

When his phone rings seeing it was Sergeant Holmes. 'We had discussed some matters in confidence in the van while returning home.

I am sure he has some good news.'

Answering, "Yes Sergeant Holmes, what news you have for me?"

"Major, the police said by tomorrow they should have some evidence put together for you."

"Thank you, Sergeant Holmes. Thinking he had switch of when Alex heard him ask.

"Major, do you know anyone with a black BMW?"

"Sergeant, right now nothing come to mind. Any time I remember anything I will call you.

Alex stood by the window tacking his brains, trying to figure out who has a BMW.

Then he recalls the black BMW drives out the gap. Ken has one but he will not hurt us, he loves Diandra unconditionally.

Then the BMW flash before his eyes that day the break in took place in the Chemical plant

It was park in the street opposite of the plant. It had a dent on the back left side fender.

"Oh my goodness, is he the person who is threatening my life? He already made four attempt to kill me and today he enters into my home.

From what I observed whoever gets in his way, he want to play God and move them out of the way.

Well, we shall see about that, now that I have a little leeway, I will do some investigating."

Closing his eyes, thinking, 'He have to find a way to outwit that individual and get to the root of his schemes. I am sure he is the person behind the steeling of the chemicals in the plant.

Making a few calls then call the manager of the plant to get a list of all the name of the workers.

Those who were fired and would want to take revenge on the person who fired them.

Recalling that all the chemical that was stolen was retrieved. Is that why he is venting out his rage and targeting me?

Having a fair idea what he is about to face, Alex hurried out his study. Seeing Diandra walking down the stairs slowly.

Running up the stairs holding her. "Sweetheart, how are you feeling now?"

Hearing Champ running towards his mother. Diandra slowly stoop down hugging him. "Have you given Jamie any trouble?"

"Mummy, I am a good boy."

"Thank you for being a very good boy, Jamie your dad call about ten minutes ago and said he will be here for five."

"Dee, I will get my bag, dad doesn't like to wait."

"Ok, and Jamie will you bring my bag it's on the bed."

"Honey, how much money you need?"

"It is alright Alex; I call Jamie because I needed to get some rest. You had gone on your errands, so how did you manage with your hand?"

"Oh, it was alright, the pain is still intense but I am managing."

Alex looks at her face noticing her eyes, 'If she was the one who alerted the police. She would have surely asked what was the police report?

Now I am certain she wasn't the informant, but then who was it that called the police. Is there someone else watching my house that I am unaware of?

From what happen last night, and this morning inside the house. Could it be it is two people who is after my life?

Seeing the young lady descending the stairs with Diandra purse and her bag. When Diandra took out a hundred dollars and give her.

"Jamie, thank you so much for coming when I call you."

"Dee, you know Champ, he is my favorite, so I am happy to spend time with him."

"I know, so thank you so much, I was able to get a good rest. And your father is waiting for you so hurry up and take care."

"Thank you, Dee."

"Jamie, do me a favor, don't tell grandma anything about you coming here."

"Okay Dee, not a problem I will see you soon."

Alex walks with her to the gate seeing she was safe in the car and left.

Returning, Alex locked the gate and switch on the alarm.

Thinking, 'Diandra is very smart, I must not show any sign of fear or worry. This morning I almost slip, when I get the call.

Though matter what happen I must be cool. Oh Lord, Your eyes are too and foe upon this earth. So please keep Your eyes on my family, I am limited, Lord. I now get back my family and I can't afford to lose them.'

Entering through the door Alex went to her, seeing her with a plate with some slices of cheese and the pack of crackers. They both seems to enjoy the same thing.

Both drinking tea and eating their snack,' recalling that was all she could digest without bringing up everything. Sitting with them Alex join them with the snacks.


At the Police Station Lieutenant Jones review the files Recalling how desperate and anxious Mr. Mellford were. Wanting to know who was behind this attack on his life.

Deciding to visit the intruder at the hospital. 'Hoping and trusting he has regained consciousness and can with speak him.'

Entering the ward seeing two officers guarding him. Asking the officers. "Have he regained consciousness yet?"

"Sir, he hasn't, but he had to visitors earlier today."

"I hope you have gotten their names?"

"Officer Messiah, have attended to that before he leaves his shift. Sir, he informs me to let you know when you visit, but Sir," hearing him speak just in a whisper.

"I took their picture before they left, unknown to them."

"Excellent job, I will need you to send it to me, and don't whisper a word to anyone about it."

"Okay, Sir."

Leaving the hospital getting a call, "Hello, this is Lieutenant Jones speaking. When did that happen?"

"Sir, he was on his way home when the accident occurred."

"How is he doing now?"

"Sir, I am with his family at the trauma section at the hospital." Lieutenant Jones, heard the crying.

When his officer said, "Sir, I sorry but it seems he is no longer with us. His family now received news that he didn't make it."