
The best crew to find the One Piece ? (One Piece crossover)

Luffy had left his village to find a crew and become the king of the pirates. However, he never imagined that part of it would be made up of people from other anime universes. (The story follows Luffy's original adventure, with a crew comprising more people (the first to join him will be Raynare (High school DxD) and Lucy (Fairy Tail).) No harem.

raptor11 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The hypnotist and the false butler

Finally, a few minutes later, except for Usopp, the group of eight people found themselves with only five people. Indeed, Luffy had suddenly decided to leave his friends and had gone somewhere on the island, accompanied by Lucy. As for Onion, he too had left, without anyone knowing where.

Finding themselves more than all three, Zoro, Raynare and Nami had ended up sitting or leaning against a wooden fence, waiting for the others to return.

" Frankly, Luffy is really oblivious to leave like this without telling us anything. " Affirmed Nami! " As for Lucy, she almost put us in a good mess by slapping the other butler. "

Hearing nobody answer her, Nami suddenly groaned.

" And you, Raynare? What would you do if this Klahadoll had not dodged your spear ? Did you plan to kill him, or what? "

" He is strange. " Simply affirmed the fallen angel. " I'm talking about this butler. "

" Huh ? What do you mean ? "

" No, nothing ! It's just that he seems to be hiding his game. "

" If you are looking for Luffy, he told me he wanted to find Usopp. " Affirmed Zoro. " Lucy must have followed him. "

" If you want to know where they are, they must be at the edge of the cliff. " Announced Piment, seated not far from them.

" Yes, it's always there that the captain goes when he is moping. " Assured Carrot. " Do you want us to go? "

" Not worth it. " Assured Zoro. " Knowing them, these two are enough to cheer up this guy. "

" Say, now that I notice it, you weren't supposed to be three ? " Asked Nami. " Where's your friend ? "

" Ah, Onion ? Let's say that it is his kind of disappearing without saying anything, only to come back screaming to death. "

" Justly here it is. " Carrot announced.

Indeed, running towards them, the third child began to shout.

" AHHHHHH ! You are not going to believe me! I saw a funny strange guy walking backwards. "

" You're kidding ? "

" No, I swear. " Assured the boy, turning around. " Here, look! "

Turning around, everyone could see a silhouette approaching in the distance, while making a strange step. Then, as it advanced, everyone could see that it belonged to a man who was indeed walking backwards.

" No, but I don't believe it. " Cried Raynare. " He makes Michael Jackson. "

" Who ? "

" In any case, it is really very strange. " Approved Nami.

" Hum? " Said the man, stopping at the level of the small group. " Excuse me, but may I know who do you find strange? Because, until proven otherwise, I know what is strange and what is not, and I am not. "

" Is that so ? " Surprised the small group. " And what are you, then? "

" I'm Jango ! A hypnotist. "

" Hypnotist ? " The children wondered. " For real ? "

" Yes, of course. " Assured the man. " I can asleep someone as well as make him believe to be a dog. "

" Waouh, are you giving us a demonstration ? "

" No way. " Replied Jango. " Hypnotism is an art that I don't reveal to the first comer. "

" Of course. " Raynare assured, shrugging his shoulders. " The use of hypnosis, by a simple mortal, was born straight from the stupidity of humans! Apart from charlatans, no one can claim to be able to use it! Only superior beings can. "

Feeling insulted, Jango immediately pulled an iron ring from his sleeve, hanging on a string.

" Okay, in this case, since you have a good hanging tongue, I will make an exception for you. "

" It takes little to make him change his mind. " Zoro noted.

Reflecting for a few moments, Jango ends up declaring.

" I know what I'm going to do ! Okay, fix this ring. "

Although annoyed by this, the fallen angel ends up executing, eager to show everyone that this man had no talent. Following her gaze, she couldn't help but be caught by the ring while Jango said.

