
The best crew to find the One Piece ? (One Piece crossover)

Luffy had left his village to find a crew and become the king of the pirates. However, he never imagined that part of it would be made up of people from other anime universes. (The story follows Luffy's original adventure, with a crew comprising more people (the first to join him will be Raynare (High school DxD) and Lucy (Fairy Tail).) No harem.

raptor11 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Lack of power

" Pfff! Difficult situation. " Nanf growled, coming out of a shop. " Impossible to find a simple boat. "

" The only ones on this island are those of the rare fishermen of this village and they refuse to sell us them. "

" In other words, we have to wait until a boat can take us. " Understood Rudo.

" Or then, we get our boat discreetly. " Nanf noticed. " If the others have still not found a boat, they must still be around! So our boat is still where we moored it. "

" Perhaps, but if Zoro realizes it, he will kill you for good. " Replied Rudo.

Sitting up then, sighing, Afro noticed.

" I doubt anyway that we can find anything, when we have no money! And no question of scaring the villagers by being you. Miss Lucy don't be happy. "

Suddenly, staring at the few rare people still in the streets, the pirate suddenly widens his eyes, before pointing the finger at someone.

" Lo ... Look! "

" Hum? " Made his friends. " What's up ? "

" This guy is ... it's the real ! "

Continuing to look at the person in question, Afro eventually swallowed, while pointing to Klahadoll, who was walking far away to return to Kaya's villa.

" It's Captain Kuro. "

" Huh ? Impossible. " Retorted his two friends. " He died and ... "

The two suddenly fell silent, seeing Klahadoll suddenly fix them at the mere mention of his old name. Seeing them look at them with a look filled with surprise and discontent, the trio eventually back off slightly, until the man decides to resume his path, while displaying a falsely delighted face, when he passed in front of the villagers .

" What… what was his look ? " Wanted to know Rudo. " Even angry, Captain Buggy had never scared me so much. "

" I told you ! It's really Captain Kuro, I'm sure. " Afro said.

" And how do you want it to be, when he is supposed to have been executed three years ago ? "

" You saw it yet, right ? No sooner had Kuro been pronounced than he turned towards us, as if he was afraid of having been recognized. "

" This ... It's just a coincidence! If it is, he just thought you meant someone else like Kuro and he thought the pirate was planning to attack us all. "

" I hope. " Said Rudo. " Because if he is the real captain Kuro, then we are very bad ! It seems that he had managed to decimate the entire crew of a navy boat, before being captured! This guy was a real killer. "


Landing on the branch of a tree, Raynare had simply returned to Kaya's villa, and began to watch Kaya in her bedroom, getting ready to go to sleep. And a few moments later, the room light went out, leaving only the living room light on. Glancing at it, the fallen angel could see a man with a strange sheep's head preparing what looked like a party.

"Well, they have an interest in having this party very quickly. Because tomorrow, there will be nothing left if I understand correctly."

Hearing man's footsteps, the young woman hid in her tree, sheltered from the slightest glance. Passing below her, Klahadoll had just returned and prepared to enter the villa. However, he finally looked towards Rayanre's hiding place, and began to stare at the tree, as if he was convinced that there was someone.

" How? " Raynare wondered. " How could he have seen me ? "

However, then finally resuming his way, the man gave a sigh to Rayanre, who could not help thinking.

" That man ! He is much more dangerous than Buggy! Compared to him, he seems to fight with cunning and intelligence ! He doesn't show it to everyone, but his way of strangely winding up his glasses shows that he's used to using pointed weapons ! In addition, when Usopp hit him, he managed to swing his body back in time in order to soften the shock ! Finally, he managed to dodge my spear without the slightest problem ! He has thus shown that he has excellent reflexes and extraordinary speed ! If Luffy were to fight him, I wouldn't even be sure he would win. " "

Suddenly, a cry of agony was heard in the ground floor and, immediately, Raynare's gaze could fall on the body of the second butler, who lay on the ground, at the feet of Klahadoll.

