
The Beginning of The End/MLP (Horror)

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" (MLP) that you can listen to on youtube. I take no credit for this script, I am just rewriting it. I highly suggest you go listen to it. It is very good. Credit goes to the Author. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters that she has received from her student, Twilight Sparkle. Who died a year ago. Things go from bad to worse as she struggles to understand if somepony is playing a prank on her or Twilight really is becoming more and more powerful in the afterlife.

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Chapter Four:

Chapter Four: December 18 XXXX

She did it.

At first, I had doubts, like any reasonable pony would that Twilight was communicating with me from the Afterlife. It seemed very...unbelievable. Despite my centuries of experience, I have never encountered anything more...dangerous. Her latest letter. A continuation of the short one she gave me, cleared up what happened to Rainbow Dash in her cloud house...and why they would her with her throat slit and bloody writing on the wall saying "She with me now."

I admit this is a hard entry to write. My faithful student...I am afraid has turned into a dangerous monster in death. She has taken a life. She doesn't even feel any remorse. As she clearly pointed out in her letter. It went as follows:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

As I stated in my last letter, I have done it! Rainbow Dash is here with me now. It took more convincing than I thought it would. She didn't believe me and the Afterlife I explained to her. She thought it was a bad dream. But I was able to convince her and now the void isn't so dark anymore. In fact, it is a sky with clouds. Where she can fly as fast as she wants, as long as she wants.

So why am I not satisfied?

My friend is here. Her loyalty is unwavering. She was ready to sacrifice herself just to be with me again and yet...I am not satisfied. I need my other friends here. Well, I guess that will be my next task. Who shall it be? Perhaps Pinkie Pie? Yes! She will bring lots of joy to this realm. Pinkie will be next!

One side note I have is that I was surprised to find I didn't feel any remorse for killing her. Technically I did kill her. I convinced her to kill herself and showed her where to write the words, where to cut with the knife...Where to die. But she wasn't alone at least. I should feel something. Anything. I feel nothing.

This thought would have normally scared me. The unknown is something I didn't often welcome as you know in the living world. I find that as the surprise wore off, I didn't care that I killed her. She is with me now. This world is so much better than the real one.

It is good that at least somepony knows the hard work I am doing, Princess. I suppose I should thank you for reading these and not just throwing them out like other ponies would have done. Like Spike, probably would have done. Where is Spike anyway? I should probably check on him. Oh, sorry. I am trailing off again.

As I mentioned before, Pinkie next! I am looking forward to updating you when she comes.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle."

I had immediately run to get Luna, ordering her to get to Sugarcube Corner in Ponyville with guards as soon as possible. Maybe...Just Maybe we can catch Twilight in the act and stop her. Would Luna even be able to see her? Would...Her even going to stop Twilight? I don't think I am going to sleep tonight. I will stay awake. Just in case another letter comes in.


I was right to stay up. Ten minutes later another letter came in. I dread to write what I have read down as my fear over what Twilight has become is growing in the pit of my centuries-old heart. She knows Luna was there. She is practically taunting me about being able to do nothing as my ponies slip away from me. She wrote the following letter:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I don't think I need to tell you that it was a success in getting Pinkie to join me. I saw Luna and the guards in the doorway of her room, screaming. You sent her to stop me, didn't you? Scared to face me yourself? Hm, no. Silly me. You were probably just waiting for another letter from me. Apologies, Princess.

I wonder what it is like to feel completely helpless as you hear about your precious citizens fading away into my realm. I used to know what hopelessness felt like but seem to have forgotten despite my vast knowledge. I find that I don't want to know either. It would make me more like you. Stressed. Weighted down by responsibilities and duty...If I was in the real world of course.

I have noticed that Rainbow Dash has the same problem as I have. Pinkie certainly brightened things up but we need...more. More ponies, more land, more everything to truly shape this land. So, I have decided to bring Fluttershy next. Hopefully, it won't be too hard. She is native, so she should be easy to convince.

Please, please don't try to stop me, princess. You know you can't. No matter what you do. You can't prevent death.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"

What am I going to do now? She is right. Even a goddess can't prevent the death of another pony. I know that when I awake, the element of kindness will be gone.

I can't stop it.

-Princess Celestia