" When I would say `` one, two, Jango ! "… You will become a hen ! One… Two… Jango ! "

Immediately, and to everyone's surprise, the man positioned his arms like the wings of a hen and those cried out, while pecking at the ground.

" He hypnotized himself, this idiot. " Zoro noted.

Noticing, for her part, that Raynare remained motionless, Nami sneered.

" And he didn't even manage to… "

Suddenly she interrupted when Raynare bent down to peck the ground, as did Jango.


Sitting without saying a word, Usopp was watching the sea in the distance. Still gritting his teeth, because of Klahadoll's words, he could not be angry with himself for having been violent in front of Kaya.

" I have blundered in beauty. " He sighed.

" Hey, Usopp. " Suddenly exclaimed Luffy, landing in front of him.

" Huh ? " Frightened the young man, while moving back, while the pirate finally descended from the tree, where he stood upside down.

" What are you doing there ? You scared me. "

" We just wanted to talk to you to be sure it was ok. " Lucy assured him, arriving in turn.

" Are you OK ? " Asked Luffy.

" Let's say that I have seen better days. " He affirmed, resuming his place; " I can't forgive this butler for what he said about my father! Whether he abandoned me or that he is not my father; "

" Yassop is a nice guy who only made me talk about you. " Luffy assured him.

" Huh ? "

" Yes, he always compared me to you, telling me to stop that he had a son my age, when I was little ! And then, he was a great shooter ! I always wanted to know how to shoot like him. "

" That is true ? And ... was he brave? Had he lived full of adventures? Was his pirate life the one he always dreamed of ? "

Hearing it, Lucy sat down next to him, before asking him.

" Usopp, would you, by any chance, lie to people by telling them stories that you would like to live ? "

" I ... Yes, indeed. " He confessed. " But to be honest, I never left my village! Since my father left, there is no one to protect him, so I stay there! Of course, I am only a coward compared to him, but I try nevertheless to do my best to animate this place. "

Smiling upon hearing this, the young woman assured.

" It's noble on your part ! Look, compared to Luffy, I don't know your father but in any case, whether he is good or bad, it doesn't change the fact that you can be someone with a big heart! And then, from what I could see, there is as much chance of seeing a bad pirate as a bad soldier of the navy! Besides, men can just think of themselves, without worrying about their families. "

Then seeing her sigh, Luffy questioned hER.

" A problem, Lucy? "

" No ! It's just that my father and I also had a story that hasn't always been happy. " She informed them. " For my part, I ended up hating it! He was a good father when I was a child, but, when my mother died, he changed considerably! He stopped taking care of me, just working! Finally, I decided to leave it, to join a group of people, helping people to make money! However, my father hired men to find me and was responsible for the injuries of several of my new friends. "

" But at least he showed that he cared about you by wanting you to come back. " Usopp remarked.

" In your dreams. " Retorted Lucy, grabbing a pebble, before throwing it away. " He only did that for one purpose: to marry forcibly with a son from a wealthy family in order to increase his wealth ! Nothing more. "

Listening to her without saying anything, the two boys preferred to remain silent, well aware that it was not at all time to say something stupid. However, Lucy finally started to smile again, before declaring.

" If your father is a good man, Usopp, there is no reason for your relationship to be identical to mine with my father! If he is brave and talented, as you say, then you have every reason to admire him. "

" Yeah, okay. " Assured Luffy. " Yassop never decided to scour the seas to plunder villages ! No, he did it to follow his destiny and become a strong and free man. "

Surprised by their words, Usopp ends up getting up, while continuing to stare at the sea in the distance. Then, finally, he began to exclaim.

" You are right ! It doesn't look like the great Captain Usopp to mope ! I should rather make fun of this man, who only believes everything that is said about pirates! There is no shame in becoming one! After all, I too plan to take to the seas to follow in my father's footsteps. "

" Let's just hope you have better weapons than your lies. " Sneered Lucy.

" Hey, I am a brave sea warrior, and I ... "

Two figures, at the bottom of the cliff, suddenly caught his attention.