"There, it's confirmed ! This guy has no mercy ! In fact, he looks a lot like me. "


With those long blood-clawed claws in his hands, Kuro was walking in the manor, most normally in the world, when he had just killed Merry without the slightest guilt. Wanting to continue on this path, to carry out his plan, he went to Kaya's room, determined to kidnap her to bring her back immediately to Jango.

"We are not going to take any risk ! From what I've heard, Usopp hasn't shown up since his daily morning joke! This is not normal ! In my opinion, he must at least have warned the other pirates of Mugiwara! If that's the case, I'll have to find them tomorrow to kill them all. "

Then arriving in Kaya's room, he discreetly approached the bed, until he felt a breeze of fresh air. Looking up, he was surprised to see the bedroom window wide open, while the moon outside lit the bed, which was now empty.

" what ? " He wondered.

Then flying to him, a black feather fell at his feet, while a winged figure was moving away, further up in the sky, while holding Kaya in his arms.

" How? " Kuro wondered, rushed to the window.

All he could see, however, was only Raynare's mischievous smile.


" And there you go. " Usopp announced, finishing pouring a barrel of oil on the only slope that led to the village. " With the path blocked, they will be forced to give up. "

" It sucks. " Asserted Luffy. " I want to fight. "

" Better caution than rushing into the pile. " Usopp retorted.

" Rather say that you are scared to fight. " Replied Zoro.

Looking at the still dark sky, Lucy understood that there was still time to pass before the assault was given. Then running a hand over her face, to feel the large bandage covering her cheek, she ended up making a face, while her hand rested on her hair where the right side was now much shorter than the left.

" This hypnotist ruined my whole hairstyle. " She said.

" This could have been worse. " Retorted Nami. " But, if you want, I could fix that for you. "

" No, don't bother, I have my private hairdresser with me. " Assured Lucy, then taking the key to the spirit in question. " Open up, ... CANCER ! "

Then emerging from a cloud of smoke, a humanoid creature unfolded several legs of its back, thus making it look like a crab, whose claws were nothing but scissors.

" AHHHHH, a monster. " Cried Usopp, backing up until he slipped on the oil layer, and gripped the ground so as not to slide to the bottom of the slope.

" Wow, a crab! Awesome ! " Rejoices Luffy. " Is it edible ? "

" But are you going to stop wanting to eat my mind ? " Wanted to know Lucy.

" What can I do for you, Lucy-ebi ? " Asked Cancer.

Immediately sitting on a rock, Lucy showed him her hair, before informing him.

" I would like you to make me presentable. "

" No problem, -ebi. "

Seeing him then cut Lucy's hair, Usopp wanted to know.

" Hey, who is this guy and where does he come from? "

" Lucy has lots of great minds. " Taught him Luffy. " I didn't understand everything but they go out every time they use their keys. "

" What ? She also ate devil fruit, then? "

" In any case, it's really practical. " Remarked Nami, when Cancer had finished his work.

Now with slightly shorter hair, Lucy nevertheless smiled, noting that her two sides were again identical.

" Perfect ! It's great work, Cancer. "

" It's a pleasure, -ebi. " He announced.

But as he was about to disappear, his gaze suddenly fell on Zoro. Seeing him freeze at this moment, the man questioned him.

" What ? What do you want ? "

A second later, Cancer made him sit on a rock before putting a robe around his neck, while affirming.

" Don't worry, little guy, I'll fix your haircut, -ebi ! Which hairdresser is sadistic enough to have done this cactus hairstyle for you ? "

" Hey, what are you doing ? " Zoro asked him, trying to fight. " Don't touch my head. "

Too late, using his two scissors at high speed, Cancer used all of his abilities to make Zoro presentable. Finally, finally catching his breath, he made a pose before saying.

" You are perfect, -ebi. "

Then passing a mirror to Zoro, he ends up leaving. Seeing the result, Luffy and Usopp couldn't help but hold back from laughing, while Nami and Lucy giggled. Zoro, meanwhile, exploded the mirror in his hand, while he saw the punk hairstyle that Cancer had formed on his head.

