

Lieutenant Jones pause taking a deep breath before telling the officer, "Thanks you officer, will you convey my sympathy to the family, and please see if you can locate the file he had with him."

"Yes Sir."

Calling the officer at the hospital to be on the alert. Relating what had occurred to Officer Messiah.

Talking to himself, "I am certain this is connected one way or the other to the patient."

At the station Lieutenant Jones waited patiently for news concerning the file.

Becoming anxious he called the officer. "Sir, I am sorry but nothing was found when we search his vehicle.

'That mean I am right, this is connected, they wants to make sure no one knew who they were.'

Realizing immediately every person who had seen the visitor, lives are at risk.

Returning to the hospital but Officer Murry wasn't there. Quarrying from Officer Johnson concerning his whereabouts.

"Sir, he went to use the wash room about five minutes ago.

Lieutenant Jones, hurried to the washroom finding him bleeding with his throat slit.

Calling out for assistance seeing he was having a difficult time breathing. When the officer just slips his phone to him, before help came and they rush him out of the washroom. .

This case is more serious than I thought, today I have lost two good men.' Back in the ward seeing Officer Johnson standing guard.

"Did you have any visitor a few minutes ago?"

"No Sir."

"Were you here when the visitors came earlier today?"

"No Sir, I only report on duty when Officer Messiah leave."

"Okay, carry on!"

Calling at the station to send an Estate Constable to come in to stand guard with Officer Johnson.

Jones knew that the patient life were at risk. Excusing himself he went and speak with the security concerning what just occurred, then to the doctor.

Before returning to the ward Jones call for two plain clothes officers to report at the hospital immediately.

Distracting Officer Johnson, for the doctors to shift the patient to another ward. Replacing him with a manakin and cover it up.

Returning to the ward with officer Johnson, saying, "I have arranged for another officer to be here with you. I want you to remember what we have just discussed."

"Okay Lieutenant, I will not leave his side though matter what."

Leaving the ward then went to the private ward and instruct the plain clothes officers to don't leave the patient side.

Returning to the station knowing it was late but Mr. Mellford need to know and to be on the alert.

Calling his phone hearing him pick up, saying, "Goodnight."

"Mr. Mellford, please try to be on the alert. Whoever is targeting you is very dangerous. And I want you to know that I will have Police patrolling often."

"Thank you so much Sir, I really appreciate the sacrifice you are making for my family.

The news was frightening to Alex. Walking up the stairs slowly pondering, 'What should be his next move?'

Seeing Diandra in bed. "Honey, you are awake." Sitting at her side gently stroking her hand. Seeing her eyes open, "Sweetheart, you didn't tell me if Ken had visited you."

"I am sorry, but he had to cancel, he will be here tomorrow."

"Okay, you try and get some rest and tomorrow I have a few things at the office to finish off. I will be out just for a few hours.

Knowing as the Lieutenant said, 'To be on the alert and he will have the police patrolling often so all should be well.

Leaving her to rest, Alex went and shower then check on Champ. He looks happy hugging the teddy I bought him, together with the other toys.

Bending down stroking his face, Alex whispers a silent prayer for him.

He is so much like Diandra, loving him so much. Just the thought of him being hurt or any harm comes to him makes him scared.

Alex knew when he didn't know about the child, he had no fear, and now the way he feels about Diandra, it never bothers him.

But they are now my family and my duty as the head of the house to to protect and care for them.

Alex then went and take his medication and lie down next to Diandra. Waking during the night seeing her standing next to the window.

The chair that I move earlier was next to the window. "Honey what is wrong, can't you sleep?"

"Oh it's my back it is paining."

"Come I will rub it."

Hearing her chuckle." Why are you laughing, don't you think I am capable of rubbing your back?"

"Alex, your hand is damage and I am sure it's hurting, so don't worry."

"Come here will you, I can help."

Lying next to him knowing that there isn't anyone watching the house and she could rest comfortable. And the little walking help with the pinching in the lower back.

I only hope the fall this morning didn't affect the baby in any ways. I try my best when the person push me to save my self as best as possible. Hearing Alex saying, "To pull the night gown up,"

Diandra did it thinking, 'Now, maybe when he rub my back, I should get some relief and will rest without any discomfort, but I should go and get the ultra sound as the doctor requested, to make sure the baby is alright.

Feeling the coldness of whatever he applied on her back, as it soothe the sore area. Diandra closes her eyes inhaling the odor. It was the same balm she had rub on her forehead when she was here a few months back.

With her eyes close feeling as though it was penetrating on the inside, and the slight heat and pain she was experiencing earlier was slowly vanishing.

Diandra knew he was speaking to her, but his voice sounds as though it was so far away as though they were drifting apart.