" Hum ? " He wondered. " Usually there is no one here. "

Watching in turn, Luffy and Lucy couldn't hide some form of surprise, finding that one of them was none other than Klahadoll.

" He looks like the butler. " Luffy said.

" It's him. " Assured Lucy, who was examining the other man more carefully. " Do you know who the other person is, Usopp? "

" No idea. " Confessed the young man, staring at Jango. " Never seen a man as strange as him. "

" Jango, can you explain to me what you were playing ? " Suddenly became angry the butler. " Can I know why I found you in the middle of the road, imitating a hen ? "

" A hypnosis trick that had a little technical problem. " Said the other man, badly hiding his confused face. " It's nothing, I assure you. "

" Don't tell me that in three years, you still haven't managed to prevent yourself from hypnotizing yourself ? "

" Sorry… captain ! It's just that I have the bad habit of looking too closely at my ring when I start my laps. "

" Stop calling me, captain. " Ordered the man. " For the last time, I am no longer the great Kuro but the simple butler Klahadoll. "

" What ... Captain Kuro ? " Usopp wondered.

" Who is it ? " Wanted to know the two others pirates.

" What ? You don't know him? He was, however, a famous East Blue pirate known for his extreme cruelty ! Nevertheless, he was executed years ago! So how is it that he can be alive ? "

" Good, do you remember the plan ? " Wanted to know Klahadoll.

" Yes. " Said Jango, sitting on a rock. " We dock tomorrow, we rush towards the village and we ransack it, killing everyone, except you of course. "

" That's it ! All of this has to look real ! But the main goal of the plan is the assassination of Kaya. "

" What? " Usopp shouted, before Lucy put his hands over his mouth to silence him.

" I understood that you want me to hypnotize her so that she would write a false will making you the sole successor of her fortune. " Affirmed Jango. " However, during this carnage, I doubt that anything will happen to her before I can intervene. "

" That's why I'm going to kidnap her this evening. " Assured him Kuro." As soon as the village is asleep, I will take it with me and you will then attack, at dawn ! And when this is finished, all you have to do is hypnotize her, make her sign the papers and then we get rid of them. "

" A plan as you like to do it so much, great Klahadoll. "

" It's… it's horrible. " Affirmed Usopp. " They ... They plan to kill the whole village. "

" Let's go now. " Ordered Lucy, already starting to back off. " Let's go warn the others. "

However, suddenly getting up, Luffy entered the two men's field of view, while screaming.

" We won't let you do it. "

" Imbecile. "

" Hum ? " Said Klahadoll, looking towards the pirate. " But I recognize you. "

And while Lucy was hiding behind Luffy, the former pirate's eyes immediately fell on Usopp, who advised Luffy to stoop.

" And you are there too, Usopp. "

" Glup ! Spot ! "

" Who are these two people ? " Wanted to know Jango.

" Oh, just thugs. "

" Not even true. " Retorted Luffy. " I'm a pirate. "

" A pirate ? " Kuro wondered.

" Yeah ! Me and my friends will not let you do without reacting. "

" Oh ? In this case, I assume that you heard everything from our little discussion. "

" No nothing at all. " Usopp lied.

" Of course. " Retorted Luffy. " Hey, the butler, I thought Kaya was your friend, aren't you ashamed to kill her ? "

" My friend ? " Repeated the man, looking down.

Suddenly gritting his teeth, he ended up ordering.

" Jango, kill him. "

Finding that he certainly had no say, the man immediately pulled out a ring from his sleeves before brandishing it in front of the duo.

" Good, good ! In this case, I just have to put them to sleep and then make their bodies disappear. "

" Hum ? What is he doing ? " Wanted to know Luffy, seeing the ring hanging on a piece of string.

" It looks like he's going for a ride, like the hypnotists. " Lucy noticed, coming closer to get a better look.