" What is that ? " Astonished Zoro, seeing the high spines that his skull. " " Does he care about me or what ? "

" Wow, too funny. " Sneered Luffy.

" Before it looked like a cactus, but now it's even better. " Assured Usopp.

" Zoro, you are adorable. " Said Nami, before being laughed.

Increasingly angry, Zoro pulled out one of his swords, before turning to Lucy.

"Make him come back here immediately, so that he can fix that ! Otherwise, I transform it into sashimi. "

" I could only summon him again in twenty-four hours. " Retorted Lucy. " You will have to wait for complaints. "

" What? Hey, am I not going to stay with this for a whole day? "

And while he started shouting curses, Lucy asked.

" By the way, we still haven't heard from Raynare! Do you find that normal ? "

" No problem, she always knew how to disappear at a time to come back later. " Assured Luffy. " She will come back when she wants. "

" As if it was time for her to go away like this. " Remarked Nami. " We may be in danger and she, she leaves as if nothing had happened. "

" In that case, I'll get it. " Announced Lucy. " Except in the village, I doubt it is elsewhere. "

" Okay, but don't forget! Come back at dawn. " Reminded her of Nami. " If it is, one of your spirits may be useful to us. "

" Understood."


But even while looking for the fallen angel, for more than two hours, the mage couldn't find the slightest hint of her in the village.

" But it is not possible, where could she have gone well? She did not leave the island anyway. "

Continuing to look for her, Lucy ends up going not far from Kaya's villa. But very quickly, she hid behind a tree, seeing someone reaching in front of the house.

" Klahadoll ? "

The man, sitting there, seemed to be thinking, while his face showed anger. He was convinced that his plan would work without problems, had not supported at all the idea that a person had managed to kidnap Kaya, the day before the implementation of the last part of his plan. No, he refused to allow it to happen. It was necessary at all costs to go raking the island, once the sun rose, to find the kidnapper and Kaya, before getting rid of it.

Seeing him do, meanwhile, Lucy thought he was just waiting for his men to arrive to sow confusion and pillage. In any case, he didn't seem to have any accomplice with her. So, taking a long breath, she ended up taking out one of her keys, and muttered her sentence, to bring up a spirit.

" Did you call me mistress ? " Sagitarius asked her.

" Do you see this man over there ? " Asked Lucy, while urging him to speak less loudly.

" Affirmative ! "

" Shot him ! Don't kill him! Just shoot him an arrow in the leg. "

" Your wishes are orders. " He announced, starting to wield his bow.

Then putting Klahadoll at stake, he barely took a single second to aim him, before sending the arrow towards him. However, the arrow only hit the wall of the villa, when Klahadoll suddenly disappeared, like a draft.

" Huh ? " Wondered the spirit.

Suddenly disembowelled, he fell back, with serious injuries to the abdomen, before a foot came to crush his face.

" Good try. " Someone sneered. " But much too slow. "

Backing off when she did, Lucy couldn't understand what had happened, while Klahadoll was right next to her. Putting on his glasses, he allowed her to see his very long sharp claws, with which he had just slashed Sagitarius.

" So it was you. " Cried the butler, staring at Lucy with hatred. " You heard our plan and you decided to kidnap Kaya, right ? "

" What … ? Kidnap Kaya? " Wondered Lucy. " But we … "

Puncturing her on the shoulder, one of Klahadoll's claws made her let out a cry of pain and eventually knock it on his buttocks.

" Don't try to deceive me! Tell me where Kaya is! Otherwise, your death will be slow and painful. "

" But I have no idea. " Confessed Lucy. " And even if I did, do you really think I will speak ? Not only will you kill her, but, in addition, you will do the same with me, no matter what I do. "

Wanting to stand up to him, all that Lucy won did another injury to her other shoulder.

" Indeed, I will kill you too! However, if you speak now, it will at least allow you to avoid torture. "

" AHHHHH! You ... You can always dream; "

Preparing to hurt her again, Kuro was surprised to feel Sagitarius' arms tighten around his waist, while the spirit began to lift him out of the ground.

