
The Beginning of The End/MLP (Horror)

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" (MLP) that you can listen to on youtube. I take no credit for this script, I am just rewriting it. I highly suggest you go listen to it. It is very good. Credit goes to the Author. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters that she has received from her student, Twilight Sparkle. Who died a year ago. Things go from bad to worse as she struggles to understand if somepony is playing a prank on her or Twilight really is becoming more and more powerful in the afterlife.

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Chapter Three:

Chapter Three: December, 17, XXXX

I woke up early this morning to see another letter. It goes as follows:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

As I suspected, my fear dissipated shortly after I send the letter. I focused on the light and put my hoof through it. My mind was suddenly complied to think about the ponies in my life and I thought about you! I appeared in your room and you were asleep. I saw the letters I sent tucked into a book. Don't worry! I didn't touch anything. I couldn't actually, my hoof went through the table but as I concentrated, I was able to touch it for a few seconds.

I, then, focused my thoughts on my friends. Specifically Rainbow Dash. Then I was in her room in her cloud house near Ponyville. She was crying. Why did she even bother crying? She kept repeating my name. Does she not understand that crying is worthless? I am dead. But there is an afterlife that is, to be quite honest, better than real life. I feel that she would be much better with me.

Maybe I can find a way to bring her to the Afterlife with me? Is that too bold of an assumption? It doesn't matter, much like how lots of things don't seem to matter anymore. Yes. I will find a way to research how to bring her over to my afterlife realm. I quickly returned to my new home and started to write this letter immediately. I feel more powerful than I ever have in my life.

I will update you further.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle."

I had sucked in an unsteady breath after that. That room feeling unsafe. As if I was being watched. Being studied. I heard a soft knock and a nervous guard stood at the entrance of my quarters. Revealing the news that I had feared. There was no evidence of any pony impersonating Twilight and sending me those letters.

I thanked him and he hurried off, followed by Luna entering my room without even a "Hello."

"You have been on edge ever since you received that letter from Twilight. You have been getting more haven't you?"

There was honestly no point in hiding them anymore, I pulled them out of this journal and showed them to Luna. She is obviously very concerned. Much like myself. I am beginning to believe that they are really from Twilight. What happens if she gets too powerful? No. No, I am letting my imagination run away from me.

Why can't I shake the feeling that somepony is watching me?


I have gotten another letter. This one is much worse than the last. Much shorter. It simply reads:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I have done it. She is with me now. The void is better already.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle."

I am going to send the guards and Luna to check on Rainbow Dash now. I must be going insane. I just...have to be sure.

-Princess Celestia