" Seriously ? " Usopp wondered. " Does this guy have these kinds of powers ? "

" Look carefully at my ring. " Cried Jango, starting to swing him. " When I will say one… two… Jango… you will fall asleep. "

" And make sure not to imitate them, this time. " Kuro advised him.

" Yes ! Well, one… two… "

" Don't look. " Cried Usopp, quickly turning around, hustling Lucy as he passed.

" Jango ! "

Staring at the ring at that moment, Luffy suddenly got a sudden urge to sleep.

" But… what is happening to me ? " He wanted to know, suddenly tilting forward.

" Luffy. " The other two frightened, trying to catch up with him.

Too late. Crashing ten meters below, head first, their friend ends up with their upper body stuck in the rock. Before him, removing his hat which he had slipped before his eyes, Jango sighed.

" Oh, my god ! I just wanted to put him to sleep ! Don't kill him that way."

" Anyway, we had to get rid of it. " Kuro replied.

" And for the second ? "

" Leave it, it's harmless. "

Then looking up to stare at Usopp, Koro couldn't suddenly hide his surprise, seeing Lucy next to him.

"This girl was with Mugiwara! If she is part of her crew, and she is going to bring it back to her comrades, they may be able to put us in the way. "

" Luffy. " Exclaimed the wizard, unsure that her captain could survive such a fall. " You monster "

" Who is she, again ? " Wanted to know Jango.

" That girl, get rid of it too, quickly."

" No problem. " Jango assured, then spinning his ring.

Then aiming at Lucy, he laughed a little, before throwing the object at her. Widening her eyes, seeing the object becoming a sharp weapon, the girl had just enough time to tilt her head to the side, to avoid the weapon. However, cutting her cheek and part of her hair, the ring ravaged the left side of her face, and made her fall to the ground.

" Ouch ! It hurts ! " She cried, as her wound started to bleed.

Not sure if he had it, Jango pulled out a new ring which he too spun. Swung him, in turn, he hit the cliff, which he crossed without any difficulty, before appearing between Usopp and Lucy.

" AHHHHHHH ? " The boy wondered, dodging him in time. " The ring has crossed the rock. "

" And for the final scene. " Announced the hypnotist, pulling out two new rings.

Seeing them, it didn't take more for Usopp to take Lucy's arm and force her to follow him, while they fled. And hardly, they started to run, that the two rings perforated, in their turn, the cliff, cracking at the latter in several places. Finally, breaking into pieces, the damaged part collapsed and fell straight on Luffy, who was then buried.

Placing his arms in front of his face to avoid getting dust and small debris, Kuro said.

" Where is the discretion ? "

" You have to know what you want! At least this boy's body is buried. "

Nevertheless, he then began to growl, noticing that no other body could be seen.

" They managed to get away ! Should I sue them? "

" Not worth it! You must have injured the girl enough for her to die of hemorrhage! As for Usopp, it is nothing other than a person known by his whole village to be a simple liar! If he says that I, the devoted butler of Kaya, I am a pirate, do you really think that someone will believe him ? "

" Say, I very much doubt it. "


" Hey, Usopp! Where do you plan to run like this ? " Lucy asked him, while the boy was in front of her.

" In your opinion ? I will warn the people of my village and warn them of the danger. "

" Are you stupid or what ? This is exactly what Klahadoll expects from you. "

" What ? " Usopp wondered.

" Think, why didn't he plan to do anything before he saw me? You are a person just shouting lies every day! The villagers are used to hearing you! What will they think when you tell them that this guy is actually a pirate just wanting to kill them ? They will laugh at you. "

" And what else do you think I can do, then? " Became annoyed Usopp, turning to her, while showing her a dark look! " That I just run away leaving the villagers ? "

" No, we have to go face this guy. "

" What ? Are you sick ? Have you really never heard of Kuro? Even the navy feared it to the highest point! An armed ship was not even enough to stop it ! So what do you think I should do ? "

" Was it not you who wanted to become a hero ? " Asked Lucy. " And then, even if you could warn the villagers of your village, what will you do? There are no boats here, apart from a few boats! You can never flee by sea! Kuro is angry with Kaya's wealth and he cannot assassinate him by leaving witnesses behind him! So I doubt he will leave without his rest, if you can hide somewhere! No matter how long it takes, he will do everything to find you. "

Hearing this, Usopp couldn't help but swallow, before feeling his legs start to tremble. Then, finally, looking down, he said.