" What … ? "

" Mistress ! Go ! " Ordered the horse.

" What ? But ... what about you ? "

" It will be fine. " The man assured her, while Kuro struggled like a devil to free himself.

Eventually releasing one of his arms, Kuro managed to throw a claw at his face, which had the effect of puncturing his eyes.

" AHHHHHH ! " Cried the spirit, then letting go.

" You're going to die, I'm the one telling you. " Assured Kuro.

Nevertheless, momentarily abandoning his plan, he jumped back to dodge the end of a strange whip, which struck the ground.

" You will never take it out on my spirit. " Lucy assured him.

" Mistress Lucy, go ! " Repeated Sagitarius, placing himself before her. " You can't beat this man. "

" No, I … "

" DO IT ! " Cried the spirit, before Kuro disappeared to slash him at full speed.

Hearing his cry out in agony, Lucy could only shudder as her mind tried to stand and force herself not to return to the spirit world.

" Stop that. " Cried Lucy.

Then grabbing her feet, two hands came out of the ground, before pulling her underground.

" That … ? " She said, falling into a gallery.

" Hime ! We have to get out of here. " " Virgo informed her, appearing before her.

" But Sagittarius, he… "

With a last cry of agony, the horse finally gave in and collapsed to the ground to disappear. At first surprised by this, Kuro decided to ignore him, preferring to worry that he was dead.

" Good, around the blonde. " Kuro said, looking for her.

" Hime, let's go. " Virgo affirmed, then drawing Lucy against her, before digging into the ground, while closing up his gallery behind her.


" Who ... Who are you? "

Having finally deposited Kaya in a dark corner of the forest, Raynare had landed next to her, while the young woman couldn't help shaking looking at the black wings of the person who had just kidnapped her .

" You ... You are a of the people who came earlier, right ? What do you want from me ? My money ? "

" Normally, I wouldn't say '' no '' to a reward, to protect you, but, if I do it now, I know that Lucy will blame me and won't stop lecturing me for a while! So, no, it's not for the money. "

" Why did you kidnap me in this case? "

" I told you. " Sighed Raynare, annoyed by Kaya's questions. " To protect you from your wonderful butler who just tried to kidnap you, himself, to force you to sign a document attesting that you are giving him all your fortune, before simply killing yourself. "

" What ? What are these lies ? This cannot be true ! I know Klahadoll can look constantly cold and cranky! He remains a generous and honest man, who has always taken care of me since he is here! He would never hurt me. "

" Your naivety is both fun, but also very annoying. " Growled Raynare. " I took the trouble to save you, so be grateful! Otherwise, I will have to stop you from speaking and I often do it in a rather violent way. "

Seeing the many spears she made appear, Kaya could only retreat slightly back, before affirming.

" Alright ! Alright ! I will not say another word. "

Sitting down, Raynare began to think of a way to fight Kuro, now that she doubted that Luffy or Zoro could do it.

"Now that I know his level, it is out of the question that I put my life on the line to fight it ! So I have a choice ! Either I decide to support Mugiwara to help him to beat Kuro, but there is a chance that I will get killed ! Either I run away and I find another crew to go to the Grand Line."

Not seeing the minutes passed, the fallen angel ends up being drawn from his thoughts, when Kaya sneezed, while trembling. Dressed in a simple nightgown and barefoot, the poor woman began to die of cold, when it was dark outside.

" I ... I'm cold. "

" Pfft! You humans need nothing to make you lose your means. " Raynare said.

However, before Kaya could say anything, she finally made a magic seal appear in her hand before pressing it on Kaya. At that moment, warmer clothes, including jeans and a woolen sweater appeared, as if by magic.

" What … ? " Kaya wondered, looking at her new clothes. " But how … ? "

" Just, shut up. " Raynare ordered her ! Fall asleep now. Otherwise, I make everything disappear from your clothes and I leave you all alone here. "


As dawn broke in the distance, Lucy was wincing, while Virgo was bandaging her over her injured shoulders. However, rather than crying because of the pain, she couldn't help but be mad at herself.

