" asked Kakashi.

"Nope he didn't…" said Kyubi.

"I guess I didn't…" said Kakashi with a sweat drop as the two clones became water once again, "Well since you're a beginner, you must think about the water… you must focus most of your attention on the water… then when you think your ready produce a clone like you would with you Shadow Clone…"

"I think I get it…" said Naruto.

Naruto began to focus on the water… "Okay…" said Naruto.

Naruto began to focus on the water for about a minute… then he knew what to do… he produced a water clone.

"I did it!" shouted both Narutos.

"But you still need to practice…" said Kakashi.

"I know…" said the real Naruto, as his clone turned to water, "Oh I need to show you something…"

He took out the picture of Alvida… Kakashi didn't look one bit sick.

"You're trying to get me to throw up, aren't you?" he asked.

"Yeah…" said Naruto, "Wait… why aren't you sick?"

"I was there when whoever took that picture took it…" said Kakashi.

"… sick…" said Naruto, he sighed, "Well there's one more way to get to see what's under the mask…"

He made a ton of shadow clone, all of them tackled Kakashi… but… he turned to mud.

"Earth Clone!" yelled one off Naruto's clones.

"What you thought it would be that easy to see under my mask?" asked Kakashi.

Naruto hung his head in shame "I guess not…" said Naruto.

Later, during one of Sanji's cigarette breaks, Naruto, Ino and Luffy were hanging out with him. Naruto still hung his head in shame.

"Well I tried…" said Naruto.

"Don't worry thank to chore you have a whole year…" said Sanji.

Luffy hung his head shame because he didn't want to be reminded that he had to work for a year.

"I guess you right… he doesn't have anything on me like you…" said Naruto.

It was Sanji turn to hang his head in shame.

Kakashi was listening to this conversation, form behind a nearby corner. He stepped out from behind it.

"Well I guess I mind as show what's behind the mask…" said Kakashi.

"Really!" yelled Naruto.

"Finally!" said Sanji.

Kakashi removed his mask and behind his mask… was another mask… only lighter in color.

Both Naruto and Sanji anime fell while Ino broke into laugher, Luffy just sat their confused.

"I should have known…" said Sanji.

"It's impossible to know what's behind the mask…" said Naruto with a sigh.

Alternate Ending 1:

Kakashi removed his mask and Kakashi was…

"You're a… you're a…" said Naruto shocked.

"Gorgeous…" said Sanji.

"Wait I thought Kakashi was guy…" said Luffy.

"No, I'm really a woman…" said Kakashi clearing his… er her throat making it sound more feminine.

Ino just laughed a bit, she was the only person until now to know that Kakashi was woman.

Alternate Ending 2:

Kakashi removed his mask and underneath was a face was…

"Oh my god put the mask back on!" yelled Naruto.

"My eye!" yelled Sanji.

"Whoa cool!" said Luffy.

Ino was rolling on the ground laughing.

Kakashi's face looked like something from a little kid's anime…

Alternate Ending 3:

Kakashi removed his mask… a bright light came from his face.

"What's happening?" asked Naruto.

"I don't know… this never happened before…" said Ino.

When the bright light decided down there were in the middle of a city… all of them wore sailor like dresses but in different colors.

Naruto was in one with orange collar skirt and collar, with a blue bow in front and a yellow one in back.

Sanji was in one with green collar and skirt, with pink bow in back and front.

Ino was in with red collar and skirt, with a purple bow in front but a red bow in back.

Kakashi, still for some reason still wearing his mask was in with blue collar with sky blue bows in back and in front

And Luffy wore a one with a blue collar with red ribbon in front and back.

"Sailor Senshi!" came a voice, it belonged to a black cat with a yellow crescent moon.

"You have to defeat that Youma…" said a white cat that was next to the black cat.

All 5 were silent.

"What the hell just happened?" asked Naruto.

End of Alternate Endings…

Next Time: Things just get worse and worse... First Don Kreig attacks and demands the Barite, then Nami runs off wit the Going Merry and finally the World's Greatest Swordsman appears and Zoro challenges him... It can't get any worse... right?

A/N: I will write a spin-off to the third alternate ending... only with 5 people agree... (If I do write it will end up in the Sailor Moon crossover section...)