" In that case, go ahead! Go! "

" Huh ? " Said Lucy.

" You have your boats, right ? So leave this island, before the carnage begins! And if they are with your friends, take Carrot and the others with you! As for me, I will protect my island, no matter what danger I will face. "

Hearing it, Lucy couldn't help but punch him in the head, while the young man exclaimed.

" Hey, it hurts. "

" Baka ! Do you really think I'm going to leave after what they did in Luffy and what they plan to do in Kaya and the rest of your village? Count on me to fight with you. "

" What but ...? "

" Hum? A fight is brewing ? " Someone wondered.

" Huh ? " Said the two friends, seeing the rest of their crews arriving.

" Lucy, what happened to your face ? " Wanted to know Nami, seeing his wound still bleeding.

" And where's Luffy ? " Wanted to know Zoro.

" You haven't met him, captain ? " Piment asked him.

" Luffy ? Well … " Began Usopp. " We met a hypnotist and ... "

Suddenly standing in front of him, Raynare's face, expressing only rage, ends up asking him.

" A weird guy with a hat and rings ? "

" Yes ! You ... Do you know him ? "

" Of course, she knows him. " Suddenly sniggered Zoro. " Really, you missed a great show! Raynare playing hen. "

Just thinking of the scene, he exploded with laughter, under the hateful gaze of Raynare, who could only blush with shame.

" Shut up. "

" What ? Are you going to peck me ? " Sneered the saberman. " Hey, why don't you ask him to do another round to see if you can't resist this time ? "

" Never. "

" Why ? Are you a sissy ? "

Unable to bear it any longer, Raynare tried to send his heel to his face, which he immediately parried with one of his sheaths.

" No, but will you be quiet ? "

" You want to fight, crow ? "

" Stop. " Then ordered Lucy. " First of all, we have to go help Luffy. "

" Huh ? Why ? "


" What happened here ? " Wanted to know Onion.

" He is dead, there is no doubt. " Asserted Piment.

While the whole small group had returned to where Jango and Kuro had discussed, there remained only a place buried by pieces of the cliff, as well as a leg, standing in the air, place where Luffy had landed.

" The hypnotist put him to sleep, and then he fell, before the cliff crashed on him. " Taught them Lucy.

" Well, in the end, this hypnotist is really not a charlatan. " Zoro said, grabbing Luffy by the leg, before pulling him out of the rubble.

" Hey, what are you doing ? " Asked Usopp. " He's dead, so let him bury it. "

" This idiot can only die of old age. " Simply replied Nami. " Besides, listen. "

" Hum ? " Said the others, then straining their ears.

In a few seconds, snoring was heard, emanating straight from the mouth of Luffy, who had been sleeping for all this time.

" No but what number, that one. " Sighed Zoro, almost wanting to sneer. " Hey, Luffy, get up. "

However he might shake it, his captain remained asleep, proof that Jango's talent, as well as being crushed upside down, had made him incapable of opening his eyes for a while.

" How are we going to wake him up ? " Wanted to know Lucy.

" For that, count on me. " Raynare assured.

Thus creating a spear of light in her hand, she began to aim, before finally sending the end ... in the ass of Luffy.

Immediately, all the inhabitants of the island could hear a man screaming in pain, while clasping his hands on his buttocks.


Still grinding his teeth, Luffy looked away from Raynare, to show his anger towards the latter.