" Why ? " She wanted to know, pulling out a handful of grass. " Why am I so useless ? "

" Hime, you are not weak. " Retorted Virgo, continuing to treat her.

" I am very weak ! If I could have fought with him, Sagitarius would not have suffered like this ! Anyway, since I've been in this world, you keep getting killed while protecting me! And that I cannot bear. "

" Hime, this is our role to protect you. " Assured the virgin. " We are proud and happy to give body and soul to make sure you are well ! And none of us will regret once doing it. "

Despite her fine words, Lucy still clenched her teeth to avoid cursing her weakness.

" I must learn to fight. " She affirmed then. " A short time ago, Zoro told me that East-Blue was the weakest of all the seas in this world! So what will happen when we are on the Grand-Line? I would then be only an embarrassment. "

" Hime, putting yourself in danger will be useless. " Replied Virgo, placing her hands on her shoulders.

" Pick me peace, you can't understand how I feel. " Lucy ordered her, starting to push her away.

Placing her hands violently on her cheeks, Virgo retorted.

" HIME, whether here or at Fairy tail, you are and you will always be weaker than the greatest warriors of these worlds! You were born like this and moping won't change anything! However, compared to this Kuro, you have something more, which even he cannot overcome: your kindness. "

" My kindness ? "

" Hey, Lucy. " Called a voice behind her. " Since when do you worry so much about your low physical level ? "

Then turning around, the young woman could only be surprised, seeing all of her spirits behind her. Whether those of his gold keys, or those of his silver keys, all were present, even Aquarius, who remained behind the others.

" The… friends ? "

" Lucy, you have always taken care of us and we are only doing you the same by fighting alongside you. " Loke assured her.

" We are here to defend you ! Yes to defend yourself. " Said the two Gemini.

" Dear Lucy, I have only been with you for a short time. " Noticed Capricorn. " But that does not prevent me from admiring the courage you display during your battles! No matter how weak you are, I could never bear to see you put yourself in danger, by fighting directly against someone dangerous. "

" To protect you is our role, -ebi. " Assured Cancer.

" Plue. " Plue said, raising his hand in the air.

Advancing in turn, while Taurus shouldered him to help him walk, Sagitarius showed that he had not fully recovered from his fight against Kuro. However, that didn't stop him from declaring.

" As a soldier, I was more than happy to hear you being saddened by my injuries and wanting to fight alongside me to protect me ! Thank you very much ! "

Hearing this, Lucy couldn't hold back any more tears. But, deciding to speak before the time for her to return to the spirit world, Aquarius sternly asserted.

" Do you think it's really time to cry, little whiny girl ? Have you nothing more important to do than lament ? Like friends to help and pirates to fight ? Stop shaming us like this and show us that you are worthy of carrying out the mission entrusted to you. "

Immediately wiping her eyes, Lucy finally fixed her gaze before asserting, in a confident tone.

" Yes, I will, Aquarius ! And all of you can count on me to do it. "

Smiling, in turn, each of the spirits ends up disappearing one after the other, finally leaving Lucy. Then beginning to disintegrate, Aquarius turned in time to hide a small smile, before mumbling.

" That's what I wanted to hear, silly little girl. "

Disappearing in turn, she let Lucy get up without the help of anyone, before she said.

" Forward ! Since dawn has broken, I will join Luffy and the others. "

However, the instant she was leaving, she suddenly saw a familiar face running headlong, not far from her. Quickly recognizing her straw hat, Lucy could not hide her surprise, while shouting.

" Luffy? What are you doing here ? "

" Huh ? " Said the pirate, stopping! " Lucy? Have you found Raynare? "

Then seeing his bandages at his shoulders, he wanted to know.

" What happened to you ? "

" I ... I wanted to face Kuro when he was alone. " She confessed. " But I failed miserably. "

" Huh ? Where is he ? " Ragged Luffy, unhappy that his friend had been injured during his absence.

