

Half YWO returning in the office seeing the Major sitting at his office. 'Melissa did well to keep him occupy. Now I have to let him set the surveillance camera here, so we can keep watch.''

"Major, you look tired and need to get some rest, should I arrange a ride for you?"

"I will handle that Sergeant, but just give me about thirty minutes."

"Major, did you gather any information about the intruders and the shooter?"

Noticing him shakes his head, but his head was still bent over a file he was reading.

Walking to the side of his desk, I glimpse a pile of files at his foot.

Wondering, 'What are all those files doing there?'

"Sergeant, will you get the officer from outside to take these files in my van."

"Yes Sir, but Sir it is not safe for you to drive alone."

"I know that is why Sergeant Holmes will be driving me home, and one of the drivers will collect him.

I need my van; these people might think I am afraid of them, but I am not. The only thing I am afraid for right now, is the safety of my family."

"But Sir, you are putting yourself in a venerable position, and risking their lives by having your vehicle home."

"No Sergeant, I have given these people the upper hand this far, now instead of I being hunted I have to turn the table around. No one is revealing who the caller is, but I have a fair idea."

"But Sir!"

"No but Sir me, now I have to handle this matter urgently and gently, so no one else will get hurt. So kindly do as I say."

'Oh Lord, has he suspected the madam was the person that made the call?'

"Sir, who do you think made the call, did the police have a recording when the call went in?"

"Never mind that now, just give me a few minutes to make a few calls then sent the officer in."

"Okay, Sir, will do."

Hurrying outside going to Melissa, "Did you tell him the Madam inform us the house was being watch?"

"No Sir, but he did speak to the other secretaries when he came to the office earlier. Sir, one other thing, I didn't call him in. He called and asked me to have all the files ready before he came in."

"Okay, I know he is planning something, but I haven't told anyone except you."

"Sir, remember we had the officers on the lookout."

"Yes, but I did not reveal anything to them. I just instruct them to patrol his street, to make sure the house wasn't being watch."

"Okay, then there is no need to worry, and Mr. Lennox called and said he will be here as soon as he leaves his office."

"Thank you."


Returning home Alex notice Diandra and the child watching television. Signaling the officer to leave the files near the shoe rack, then for him to leave.

Locking the front door then hurried upstairs to secure the gate. Changing then take his pack of medication with him.

Alex knew he cannot leave his family unattended. "Honey," jumping when the person stood up. "Who are you?"

Seeing the smile, "I am Jamie, Dee asked me to come and watch Champ."

"Where is Diandra?"

"She is in Champ room resting."

Going near the sofa to make sure she was speaking the truth. Seeing Joash next to her eating popcorn.

'He seems comfortable with her. I never heard Diandra speaks of anyone babysitting him.

In-fact I really don't know much about their life.

"Will you excuse me while I check on her."

Reaching down Alex rumple Champ hair, "Are you happy my son?"

"Papa, you come home?"

"Yes, and are you being a good boy for your mummy?"

"Papa, I want ice cream."

"Okay, I will get you some." Dishing out two ice cream in cone

Noticing the young lady looking at him in this odd sort of way. Ignoring her Alex, gives her one ice cream and Champ the other.

Alex hurried up the stairs, seeing Diandra resting comfortable in Champ room, but when the incident occurred earlier, she was shaken quite a bit.

Leaving her to rest, Alex knew she needs it, recalling she was sitting by the window last night.

'Oh Father, was it Diandra that called the police? Then tell me who called Sergeant Gomez earlier, informing him that the house was being watch?

I should have query concerning Sergeant Gomez question, but how is it that someone was able to watch my house and I knew nothing. Was I so happy she came home that I drop my guard.

Calling Lieutenant Jones explaining his concerns. Then went into the kitchen seeing there were containers covered on top the counter.

Dishing out little, Alex eat in the kitchen, then take his medication.

When the young lady said, "She was taking Joash to take a bath." Alex, didn't object wanting to take the files in the study.

In the study having to take in the files in two trips. because of the injury Not wanting to make a mess, if the files slip out of his hand.

Recalling that she said Ken was coming, he might want to see Sam's room. Hurrying into the room to clean up the mess but the room was clean and the glass was already replaced.

What was shocking was it had a bugler proof installed at the both front windows.

'Did she call Mr. Alwin, he is the only person who does work so quickly, but Diandra can be very demanding when she wants something done.

I was just out for four hours and she has done so much. Getting a sitter and cleaning up the place.

Feeling so relieve Alex knew his hand was still paining a lot and could not use it. Hearing the child and the young lady once more down stairs.

He sit with the files in the study scrutinizing every report wanting to get some answers.