" What ? " Said the fallen angel! " You are still mad at me ? Don't be so resentful, come on! "

" You wouldn't be mad at me, you, if I had done the same to you? "

" No, I would have tortured you to be sure that you understand your pain! But since I'm so cute, you won't do anything to me, will you? "

Grunting, the boy finally looked away from her again, and noticed this time that Usopp looked at him like he was a monster.

" What's the matter ? "

" I've seen you fall from the top of the cliff, head first, before being crushed by blocks of stones! And yet, you do not have the slightest scratch! Do you think that is normal ? "

" Oh that ? " Said Luffy, drawing his cheek. " I ate the fruit of gum-gum ! I am an elastic man. "

" An elastic man ? Wait, you mean you ate a demon fruit ? "

" So it's true what we say about these fruits ? " Wanted to know Carrot. " Do you have powers when you eat one ? "

" Yeah ! I can stretch a will."

" It's not really a superpower. " Asserted Onion. " I much prefer that of the hypnotist. "

" And mine, in this case ? " Wanted to know Raynare, suddenly revealing his wings.

Surprised by this, the three children hid behind their captain, who also did not lead him wide.

" Ah, a sent from heaven ! Have you come to bring us bad luck ? "

" Don't be silly, come on. " Reprimanded Lucy. " Ray-chan is an ally of shock, as well as of confidence! Finally, if there is money at stake. "

" Don't call me Ray. " Growled the falen angel.

" Good, and what do we do, then ? " Wanted to know Zoro. " And of course I want to talk about the plan of the butler and the hypnotist! He's planning to loot the village, isn't he? In this case, does anyone have an idea ? "

" They are going to be much more numerous than us. " Affirmed Usopp. " So, I rather have the idea of developing a plan to dissuade them from going further! But I would need the help of each of you. "

" Of course captain. " Announced the three children.

" No, you three, go back to the village. " Usopp ordered them. " There is no question that you are involved in this. "

" What are you kidding? For once we can, for real, defend the village. "

" This is not a game. " Usopp replied. "There is no question that I let children participate in this battle, Usopp crew or not. "

" But captain, we ... "

" You are weak and useless. " Suddenly shouted from Usopp. "How could you help me, huh? Apart from behaving like the weak, I see no use in you! So get out right away. "

Stunned by his words, the trio turned to the pirates, as if to seek support from them. For Zoro and Raynare, it was hardly if either of them paid attention to their conversation; Lucy and Nami, for their part, were certainly not going to let them fight alongside them, knowing that none of them could compete against a simple sailor. Finally, for Luffy's case, he simply let Usopp manage his "crew" as he wished. If he didn't want them, it was his choice.

Noting this, it was by clenching their fists, and frustrated, that the children eventually ran away, while declaring.

" You are no longer our captain. "

Turning to Usopp, who just watched them go without saying anything, Lucy wanted to know.

" Will it go? "

"Huh ? " He said, turning to her. " Of course yes, let's see! Save their lives and much more important than save our friendship! And then, they only said that on a whim! It will eventually pass! Okay, so far as our plan is concerned, it ..."

He was silent then, began to count the members of the remaining team, before finally noticing that a person was missing.

" Uh, where did the fallen angel go ? "

" What ? Raynare ? " Zoro wondered, looking for her.


Who will join Luffy's crew ?

Before Shells Town : Raynare ( Highschool DxD ) / Lucy Heartfilia ( Fairy Tail )

Arc Shells Town : Roronoa Zoro

Arc Kuro : Usopp

Arc Baratie : Sanji / ?

Arc Arlong : Nami / ? / ?

Arc Drum : Chopper

Arc Alabasta : Nico Robin / ? / ? / ? / ?

Arc Skypiea : ?

Arc Enies Lobby : Franky

Arc Post Enies-Lobby : ?

Arc Thriller Bark : Brook

Arc Punk Hazard : ?

Arc Tesoro : ?

Arc Dressrosa : ? / ?

Arc Wano Kuni : Jinbei / ?

Arc Post Wano Kuni : ?

Arc Battle Teach : ?