
The Beginning of The End/MLP (Horror)

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" (MLP) that you can listen to on youtube. I take no credit for this script, I am just rewriting it. I highly suggest you go listen to it. It is very good. Credit goes to the Author. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters that she has received from her student, Twilight Sparkle. Who died a year ago. Things go from bad to worse as she struggles to understand if somepony is playing a prank on her or Twilight really is becoming more and more powerful in the afterlife.

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Chapter Two:

Chapter Two: December, 16, XXXX

Today wasn't any better. I have received another letter. I am trying to look at this through a logical mind. There is no way that Twilight could be communicating with me from the Afterlife. I brought this point up to Luna. Reminding her how this has never happened before. If it was going to happen, it would have already. Then she reminded me of a good point.

"But no pony else was the element of magic."

That worries me. I am probably overthinking this. Anyway, it was mid-afternoon. I was filling out reports in my chambers when the black fire returned and a scroll dropped at my hooves. I considered calling Luna but went against it. She was busy. She didn't need me bothering her over, what is probably, a prank.

I opened it up hesitantly. It went as follows:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I have made some great progress! I have managed to create other items to appear in the void with me. It feels less empty and I have been doing lots of research about Afterlife and all of it is hypothetical of course. One day...Well, one day in your time, I might actually be able to write an entire book about my experience! Maybe I can even send it over to the real world as I do with the scrolls. Yes, I have confirmed I am sending them to you. Something deep inside me knows you are reading these.

Please don't be afraid, this is for the betterment of ponies in Equestria. Now, when I fully explore my new reality, I can confirm what is right and wrong.

On a slightly different subject, I am starting to see a faint light. It is strange that after so long in this void I am suddenly gaining such progress the more I use my magic. Amazing! If I focus on the light, it can grow bigger and come closer. I will admit, I am a bit afraid to touch it. I doubt that will last much longer. I am losing some of my...feelings. For example, I no longer feel sadness, hunger, pain, confusion or anger. I just feel nothing. I am happy to still have joy and excitement but I also doubt those will last much longer. I feel like my use of magic is somehow connected to how I shape my new reality and mind. Maybe I can conjure up other ponies? I am rather lonely. That is still a rather annoying feeling.

I realize I am rambling now. For that, I apologize. There is just so much news to share since my last report. I will let you get back to work now.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle."

As soon as I finished the letter, I went to one of the royal guards and ordered them to go to Ponyville with a division and see if there could be any pony forging these letters to me. The guards can keep straight faces most of the time but this must have been quite a shock when I revealed they were from Twilight that they looked at me like I was losing my sanity.

Last night, I considered that I had dreamed of the letter. That my grief over Twilight's death had not been properly buried (Pun was not intended.) and I was having a Nightmare. That wouldn't exactly explain why I still have the letter. Safely tucked into this journal. I keep rereading them. Hoping to see a clue that this couldn't be Twilight.

But it is her writing style. I know it very well. I helped her develop it. It is time for me to lower the sun. Hopefully, the guards come back soon.

-Princess Celestia