" Surely returned to the village ! But you, Luffy, why aren't you with the others ? "

" Pirates are not going to attack the slope, according to Usopp. " Taught her the pirate. " They will rather take the same path that we took after mooring our boats here. "

" What ? But ... But where are you running like that ? "

" To the north. "

" But you're running in the wrong direction." Retorted Lucy, pointing a direction at him. " The north is there. "

" What ? " Luffy wondered.

" Idiot, don't you have any sense of direction ? "

" It's Usopp who didn't give me any information. "

" Hey, are you there ? " Zoro wondered, running towards them.

Seeing him arrive, Lucy could only be surprised, seeing him covered in oil.

" What happened ? Haven't you slipped on the slope anyway ? "

" All of this is because of Nami. " Roared the pirate. " But don't worry ! As soon as I'm done with the pirates and your stupid crab has redid my hairstyle, I will explain myself with her! Okay, until then, where should we go ? "

" Over there. " Assured Lucy, already starting to guide the duo.


Taking a sledgehammer, ejecting it to the side, Usopp was pushed aside from the path leading to the village. Wanting to take advantage, one of the pirates already started to advance, when Nami struck him with a stick to prevent him from going further.

" You, you get out. " Ordered another pirate, suddenly throwing her to the ground.

" Frankly, what do you really believe facing us ? " Sneered another pirate, looking at the two comrades on the ground. " You are too weak to stop us. "

" Here. " Usopp ordered, getting up. " Even weak and facing ten thousand men, I will not back down! I'm the great captain Usopp. "

For all respect, the poor boy took a violent uppercut in the face, causing him to fall to the ground, while someone said.

" Captain Usopp ? What joke. "

" What if we had fun lynching him a bit before leaving ? "

" Band of idiots. " Suddenly roared Jango, who behind them, hid badly his discontent to anger Kuro. " We have already lagged behind enough! So hurry up and go to the village, and faster than that. "

" Uh ... yes, captain. "

Seeing them then start to run, Usopp reached out to try to slow down one of them, while begging them to stop. Unfortunately, everything he harvested only kicked, which hurt him further.

Finally rid of him, the pirates began to howl with joy, as they ran towards the village. However, at the head of the group, one of them eventually slowed down, seeing three figures facing them.

" Hey, there are others there. "

" So what ? Anyway, we will massacre everyone. "

Resuming their course, the pirates were however surprised to see no silhouette move, in front of their number and their cries, while one of them seemed to invoke another person.

" What ? But that … ? "

" GUM GUM… "

" ONI… "

" SAND… "

" REMOVE. " Someone shouted.

Too late.


Taking one after the other, each pirate was thrown back under the powerful assaults of Luffy and Zoro, as well as of Scorpio.

Seeing them crash to the ground, without offering much resistance, Zoro wanted to know.

" What are these freshwater pirates ? They have nothing in their stomachs. "

" Running so far has exhausted me much more than that. " Adds Luffy.

" Don't let us down our guard. " Retorted Lucy." Let's not forget that the hypnotist has strange powers! You have to keep an eye on it. "

Nevertheless, this remark fell on deaf ears, while Zoro cried out.

" Nami, what is this way of leaving people in trouble ? "

" Usopp, aren't you ashamed of losing people ? When we say to go north, you have to say where is the north. "

" Captain Jango, who are these brutes ? " Wanted to know a pirate, backing up to him.

" You hadn't told us that these villagers were so strong. "

For his part, Jango could only open his mouth wide, while he recognized Luffy's face.

" Impossible ! He crashed yesterday, head first, against the ground after falling from the cliff! On top of that, several boulders then fell on it! Is it normal to see him without any injuries? Who is this kid? "

However, remembering that their time was running out, he ended up taking out one of his hypnotist rings before calling his comrades.

" Good, listen all, let's make them hypnosis ! I will make you stronger and then you will cut them into lint. "

Immediately, he swung his ring before their eyes.

" Hum? What is he doing ? " Wanted to know Scorpio.

" Don't look. " Lucy ordered him. " He seems to want to hypnotize his men! But how making them sleep or turning them into animals can change something. "

Suddenly seeing the pirates start to move huge howls, while their muscles increased tenfold, Zoro finally affirmed.

" They hypnotized them to make them stronger. "

And as proof, one of the enemies smashed his fist against the side of a cliff, and managed to damage it enough for a huge piece to come off.

" That … ? " Frightened Usopp. " He cracked the cliff with a punch. "

" Hey, this is cheating. " Cried Nami.

Cheat or not, Jango ended up smiling as he noticed once again that putting his hat down before his eyes had prevented him from being hypnotized.

" Perfect ! I finally found the way to fight my weak point ! Okay, guys, wouldn't you like to go get your revenge? "

Receiving only war cries, in response, he soon saw his men running towards the cliff, ready to massacre everything in their path.

" Slim ! Back up!" Zoro ordered, turning to the weakest members of the group. " Me and Luffy, we'll take care of it. "

" No way. " Said Lucy, taking out her whip. " We stay ! Right, Scorpio ? "

So silent, Scorpio suddenly looks up before starting to growl just like Jango's men.

" Imbecile. " Shouted Lucy, understanding what was happening to him. " I told you not to watch. "

" HAAAAA ! " Luffy yelled suddenly, feeling his strength increase tenfold.

" You too ? " Roared Zoro, with shark teeth.

Not wasting time, the two men fired towards the pirates already almost on them. Ahead of Luffy, Scorpio pointed his tail at the group before sweeping them with a huge tornado of sand. Then being pushed back, they felt then ejected into the air, before crashing violently against the ground.

Taking advantage of this, Luffy was able to rush straight towards Jango, who saw him coming in horror to him.

" What … ? " He wondered, seeing no one who could protect him.

Jumping then, Luffy cocked his fist to hit him, but when he was going to touch him, he finally felt something cut him in his chest.

" Don't underestimate me, Mugiwara. " Jango advised him.

The eyes of the rest of the crew widened, and one of the rings of the man could flutter in the air after having cut Luffy's abdomen.

" Luffy. "

" And the final. " Sneered Jango, preparing to throw another ring.


A shot from Scorpio suddenly hit Luffy's back, making him flit until he crashed against the bow of the black cat pirate ship. Collapsing to the ground, he lost consciousness, as blood continued to flow from his wound.

" But Scorpio… ? " Wondered Lucy. " Why you … ? "

" No, it was the best thing to do. " Zoro assured her, drawing his saber. " A little more and it was Luffy who passed there! This imbecile ... already that he is not a genius of the strategist, normal time ... there he completely lowered his guard, because of hypnosis! At least, where it is, it will stop going headlong. "

" But he is injured. "

" You just have to call your servant, Virga or whatever. "

" I can't summon two spirits at the same time. " Retorted Lucy. " When there are several of them, it is when they use their own magic to come here. "

" In this case, go and treat him? " Zoro ordered him, walking towards Jango. " I take care of that man. "


Who will join Luffy's crew ?

Before Shells Town : Raynare ( Highschool DxD ) / Lucy Heartfilia ( Fairy Tail )

Arc Shells Town : Roronoa Zoro

Arc Kuro : Usopp

Arc Baratie : Sanji / ?

Arc Arlong : Nami / ? / ?

Arc Drum : Chopper

Arc Alabasta : Nico Robin / ? / ? / ? / ?

Arc Skypiea : ?

Arc Enies Lobby : Franky

Arc Post Enies-Lobby : ?

Arc Thriller Bark : Brook

Arc Punk Hazard : ?

Arc Tesoro : ?

Arc Dressrosa : ? / ?

Arc Wano Kuni : Jinbei / ?

Arc Post Wano Kuni : ?

Arc Battle Teach : ?


With others caracters :

Buggy : Magi ( OC ), Bull ( OC )